Holy shit guys, how are you!!!
Apologies on the very much delayed chapter, my phone is broken and work was hell.
But enjoy this chapter!
I hope.
Shout out to the lovely lady who nominated me at the fanfiction awards!! I don't deserve it but I appreciate it nonetheless 😘
Chapter 13
If it was already awkward before then it's definitely much worse now.
Louis has acted as if Harry had gotten the plague but his one on one with Niall did help him from understanding what was the reason for his sudden avoidance of his curly headed housemate.
Louis has feelings for him, fine, sure, not that big of a deal.
Louis catches a lot of feelings for people, he is human after all, but the real question is, why did he act that way towards Harry? What made him different from all of Louis' prospect future husbands. He knew he was set on finding a guy and marrying him and having kids the size of his own soccer team. Hell, he almost had it with a douche named Kyle, and an irresponsible father named Christof.
Louis felt slightly off after recounting the encounters he had with men and he now only notices the pattern, they were all shitty. He wouldn't admit it out loud but his taste in men is horrible and maybe, just maybe, Harry was the only exception.
In the months that they've been living together, Louis can point out that Harry was a genuinely good lad, maybe a bit weird and sometimes he thinks that he might be a little off in the head, his mother might have dropped him when he was a baby but there's no judgement in that.
All Louis can figure out was Harry was a good person and Louis has no skills with flirting with honest to god good people.
So that's that.
But this is where it gets a little bit more complicated.
If Louis was in the ninja mode before, this time, it was Harry. He was always making excuses to leave whenever he sees Louis and Niall together in a room and to top it all off, his excuses were lame as fuck and Louis is the one who feels embarrassed on his behalf.
Liam, Zayn, Harry and Louis were in the living room, watching an old comedy movie which Harry had eagerly begged them to watch because when he asked when they've watched 'Legally Blonde' after quoting a line from the movie and they answered that they didn't, he ran upstairs to get his DVD copy.
Harry Styles has a DVD copy on hand, he told them it was for emergency purposes such as right now.
So they huddled up on the couch, Liam and Zayn whispering to each other about god knows what and Louis and Harry sprawled on the floor while watching a blonde preppy girl get into law school.
Louis tried really hard to focus on the film, really he was, but he ccouldnt help but focus on the close proximity he and Harry had right now and how adorable Harry looked while watching the film with rapt attention. He knows that Harry had watched it numerous times but his reaction was always of glee and happiness.
Louis had quickly averted his gaze when Harry had looked at him and he tried not be so obvious about being caught but his face was a little bit red with embarrassment.
He tried not to squirm when Harry had decided to focus on Louis instead of the film.
"You know this is the film that made me want to go into law school." Harry had commented after a while.
The statement made Louis to turn his gaze back at him with a raised eyebrow.
"You based the career path you want to take on a chick flick movie?" Louis asked in confusion.
Because surely Harry was joking.
"Shut up, it's a great movie." Harry laughed, suddenly feeling embarrassed.
Louis tried to school his feature so he wouldn't be staring at Harry with too much fondness.
"Well it does send a message, it's really not such a waste of time." He answered instead of a witty remark.
Harry smiled wider and went back to watching, Louis wanted to curse everything about the situation because right now he was sure that he was into Harry.
"Um.., do you mind if I ask something?" Harry asked out of the blue when they were almost at the ending, Louis actually has a frown all over his face because he was really enjoying how Elle dominated the court hearing, he now knew why Harry suddenly felt the urge to take law.
"What is it?" Louis asked him.
Harry seemed to contemplate at first on what he was going to say but before he can utter a word, Niall suddenly came barging in like a tornado, jumping on Liam and Zayn on the couch and making them both groan at the sudden weight.
"How dare you wankers start a movie without me." He whined loudly.
"We don't actually have a list of agenda of where each other are Niall." Louis rolled his eyes from where he was almost lying down on the floor with Biscuit at his left and Harry to his right.
"The lead is a blonde, I should be included." Niall huffed.
"You're not even a real blonde, your brunette hair is starting to show." Louis snorted in reply.
It was true though, when Niall moved in, his hair was blindingly blonde which Louis thought was the real thing but then after a month, he noticed that Niall was actually not blonde but a brunette after the roots of his hair started growing.
Louis actually felt deceived after that and he never failed to remind Niall about it.
"Fuck you." Niall retorted back at him.
Niall finally lifted himself off Liam and Zayn before going down to the floor and picking Biscuit up into his lap.
"Hi Harry, how are you doing?" Niall greeted him.
