|24| Pinky promise
I got a text from Mom almost half an hour ago saying her and dad would be home soon. She told me they had some "important appointments" to make it to and that we could use the spare key to go inside and wait for them.
The key was hidden inside of the pillow on the porch swing. If only I knew that the first time we stopped here, I wouldn't have had to kill time with AJ's dumb ass. Ick, I'm cringing just remembering him and Madison kiss. Yuck.
"I love coming here and seeing all of your baby pictures." Morgan makes fun once we're settled inside, looking around the living room at the family portraits.
I hate my mom for documenting every sense of my life growing up. Not only that, but plastering my face all over the house.
"The mohawk gets me every time." Morgan is hysterical.
I keep a straight face, going right to the fridge.
"Damn," I complain out loud, "what, they don't eat here anymore? Shit's empty."
"Chris, you just ate." Morgan nags.
I slam the door shut and then fall onto the couch beside Morgan, turning on the tv.
"Why are there two tv's?" she laughs, pointing out the Roku on the left.
I shrug.
"And two radios, two blenders..." she goes on to make a list of observations.
She's right, I suddenly notice pairs of appliances and so on.
"Maybe they're moving?" my fiancé thinks.
I shake my head. "They would've told me."
"It could just be a thought and they're waiting to tell you?" she bores me with her optimism.
I have another look around now that I'm suspicious, and realize all of their wedding photos, all of the throwbacks of them in their twenties, and any photo with just them two, are gone.
Turning to scope the family room, I notice a box that says "Mary's things - to: storage." In it, their wedding cake topper, an old album titled 'M&C,' and more memorabilia.
"Okay," Morgan stands. "stop snooping before you find something you don't want to."
Keys jingle in the lock and I stand there, waiting for an explanation from whoever walks in first - my mother or father.
"Oh, Chris, hi!" Mary exclaims. She puts on a wide smile and places her keys onto the hook carefully.
"I wish I knew you two were coming before an hour ago, I would've tidied up." she laughs nervously, frantically opening all of the blinds and curtains around the kitchen.
"Thought we'd surprise you." I tell her, giving a stiff side hug.
Morgan looks up at me and then walks around my body so she can greet Mary.
They hug for a long time before my mother steps back, scratching her head.
"Uh, y'all hungry?" she asks, preheating the oven before we even answer,
"Where's Dad?" I ask, leaning into the wall.
"He should be on his way, he was right behind me."
I nod once. "I thought you said you went to an appointment together?"
"That's right, we did." she hums, washing her hands at the sink.
I look at Morgan who cuts her eyes to my antsy mother.
"So why'd you drive separately?" I wonder.
Mom flails her arms before tying a smock around her thick waist. She's put on a lot of weight since I'd seen her last.
"Chris, you ask a lot of questions." she laughs me off.
I hunch my shoulders. "Just wondering. You, uh, putting stuff into storage?"
"You snooped?"
"I noticed." I make clear.
She chops an onion frantically. If I didn't know any better, I'd say it looks like my mother is hiding something from me - her only son.
"Do you need any help?" Morgan volunteers, washing her hands next.
"Actually, I don't. Why don't you two head downtown and go stop by the lodge-"
"We did already," I answer all too fast.
Mom swallows hard. "Well," she blinks rapidly. "I'm sure Crystal and Dale would wanna see you-"
"Been there, too." I let her know, folding my arms. "Why are you tryna get rid of us?"
"I'm not, okay?" Mom snaps.
"Mary," Morgan talks carefully. "are you okay?"
"I am. I just need you two out of the kitchen, I don't understand why you're here, interrogating me." she speaks in a tone I've never heard her use before.
"Um, okay," Morgan's voice softens, not used to Mary talking to her (us) like that. "We'll get out of your way then."
"It's easier to tell the truth, Mom, you know that?" I tell her on my way out.
Walking outside to smoke, I see Dad's Bronco out front, that's a good sign. Parked in front of it, though, is a little red Corvette. My dad always wanted one of those, like the Prince song, but he said he'd never be able to actually get it 'cause Mom hates "obnoxious" cars like that.
As he fixes his car, I tap him on the shoulder.
"What?!" Dad barks.
"'Hi' to you, too." I joke, watching him struggle to reach something so I get it for him.
"Thanks," he grunts. "blew my back out. What are you two doing here?"
After hugging my father, Morgan does too.
"When can I take that Corvette off your hands?" I kid with him.
He laughs briefly, sitting on the arm of the couch. "You like it?"
I hunch my shoulders, hands stuffed in the pocket of my black hoodie. "Never thought I'd see the day actually you got it."
"Was waiting for you to buy me one, hot shot." he makes me laugh as we walk back inside.
