Hi everyoneee,
Happy New Yearrr!!!
Thank you very much
for reading this storyyyy,
you guys
are awesomeee.
Enjoy this chapterr.
Louis couldn't contain his excitement as he stands in front of the primary school where Zayn was teaching. There were a lot of kids who were already present, running around and playing. Nothing can bring Louis into a better mood than this particular scene.
He was also carrying Biscuit who was wearing a cute cupcake hat on top of his head which Niall immediately ordered, he says that he could be their mascot and would attract more customers so he brought him with them.
"This school looks so posh for being just a primary school." Niall comments as they walk through the corridor.
The bake sale was being held at the gym as per Zayns instructions. They were wearing ID badges with 'Guest' written on it and Louis couldn't agree more with Niall with the posh school. They were thoroughly search by two security guards before they were allowed to enter the premise.
"Tell me about it, I still feel a bit violated earlier." Harry muttered solemnly.
"You looked like you enjoyed it." Louis commented back to him because he watched how Harry laughed every time the security guard came to close to his crotch.
Harry only stuck his tongue out on Louis as a reply.
"How much does it cost to have your kids learn the ABC's." Liam asked after his eyes landed on what appears to be an exquisite sculpture of an angel who Louis swears looks identical to Zayn.
"Seeing that they can afford Zayn, it must be pretty expensive." Niall said as he moves towards the sculpture to examine it further.
Surely it wasn't just Louis who was seeing the similarities with the holy figure and their housemate.
"Will you guys just shut up." Zayn groaned.
They laughed but immediately stopped when they heard the sound of running footsteps where two adorable little girls suddenly appeared.
"Teacher Zayn!" They greeted in unison.
Zayn crouched down so he can be eye level with the two and Louis' heart was melting, Liam is probably dead right now.
"Oh hello there Emma, Elsa." Zayn smiled at them.
Louis realized that Zayn did look like a proper teacher.
"Is she named after that Disney Princess?" Harry suddenly leaned close to Louis and whispers his question.
Niall accidentally heard him because he turns and sent a glare at their direction.
"Disney queen you uncultured swine." Niall huffed as if offended.
Louis didn't want to ask why Niall was so affected by the mistake.
"Guys." Zayn warned, almost like a condescending teacher towards his misbehave student.
Louis saw Harry smirk but smile innocently when he was caught and he gestured towards Liam where Louis saw his looking away and blushing mad. Louis doesn't really need to know that Liam has a kink on student/teacher stuff, really he doesn't.
"Who are your friends Mr. Malik?" a womans voice suddenly asked.
Louis could have jumped in surprise because he was not expecting to see a middle aged woman standing behind the two kids.
"Mrs Wilson, Nice to see you again." Zayn greeted the lady and shook her hands briefly. "These are my housemates, they helped me prepare for the bake sale." He introduced where they all waved awkwardly because the woman was staring at them with so much judgement.
"Nice to meet you gentlemen." She said after a while of scrutinizing them one by one. She reminds Louis of his principal in High School where Louis frequently visits because he's not really the greatest student.
Only Harry has the balls to speak.
"Pleasure is ours." He smiled and offered his hand for her to take.
She only stared at the offered hand.
"Well, I must be off then, I will see you later Mr. Malik, come along children." She said before turning around and walking, the two girls waving at them goodbye and tthe following her.
When she was out of sight, Niall whistled lowly
"That is a super uptight woman." He whispered, afraid that she might hear.
"Shut up, she might hear you." Liam gasped before slapping a hand on Niall's mouth.
"I can't believe you were flirting with her Harry, she's like really old." Louis eyed him suspiciously.
"Heey, I was just being polite." Harry pouts, still feeling sad because he offered his hand and it was ignored. It was the first time somebody did that.
"Come on guys, let's go prepare our booth." Zayn sighed, already exhausted and the day hasn't even started yet.
They walked some more and arrived at the gym where they paused and held their mouths because it might just fall, the place was not something you'd see any day.
There were fucking chandeliers on a school gym, what the fuck.
"I agree with Niall, this school is huge." Harry nods to himself as he looks around.
"Why is there a chandelier on a the gym?" Louis voiced out his thoughts, confused as hell.
"If you're done oggling at the place, will you be able to help out us in here?" Zayn muttered as he sets up a banner filled with glitters that Liam made as a sign.
It was a hideous banner but Zayn argued back at him saying it was a work of art. Louis judges Zayn's judgement all the time when it involves Liam.