It was only then that Louis noticed that Harry had gone quiet when Niall came into the room, he had also lifted himself up off the floor and Louis tried not to feel sad about losing close contact.
"I think I left an unopened yogurt at my room." Harry suddenly blurted randomly to the confusion of everyone in the room.
"Um, What?" Niall asked in bewilderment.
"I'll be right back." Harry added before walking away hurriedly.
Louis was a bit gobsmacked to react about the absurdity of the situation and he stared at where Harry was at earlier with a big bright question mark on his head. It wasn't uncommon for Harry to act weird but that day marked the official start of when Harry avoided Louis.
It wasn't that bad like when Louis was avoiding him full time, he only really does it when Niall and Louis got together. He talks to Niall normally when it's only them, he also talks to Louis at many occasions but never to the both of them together.
His excuses started from believable to just plain weird.
"I forgot to call my mom about a recipe, I'll catch you later." Harry had said when Niall came from grocery shopping and he and Louis were bickering in the kitchen.
"I should call Brian about not using the oil based lube, I'll just do that." Was another excuse he made when Louis came from work and Harry and Niall were in the middle of a game of scrabble, which again, weird and awkward as hell.
Zayn had noticed it, being the observant teacher that he is but only stares at Harry confusedly and then at Louis and Niall with a raise eyebrow. Liam, bless his innocent soul, has not been that obvious because he believes Harry and only smiles and waves at him good bye.
"He's excuses gets weirder everyday man." Niall said when Harry had left in a rush when he arrived at the living room after a skype meeting.
They were gathered in the living room, just chilling and enjoying a saturday afternoon.
Liam had gone excused himself to check on the chicken he was roasting in the oven leaving Niall, Louis and Zayn.
"I actually feel really bad for him." Zayn said.
"You should talk to him Louis." Niall nudged him with his sock clothed foot which he immediately brushed off.
"Talk about what exactly?" Louis grumbled.
He was also starting to get really bothered about what was going on.
"Ask him if he wants to suck your dick." Niall commented bluntly.
Louis almost wanted to hit him with a book.
"My god Niall, why do you have to be so damn vulgar." He glared at him to make his point.
"Hey, I didn't mean to offend you or anything, i bet your dick is nice but not exactly my thing." Niall explained.
"Just shut up, you're not exactly helping." Louis sighed.
He really didn't understand why Harry was doing it, surely it wasn't because he caught him and Niall in his room wrestling.
"Why are we getting a pool again?" Zayn asked suddenly when a muscled orange vest wearing guy had excused himself to use the bathroom.
There were six men currently working on the backyard pool that Niall had claimed 'donated' to Louis.
"Because an idiotic irishman thinks it's the best idea ever." Louis rolled his eyes after helping the construction guy to get to the bathroom.
"You'll be thanking me when you get to see Harry half naked prancing around the pool." Niall waggled his eyebrows suggestively.
"I don't exactly need a pool to see Harry half naked Niall." Louis sighed at his silliness.
Because it was true, Louis had caught Harry numerous times without a shirt on, sometimes even without a pants on but thank god he spared Louis a thought because he puts on some boxer briefs instead of going commando.
"You dirty bastard." Niall laughed and took Louis' head in a headlock.
Of course it was the time when Harry suddenly appeared from god knows where and sees exactly what they were doing.
They all paused to look at him and Louis tried to seperate himself from Niall's grip to not make things more awkward as it is.
"Oh um, I forgot to wear some deodorant." Harry excused himself again and dashed out of the room.
"The poor guy." Zayn shook his head as he stared at Harry's retreating form.
"I'll go talk to him tomorrow." Louis sighed in frustration, probably the hundred time this day.
He doesn't even know what he's going to say.
Fuck it.
Louis woke up extra early the next day to ready himself with the talk he was going to inevitably have with Harry. Louis really didn't want to know what they were even going to talk about.
But before he can back out fully and decided to lock himself in his room expecting to be brought some breakfast from Harry again, he went downstairs instead and tried looking for Harry. He had knocked on his room to check if he was there but no one answered so he must be somewhere else around the house.
The others were still asleep but he did found Harry in the kitchen, in front of the stove.
"Good morning Harry." Louis greeted him.
Harry looked a bit startled for a minute but he smiled a little when he saw it was Louis.
"Oh hi Louis, good morning." He greeted back before going back to what he was frying.
"Are you making breakfast?" Louis asked trying to make some conversation even if it was painfully obvious that Harry was cooking eggs.
He was so pathetic really.