I watch his face fall to a frown almost instantly. He looks... sad. This isn't usual for my father. Well, not the version of him I've gotten to know all over again since his last rehab stint. So no, he doesn't seem like himself. There's usually this twinkle in his eyes, the same one my mom says I stole from him, but it's gone. There are no thoughts behind his eyes, they're just cloudy, and dark circles decorate them.
"Dad," I sigh, "tell me what's going on."
Mom suddenly walks into the living room, standing beside him, and says, "We're getting a divorce."
"You said you didn't make your mind up, yet?" Carter falters, his head hanging.
My mother lets her hands slap her curvy sides. "What's the use? You're a drunk, Carter, I can't do this anymore."
"What happened to this being an illness and you helping me?"
"I have nothing left in me to try!" Mary cries.
"It was two drinks, Mar'. TWO! You're just gunna give up on us? On me?"
"You don't do anything for me anymore, Carter."
"I love you!"
"No, you love that I support you, but I won't anymore!"
"YOU DIDN'T GIVE ME A CHANCE!" Carter's yelling overpowers Mary's.
You ask me, they're both saying a whole lot of nothing. I don't want to hear it, but I can't believe that I am.
"You said we wouldn't do this in front of him." Mary's voice trembles.
"You said you'd never leave me."
With nothing more to say, Mary throws her arms up and then storms upstairs.
The door slams, surprising no one.
"I'm sorry." My father tells me in front of Morgan, pushing his outgrown hair back.
"For what?" I ask him.
"Not trying hard enough, I guess? Relapsing? I'm not perfect, but I thought she loved me anyway. That woman's a lot of things, but a quitter? I never thought she'd give up, not so easily. I wish I could say I saw this coming, or that I had a choice in the matter. The truth is, nothing lasts forever. I-- excuse me..." Dad monologues, eventually making his way out of the house.
And again, the door slams.
Silence falls but not for long.
"Are you okay?" Morgan asks me.
"I'm disappointed." I answer quickly and honestly.
"You took it pretty well-"
"I need to be alone for a while," I cut her off to say. "I'll call you if it gets late but don't wait up."
"Chris-" Morgan shouts after me, but it's too late.
"Another beer, please." I burp, waving my empty bottle for the bartender.
He's an old friend, Reggie, used to let me sneak in when I was seventeen. I'd steal a beer or two and act like I was cool, hit on some college girls, even took a lot of people's money here, playing pool and darts.
"Rough night?" he asks me.
"Rough life." I know I'm being dramatic but I'm allowed to, plus the beer is talking.
"Tell me about it." The balding man on my right says.
I sit up and tilt my head at him. He looks pathetic, the type of guy who hates his job, hates his wife and kids. He'd leave his family if he won the lottery or found a hot, young girl. But he definitely would kill himself if he lost his job. Either way, I decide to confide in him.
"You know what," I slur my words, "I will... tell you about it. How about my parents are getting a divorce a-and so are my best friends?"
The guy in a suit shrugs. "Well, is your mom hot?"
"What?" I hiss at him for that comment.
The guy just shrugs. He's drunk and an asshole so I'll spare him.
I take the third Corona from Reggie and crush half of it in one go.
Swiping my mouth with my arm, I let out a burp, and then tune into the song that's playing.
"Little Red Corvette. Baby, you're much too fast. Little Red Corvette. Need to find a lover that's gonna last." Prince sings over the speaker.
"Ha." I laugh but not really.
God has a great sense of humor, doesn't he?
"Is it true?" I ask the man on my right, seeing his wedding ring.
"What's that?" he asks, yelling over the music.
"Nothing lasts forever?"
He guffaws. "Only good things do."
"Huh. I thought they said nothing good lasts forever?"
"If it doesn't last, it wasn't good. I know that because I've been with my wife for thirty years, and she's the best thing that'll ever happen to me, yet she gets on my nerves and no matter how much I try to get rid of her, she doesn't go anywhere." He laughs and I join in.
I shake my head. "Man. Thirty years, how'd you do it?"
"She has all the patience in the world. You just do it, you know? It feels like just yesterday we were honeymooning, now it's thirty years later."
"I, uh, I'm getting married soon. Like, in-a-month-soon."
"I just don't want anything bad to happen, but it's fucking inevitable."
"Yeah, well, you got that right. You love your lady?"
"More than anything."
"Then it's really simple. Don't lie, don't cheat, don't steal. As long as you stay loving her and providing for her, nothing bad should happen."
"I guess so."
"You have doubts?"
"No, I just-- what if one day she doesn't love me anymore? I mean, how can anyone just be in love one day, then give up the next?"
"I am too drunk to tackle that. Good luck, buddy." he gets up and walks away.
"Want another drink?" asks the bartender.
I shake my head no and throw him some cash.
On my walk to the car, my phone vibrates in my pocket. I wait until I get behind the wheel to see that it's a text from Morgan that says:
the carnival is still open... win a teddy bear for me?