"Maybe in a minute." Louis replied as he wanders off, wanting to explore this weird ass school. Niall had already taken Biscuit so he can show him off, Louis wouldn't lie when he says his dog is the cutest thing that lived and deserves the proper worshipping from Niall.
"Useless." He heard Zayn comment as he starts walking away.
"I heard that." He turns to send him a glare.
"Good." Zayn fired back with an eye roll.
And here Louis thought he was the drama king on the bunch.
But he just kept walking, eyes fixed on the array of paintings on the wall which what appears to be oddly shaped things. Louis guessed that it was an art project by the kids but upon further inspecting and seeing the 'Picasso' signed on the bottom, he knew it wasn't an art project but a potential art work worth millions.
He was too engrossed with the painting that he completely forgot to pay attention to his surroundings so it was a matter of time before he bunped into someone
"Fuck, I'm sorry. Are you okay?" someone spoke after Louis almost tumbled down into the floor.
"No, it's my fault. I wasn't looking at where I was going." Louis said after balancing himself again on his feet.
He looks ahead and saw a worried looking brunette, handsome was the perfect description and Louis suddenly gets interested really quickly.
"I haven't seen you around." the guy comments as he refused to leave. Louis thought after making sure he was okay that he'll be leaving already but he stayed put.
Does this mean what he thinks he means? It's been way too long since he last attempted to flirt with anyone but he knew not to get overboard with it, he was in a primary school for god sakes.
"Well seeing as I'm a full grown adult and this is primary school, it's not the best place to hangout" Louis shrugged, wanting to go for the witty road.
Best way to flirt is by being funny, or sometimes friend zoned but Louis will regret about it later.
Louis felt accomplished when the guy burst into laughter.
"You're funny." he said after his laughter had subsided.
"I'm not even trying to be funny mate." Louis grins, pleased with himself.
"My name is Cristoff." the guy introduced himself before offering his hand politely.
Louis doesn't want to look too eager so he took it and shook it twice before letting go.
But his mind was stuck elsewhere.
"This place really is straight from Disney." he joked, Cristoff's name adding up to Zayn's student name, Elsa, earlier.
"I've been born way before Frozen was a thing." The guy groaned in reply.
He was probably sick of his name being similar to a famous disney channel character. Louis would feel the same if it was him.
"You poor thing, at least it's not Olaf right?" he replied which made them both laugh.
"I'm Louis." Louis finally introduced himself so they could stop being strangers already.
"Nice to meet you." Cristoff said before giving him a smile.
Louis should proceed to try and get his number because he was so sure it's the next thing to do so they can talk more over the phone right?
"Hey Lou?" a gravely deep voice suddenly asked catching both their attention where he found Harry standing behind him.
"Harry?" he asked in bewilderment because what was he doing here?
"Zayn was looking for you, told me to get you." Harry shrugged before looking towards Cristoff and smiling innocently at him.
"Oh, what did he want?" Louis asked, almost wanting to groan in frustration.
"I don't know." Harry shrugged again.
He refused to leave but Zayn might actually need him if he asked Harry of all people to come and get him.
"Well okay, I'll go see him. It was nice meeting you Cristoff of Frozen." he sighed but turns to smile at his new acquaintance.
"Very funny, I'll see you around Louis." Cristoff smiled one more time before waving goodbye and leaving.
Louis didn't want to feel sad because he didn't even want to get Louis' number.
So he walked away where Harry quickly jogged so he can walk next to him.
"So who was that?" Harry asked curiously.
"I'm not really sure, I just bumped into him." Louis muttered, shrugging his shoulders.
Harry hummed to himself and start reminiscing.
"I remember when I first bumped into you, you were so angry that time, I could see an imaginary fire coming out of your ears." he said with a laugh.
Louis remembers that day all too well. It was the start of his not so secret hatred over Harry Styles, the weird hippie.
"I couldn't forget that day, you poured coffee all over me." Louis stated with a raised eyebrow.
It wasn't just that though but the fact that Harry was the owner who wanted to kick him out of his own home. A proper grudge has formed but has mellowed a bit especially when Harry had agreed to let him buy it.
"But look where we are now right? Proper housemates." Harry said with a grin.
Louis didn't want to ponder too long at how Harry sounded so sincere. It feels like he's really enjoying his stay despite Louis rude behaviour most of the time. Louis just didn't want him to get too comfortable with the idea of living there because once he saved enough money then he'll be required to leave.
Also, he didn't want to admit that having Harry as an addition makes them all lucky because they get to eat healthy delicious meals despite Louis having to see random people on his house who was there for their session with Harry.