"Yeah, I'm making some fried eggs and pancakes." Harry replied politely.
Always damn politely, why can't he just start being rude to Louis again like before when they were arguing about the house, Louis has an easy time bein a dick to people than actually being nice.
"That sound delicious." Louis answered because it was true, he was also in need of breakfast because his stomach was grumbling.
He didn't know if it was for foods or because he was too nervous to finally talk with Harry without him fleeing.
"Uh yeah, it is, do you want some?" Harry asked before looking at him.
"Didn't you make some for me?" Louis perked up at the offer, he was really missing Harry's cooking.
It might only be just eggs and pancakes but Harry's were the best he'd ever had.
Harry frowned a little though.
"Um well, I only made some for myself but I can cook again for you." He explained to him a bit sadly.
Louis tried not to feel bothered, really he does but something about it made him feel a lot uncomfortable.
What the hell was going on.
"No no don't bother, you don't have to cook me every time, I can prepare it myself." Was his reply instead because he really didn't want Harry to think that he owes him anything.
"Alright, if you say so." Harry said before flipping eggs into his plate.
Louis' stomach grumbled more.
"Do you have plans today?" Louis asked
"Not much, just have an afternoon session with a client and then I'll head out to the supermarket." Harry explained, sounding unsure and not entirely himself.
"Okay." Louis sighed because damn it.
Louis wanted to abort the mission, he should have just stayed inside his room and die of misery. It's obvious that he'd misunderstood what Harry feels about him and maybe he was just really being nice all along.
This is stupid.
"I'm heading back to my room." Louis said before leaving Harry alone in the kitchen.
Before Louis can completely climb the stairs though, a knock on the door suddenly made him halt on his steps.
He wasn't really in the mood to socialize with people right now but everyone was basically asleep and Harry was eating breakfast so he doesn't have much choice but open up the door only to be greeted by a random dude wearing an orange vest and a pair of sunglasses.
It wasnt the men Louis had met who were digging up dirt on his backyard and he was wearing a long sleeved shirt behind his vest so he doubts he's one of them.
"Can I help you?" Louis asked a bit rude.
Manners be damned, he was feeling a bit heartbroken anyway.
Stupid Harry.
"Hi Good morning! Are you Mr Horan?" The guy asked after lifting his glasses off to look at Louis directly.
"Niall is asleep, what do you want from him?" Louis asked before crossing his arms and staring at the guy coldly.
"Nothing that concerns you sir, I need to talk to the owner of the house." The guy gave him a tight lipped smile and Louis almost flipped.
The nerve of this guy.
"Funny because I'm sure as hell that I'm the owner." Louis retorted back hastily.
He is not in the mood for this, seriously, this guy must have a death wish. Louis is not choosy on who's going to be his very first assault case.
"Oh, but Mr Horan is the one who called us up to build his swimming pool." The guy asked uneasily, probably scared by the hard look Louis was giving him.
"Are you not going to believe me or do I have to slam the door in your face to get to your point." He grumbled in response.
"Right, okay, well I need your signature before we bring all the materials in to start on your pool." The guy said carefully before handing Louis a clipboard and a pen.
"Stupid Niall." Louis muttered under his breath before taking it and signing quickly.
"Thank you." The guy said before hastily taking the clipboard and backing away from Louis.
"Whatever." Louis rolled his eyes and closed the door.
"Alright boys, all clear, let's do our job." He heard the guy shout from the other side of the door.
So the pool is a real thing now, lovely.
And here he was planning on making a small soccer field if he ever has a kid but at this point in his life, he's doubting he'll ever find anyone worthy to be his husband.
Harry just made it so much harder to find someone who is at his level of perfection.
That sounded so un-Louis, urgh.
What did Harry do to him.
Louis sulked all morning in his bedroom, hoping that Harry would go knocking into his room anytime and ask if he was doing okay, but no Harry came.
When his stomach was a little bit of painful from not having breakfast, he decided to leave the comfort of his bed to get some food.
He was being pathetic anyway.
He knows Harry might have a client or something so there's no way to properly talk to him alone, he should just get things straight with him.
Maybe after, but now his mission was to get food in his stomach.
He went straight to kitchen only to freeze on his spot when he found sunglasses guy rummaging inside his fridge, well it was Niall's beer fridge but still theirs.
"What the fuck are you doing!" Louis shouted questioningly.
"Holy shit." The guy gasped before turning around and facing Louis.
"Are you fucking trespassing." Louis asked in disbelief.
Where are the others?
