The end
Hi readers! Yay you made it to the end! I wanted to do an epilogue but there's going to be a book 4 so meet Chris & Morgan there!
On a serious note, I love writing these characters. This is my favorite series of my own if I can say so myself. Book 4 will be the last book in the series.
It will be more of a feel-good short story to wrap up their journey!
In the meantime, I'll also be working on a new story "Between the Ropes" about a desperate-for-fame ring girl who embarks on affairs with two rival boxers. I've had this idea for a while, it came to me in a daydream actually, like most of my ideas. So I'm excited for this one!
I'm going to edit and fine tune WFP books 1-3 soon I just don't have the time right now but if I don't jump into BTR or WFP4 right away, I'll start with edits for this book.
Overall I'm pleased with this book and series and I hope you all are as well!
Please leave any feedback or just comments, even if it's just to say hi! That goes for you ghost readers, too, I acknowledge you and love and appreciate you.
This is where I'd do a shoutout to all of the loyal readers who do leave comments or express their love for this book. You know who you are, and I love you. I love to write it's actually helped me a lot. I'm sorry for not getting these chapters out sooner but as soon as I sat down to write these last 2 chapters I couldn't stop. I immediately wanted to make a book cover for the fourth installment and jump into chapter one already.
You can leave predictions for book 4 here :)
Is Morgan going to have a baby? Are they going to get married finally or will something else get in the way? Will they last this book? Is anyone going to get killed off?
Since I admire you all and value your feedback, if you have any recommendations for book 4 drop them here or message me!
Is there a character you'd like to see more of? Any loose ends from books 1-3? A character(s) you'd like to see less of? Did I skimp on the sex scenes, do you want more [or less]? More graphics - gifs, photos, banners, songs? More chapters with Morgan or Chris's POV?
...Whatever you want, I'm listening!
Again, from the bottom of my heart, if you made it this far: thank you sincerely times a million. My love for writing has been reignited and I'm ready to give you all more content! I may be able to update more regularly but still, I don't want to promise certain days or times a week because if I can't update on time I don't want to let anyone down. However, I will do AT LEAST *one* chapter a week for sure!
I don't know the start date but I looked at the comments from the 'about' page which I posted when I first started of course and it said a year ago omg soooo it's been a year, y'all. Wow. Other stories I've written haven't taken this long. I'm so proud.
BOOK 4 IS UP NOW!!! Go check it out
Finish date 11/29/24
Love you all.
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