The whole sex therapist thing hasn't completely settled in Louis.
"Not for long though." He muttered under his breath before jogging over Zayn and leaving Harry.
Louis knew it was an awful thing to say but it was the truth, he didn't want to stray away from the truth that Harry is not a permanent thing in his life, or even the others.
There will be a point in his life where they will leave.
"Hey Zayn, you called for me?" Louis asked once he arrived at their poorly decorated booth.
Louis has seen some of the booths by other teachers and they were out of this world. Louis saw one of the booth where there is a human sized cupcake throne where people can sit take selfies.
Such a bunch of waste of money.
"What?" Zayn asked as he looked up from his phone.
"Harry said you need something from me." Louis asked, bewildered.
"I never called for you Louis." Zayn stated before handing out change to an excited Liam after he sold a box of cupcake to a mother who was unashamedly staring at Liam's crotch.
Louis should have pointed out that Liam shouldn't have worn sweats where his dick is obviously outlined but he feels like he did it on purpose.
Liam isn't the innocent puppy Louis have thought he was in the beginning.
"That bastard." Louis muttered when he suddenly realized what Harry had purposely did.
"Louis! Language! We're surrounded by little kids." Liam whispered shouted as he looked around, trying to see if anyone had heard.
Louis wanted to comment how his outfit was completely out of place and not children proof but he has been attracting so many customers already despite their shitty looking booth.
"Finee?" Louis groaned before plopping himself down on one of the chairs and staring around and feeling bored. He perks up whenever he gets to assist little kids when they were the one who wanted to buy some cookies and not dick hungry lonely housewives.
They have sold almost half of the boxes they brought and the bake sale will be going on for a few more hours, Louis was sure that they'll get to finish first.
Especially when Niall was walking around carrying Biscuit, the kids flocking around them, excited and wanting the dog for themselves. Louis knew that Biscuit had already stole the spotlight but he was worried his dog would get grumpy and tired with all the fuss going around.
While Liam was busy calling out the non kid customers and Zayn was sitting behind the booth, bored out of his mind which leaves Harry who was god knows where. He hasn't seen him since he left him earlier.
Louis grew suspicious so he left the others to go and look for his curly headed housemate, Harry still owes him an explanation for what he did earlier.
He tried looking for him around the busy gym but he wasn't there, it was not difficult to find an abnormally tall, curly headed guy in a crowd of kids and parents. He went outside to try and look elsewhere, he heard voices talking so he followed it and found exactly who he was looking for.
Harry was sitting on the floor in front of a little boy who was seating in between a drinking fountain. Louis doesn't know why the boy was in there to begin with.
"What's your name?" he heard Harry ask carefully.
"Timothy." the little boy whispered.
"That's a very awesome name, I wish my name was as cool as yours." Harry smiled and Louis was impressed at how Harry was interacting with the kid.
It was obvious that the child was in distress and on the verge of crying but Harry seems to be helping him calm down.
"What's yow name then." Timothy hiccups, rubbing his eyes.
"Harry." Harry answered him.
"Like Pwince Hawwy." Timothy finally smiled.
"Why don't you come with me so I can help you find your parents." Harry asked carefully, not wanting to frighten the child.
Harry took the chance to try and usher him closer which to Louis relief, the child does and went to Harry.
"Yes, like the Prince." Harry sighed in relief when Timothy sat next to him.
Louis decided to make his presence known.
"Harry?" He called.
Harry quickly turns to him and smiled, Timothy turning curiously but upon seeing Louis, he crawled closer into Harry's lap.
"Oh, Louis, Hi." Harry said before pulling Timothy and standing up.
"Timothy, I'd like you to meet my friend Louis." Harry introduced.
Louis knew the kid was shy especially when he tried to shy away from Louis but Harry whispered something to his ear that made the child smile a little.
Louis guesses it's something good because Timothy was waving at him after.
"Hi Timothy." Louis stepped closer and smiled warmly at the child.
Now that he was staring closely at him, he can see that Timothy has blue eyes, his short curly hair sticking to random direction and his cute little button nose was a little red, probably from crying.
"Hi Ooey." Timothy sniffed but smile a little at him.
Louis smiled at how adorable Timothy had pronounced his name.
"What's going on Harry?" Louis decided to ask him, worried for Timothy.
"I think he lost his dad, I found him here when I went to get a drink." Harry explained as he wiped the snot slowly gliding down Timothy's nose with his hand and washing it away with the water from the drinking fountain.