"The curly haired guy who said lived here said I could get some beer if I wanted to." The guy explained in a hurry.
"Whatever just don't steal anything." Louis huffed in annoyance.
Of course Harry would let a complete stranger inside the house and offer them beer.
"I own a construction firm, why would I need to steal your beer." The guy asked with an uncomfortable laugh.
"Are you going to be cocky or do you want me to kick you out." Louis glared at the guy.
"Fine, I'm sorry." He said before raising his hands and taking a swig of his beer.
Louos decided to ignore him as he starts to prepare his lunch.
"Aren't you supposed to be working, why are you drinking while the others are doing all the hard work." Louis suddenly asked when the guy didn't completely leave and stayed next to the fridge, looking at Louis.
"I'm just here to supervise." He said with a shrug.
"Typical." Louis snorted as a reply before eating his lunch.
There was a couple of minutes of silence in the kitchen before the guy broke it.
"So, are you single?" He asked nonchalantly.
Louis freezes from where he was about to take another spoonful of his food to look at the guy.
"Are you seriously hitting on me right now?" He asked in disbelief.
"That's not a no." The guy grinned, a hideous grin.
Louis rolled his eyes and tried to keep his cool no matter how uncomfortable he is. Why does he always manages to attract the worst guys, how did he even know that he was gay? Is it really that obvious or does Louis have a big gay sign hanging around his body.
"I am literally surrounded by a lot of kitchen equipment that can do a lot of damage if you don't shut up." Louis warned, suddenly not feeling hungry anymore.
"Fine fine, I can take a hint." The guy laughed and his laugh made Louis suddenly uncomfortable.
He had imaginary red signals going off in his head and how he felt that no one is around in his house, it was too damn quiet.
He went to the sink to bring his plates and glance at his backyard, there was a small window there where you can see the backyard. Louis felt a little scared after noticing that there's not a single sight of burly construction men in his backyard, doing the pool. All there is were the pile of dirt and a hole, there wasn't even any materials lying around the ground.
What was going on?
"You shouldn't really be that hard whenever someone is being nice to you." The guy said from the other side of the kitchen.
Louis gripped the sink tightly and tried to keep his calm.
He was positive that the guy in his kitchen is not the guy Niall hired to work on the pool.
"You're not shutting up." Louis said as he tries to distract the guy.
He needed to get some help.
The guy stared at Louis for a moment before downing the rest of his beer and putting it the empty can on the counter.
Louis watched his every move.
"I know all your housemates, that brunette guy, Liam, left for work already." The guy spoke while trying to survey out the whole kitchen.
"Thanks for the observation." Louis stated flatly.
He was trying to look for an easy way out.
"The black haired dude, Zayn I think, was called in to work about a sudden gas leak." The guy said again with a small smile.
Louis' stomach dropped.
He tried to act as if he doesn't know what was going on so he went to the other side of the room. He was sure he left his phone here earlier so maybe he can send some kind of bat signal to anyone.
"What are you going on about?" Louis asked.
He saw his phone and he knew the guy hasn't so he sneakily took it behind his back and tried fiddling with it.
He had all of the boys in his contact list so he wishes that he had pressed the right one before hitting the emergency dial and hiding the phone back, he wishes it was in loud speaker.
"Niall went to get some mcdonalds." The guy said one more time before he finally pulled a knife from the cabinet.
Louis is fucked.
"Get that knife back down." Louis said, not once losing his cool even if deep inside he was panicking.
He has a potential serial killer in his house and he knew he should have taken it seriously before.
"Curly boy Harry went to the grocery store." The guy laughed.
It was already scary how he knew all of the boys, was he stalking all of them?
"Who the fuck are you?" Louis glared daggers at the guy.
"You ruined my life Louis Tomlinson." The smile on his face vanishes as he stares at Louis with so much hate.
"I don't even fucking know you." Louis retorted back smartly.
"I was in jail for 4 years because of your over reaction, I was simply getting to know Eleanor."
And then it all clicked.
"Fuck no! There is no way you're Evan." Louis cursed him.
Evan who was supposed to be in jail serving the crime that he commited, Louis had witnessed against him
"Lost a lot of fat in jail." The guy smirked devilishly at him.
A reason why Louis didn't recognize him, Evan was fat guy with an ugly face, evil personality too.
"Got ten times uglier too." Louis couldnt help but comment back at him.
Louis was praying that Biscuit was sleeping somewhere upstairs because he didn't want his baby to be in the middle of this. He's a loyal dog but not exactly the type who would save you from someone who wants to kill you.