Louis tried not to look fond at how Harry was taking care of the kid, definitely not thinking about anything else.
"He doesn't go to this school?" He decided to ask instead, ignoring his weird thoughts.
"I think he's only about 3." Harry said with a small frown.
"What an irresponsible parent would let their 3 year old wander alone." Louis muttered silently as he and Harry started going back to the gym, maybe they can do a little announcement so that they can try and locate his missing parents.
"Daddy!" Timothy suddenly cried, arms extending to his father.
Louis already has a long list of words about proper parenting to Timothy's parents but all words disappeared when his eyes landed on the person.
"I've been looking everywhere for you."
"Cristoff?" Louis asked in bewilderment.
"Hi Louis." Cristoff greeted, looking surprised and a bit embarrassed. He probably didnt notice him earlier.
"I was making fwends Daddy." Timothy sniffed as he looked towards Louis and Harry.
"I see that, say goodbye to your friends now, we have to go." Cristoff hurriedly said.
He didn't even wait for Timothy to properly say goodbye because he was already walking away.
"Bye Hawwy, bye Ooey!" Timothy shouted before they disappeared from view.
"Bye Timothy!" Harry shouted back.
"I can't believe that I almost flirted with a parent, he didn't even say thank you." Louis grumbled, remembering the encounter earlier.
Louis couldn't believe the nerve of that guy.
"So why were you looking for me Ooey?" Harry finally said with a small grin.
Timothy looked adorble saying his name, Harry just looked proper idiot.
He doesn't look that much put off about Cristoff's rude behavior though, instead he looked relief about finally founding him. Louis seriously doubts Harry holds a grudge unlike him.
"Shut up, Hawwy." Louis rolled his eyes and began walking away.
"What? The name suits you." Harry chuckled before following suit.
"I've been looking for you because I found out that you just cock blocked me." He sends him a glare.
But looking at the circumstances, he was glad Harry had interrupted them before he can make a bigger fool out of himself.
"I think I just saved you from having an affair actually." Harry replied with a smirk.
"I won't be flirting with him if I knew he was married." Louis said, sounding offended.
Of course he wouldn't agree to such thing if he finds out that a person was married or even in a relationship. He just ended his long term relationship because of cheating, he won't be committing such a thing and break a marriage.
"I didn't even guess that he was married, you guys were just flirting really weird." Harry shrugged as an explanation.
"So you're an expert now huh?" Louis asked.
"I help people explore their inner sexual desires, I am a pro when it comes to flirting." Harry grinned in response.
Louis tried to not make a face at Harry.
"So what's rule number one then? Knock knock jokes?" Louis sighed.
Louis lost count at how many knock knock jokes Harry carries around and spurs at random moments.
"No, first rule is that there is no such thing as rules." was Harry's honest reply.
"What?" Louis stared at him stupidly.
Because everything that comes from Harry's mouth deserves to be explained further.
"You cannot put rules into something that connects with the heart." Harry nods and waves at a little girl that passes by them.
"But what if it's connected to your dick? Like come on, you flirt because you want to get laid." Louis asked him, trying to ignore the small gasp that came out an elderly women when she hears their conversation.
"Maybe to some people, but for me, I flirt because I see a potential to someone that I want to spend my life with. Why waste so much time flirting with one time flings when I could be flirting with someone I could love." Harry answered him with a small smile.
Louis couldn't think of any witty remark to what he said, instead he only stared at him oddly, a million questions running on his head about the who the person Harry Styles really was.
"For a sex therapist, you are the weirdest." was what he decided to comment on.
"I'll take that as a compliment." Harry grins and went over to where their booth was, clapping in joy when he found that all of his cookies where all gone.
Louis just stood there and stared at the scene in front of him, Niall on the floor with a bloated stomach, Biscuit was inside an empty box sleeping, Zayn was sitting on Liam's lap and having a glaring contest with a bunch of middle aged woman and Liam was hiding his face on Zayn's neck.
He didn't know what the hell was happening but his mind was just too preoccupied at the moment to care.
Wasn't Harry flirting with him always though?
Sooo guysss, it's 2018 and I'm missing 1D like badddd.
Anyway, I'm sorry if I'm a half assed
author who updates really slow.
I just want to make sure it's
not crappy before i
publish it.
Anyway, I want to thank you
all for the amazing response.
We will be getting to fluff soooon.
And I'm planning on not having smut, why? Because the debate of who gets to top is tiring, so I'll probably censor shit out.
Oh well, maybe not but we
will seeeee.
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