"You just don't know how to shut up, you're alone in your house, I could just kill you already." Evan glared at Louis with so much annoyance, Louis knew he has that effect on some people.
But not at the point where they are holding a knife and ready to gut him open.
"You deserve that jail time, you damn well roofied my friend and attempted to rape her you sick bastard." Louis said in anger.
Maybe at first he wanted to run, but right now he needed to get this guy unconscious if be ever wanted him to stay in jail, he can only imagine what could happen if he escaped and then went for Eleanor.
What Evan planned before might actually come true this time if he doesn't stop him.
So when Evan had launched to Louis with a knife in hand, Louis uses his shortness into an advantage when he went under the table to the other side, taking the still hot pan and ignoring the pain on his hand when he struck it over Evans head.
Evan screamed in pain when the scorching heat of the pain hit his skin but it didn't stop him from swinging the knife on his hand angrily.
"You don't have the balls to kill me, you didn't have the balls to do it before." He roared before attacking Louis once more.
The adrenaline was flowing on Louis as he dodged the knife, when he found a possible space to slip on he did so.
Louis thanked everything when he found the baseball bat that he owned next to Niall's beer fridge, he vaguely remembered putting it here when he thought the sound of breaking glass on the middle of the night was a thief, only to find Liam and Zayn making out in the kitchen.
He's going to let Liam and Zayn fuck anywhere they want.
"Well yeah, hate to break it to you but that's not the same Louis as well." Louis said with a smirk before striking evan with the bat and knocking him unconscious.
When Evan dropped to the floor, Louis almost cried in relief.
The adrenaline finally wore off and now he can feel himself shaking.
The door on the living room was forcefully opened and Louis picked the bat shakingly, wondering if Evan had some kind of back up.
He prayed that was not the case and sighed in relief when Harry came into view, groceries in hand and a wide eyed look on his face as he took on the sight of the kitchen.
"Shit, what the hell is going on in here." He asked in panicked before dropping everything on the floor and hurrying towards Louis who had dropped on the floor to his knees to breathe.
"Call the police." Louis gasped as he felt Harry kneel beside him.
"Fuck, I got stabbed." Louis grumbled when he saw the dark red patch on the side of his hip.
"Louis you're bleeding!" Harry shouted in panic after noticing it just now.
Louis really didn't want him screaming at him right now.
"I can see that." Louis snapped at Harry before groaning in pain. "Turns out I can feel it too." He added with a pained groaned.
"Now is not the time to be sarcastic, it's not funny." Harry stated before helping Louis up into his feet. He grabbed his phone from his pocket to dial the police while carrying Louis outside.
"It's hilarious actually, I almost got killed by an angry rapist who got out of jail and wants revenge." Louis laughed as he stepped from one foot to another, ignoring the urge to scream pain.
Why can't he just pass out, Harry could carry him.
"God, let's get in the car before you bleed out to death." Harry said in a serious tone.
Louis kept his mouth closed at seeing the murderous look on Harry's eyes.
"LOUIS!" A shout from the distance was heard and they both looked to see Niall running hurriedly at them.
Harry helped Louis into the seat first before buckling his seatbelt and turning towards Niall.
He placed his hand on his shoulder and stared directly into his eyes.
"Niall, I need you to wait for the police because there is an unconscious ex convict on our house and I'm taking Louis to the hospital. Call Liam and Zayn." He said with a serious voice that made Louis a little light headed.
"Is he going to be okay?" Niall asked, almost close to tears as he looked at Louis.
"The wound is not that deep Nialler, take care of my house and make sure the guy gets arrested." Louis gave him a thumbs up and winced when the stretch of him lifting his arms affected the graze.
Niall nodded at Louis and turned to Harry.
"Okay, text me the hospital Harry, we'll come as soon as possible." Niall told him.
Harry only nodded before hugging Niall quickly and jogging over to the driver seat.
Niall leaned to the window to pull Louis close and kiss his forehead.
"Stay alive you wanker!" He half cried which made Louis smile.
Niall and him did really became almost brothers and it's nice to know that they all care for him as much as he does to them.
"Seriously, is that going to be the last word you say to me?" Louis joked while Harry started the car.
"Let's go." Was the only thing Harry said before driving off, Niall waving at them from the distance.
What a day on Louis Tomlinson's life.
SOOOOOOO, I tried something different, i don't even know why. I just let my fingers type and boom!
I hope you guys enjoyed it, I worked really hard for it.
Not really but I sure as hell enjoyed writing it! Comment your reactions below!!!!
Love you all!
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