"WINNER!" The Carny announces.
Morgan excitedly claps for me louder than the crowd I've drawn in after several attempts at trying to win Morgan the biggest prize on the shelf.
I've been coming here a long time and take every chance I can at mastering the skills it takes to win these rigged basketball carnival games. I'm glad it's paid off tonight so I can show off for my fiancé.
"Hmm," she twists her lips in thought then points at the oversized stuffed animal. "that one!"
"Here you go." The Carny grins, knocking the toy down for her.
"Thank you!" she giggles, taking the prize from his dark hands.
I thank him, too, then he daps me up for attracting more business to his attraction.
"And thank you!" Morgan exclaims, kissing my cheek.
"You're welcome." I sigh, pulling my hoodie back over my head.
"Hungry? I guess I can buy you something." Morgan nudges me playfully, hauling this giant ass bear that's bigger than her.
I shake my head no but quickly change my mind, smelling the funnel cake aroma. Too good to pass up.
"I'll be right back. Watch my bear!" Morgan laughs, sitting the animal on the bench beside me.
I watch her carefully as she skips to the back of the line.
Call it kindness or flirting, but the older man in line let's her cut in front of him.
Morgan smiles genuinely at him but then waves to me. I wave back and force a smile, knowing she only did that to show the man she's spoken for.
The man keeps his eyes on her backside, enjoying what little view he has but Morgan is fully covered. Unless the man's getting off on her open shoulder, he's not seeing much. Or he's like me, enamored by her radiance. Never thought I'd say some shit like that, but have you seen her?
She's wearing an old shirt of mine from my parent's house; must've just threw something on to come out of the house. With it, baggy camo pants, silver hoop earrings, a pair of Adidas Samba shoes, and her hair is half-up/half-down with a claw clip. I like when she wears her hair like this, she calls it lazy, but I call it effortless. She's beauty personified and it's more evident in this natural state now, than ever.
"What are you staring at?" Morgan appears suddenly at the table. In her hands, a plate with a piping hot funnel cake.
I shake my head, snapping out of the thoughts she's created in my head, and move the bear out of the way so Morgan can sit beside me.
I'm first to dig into the steaming pile of fried batter, spilling confectioners sugar all over my lap.
"So?" Morgan pulls for some dialogue from me.
Her intense eye contact makes me answer. "I'm upset obviously; I never thought my parents would leave each other. I love them both, that won't change."
"It's okay to be mad, Chris." Morgan tells me in her comforting tone, her hand moving to my knee.
I swallow hard, feeling something tingle once she touches me.
"I'm not mad. I'm not even disappointed. My father made whatever decision pushed them to this, but I think they'll be okay if they go through with it."
"I talked to Mary after you left. She said they will always love each other, and they're going to remain business partners. Carter even wants to still live together."
Pfft. I have to laugh. "That's hopeful."
"I know this was the last news you wanted after JB and Jas..." her voice trails off before she can complete her thought.
"It's hard, yeah."
"We don't have to talk about it." she falters, placing her hand on my shoulder.
I get a chill under her reassuring touch. While I don't want to talk about it, something about Morgan is making me vulnerable right now.
"I'm seeing all these people around me who swore they loved each other to death, just break up. I know it's only two couples, but it feels like everyone is divorcing. My parents poured so much unconditional love into me when I was a kid, they showed me what a real marriage looked like - a good one. I guess it's on me for thinking that when people say 'I do' they really make a promise to stay together forever. What is it, 'for better or worse... 'til death do us part'? It seems like I'm just now realizing that's all bullshit. Now it's like, we're about to get married and I guess I'm scared that could happen to us one day."
Morgan giggles out of no where.
My eyebrows furrow, I'm looking at her like she has three heads.
"What?" I laugh because hers is contagious.
"You have some powder on your nose." she finally decides to tell me before wiping me clean with a brown napkin.
This fucking girl, I think in my head. I laugh, though, feeling like I just let a load off.
"Chris," Morgan's tone settles. "do you want to push the date back? I hate that all of this has affected you, and I don't mind waiting-"
"No," I cut her off. "of course not. I feel bad you're even asking. Plus you've already sent the invitations and everything. The last thing I want is to push us back because of their bullshit."
"We have forever, and it can wait." Morgan shrugs.
I inhale deeply, taking Morgan by the hands so I can kiss the back of both of them.
"When I first met you, Morgan, I had a vision of my future with you and I have been trying everyday since then to bring it to fruition. You have been very patient and loyal, and more than anything I could ask for. These past few months with you have been everything. In four weeks," I pause to lock our pinkies and look into Morgan's eyes.
"--When you walk down that aisle, I'm going to tell you 'I do' along with some other vows I have yet to write," I laugh, "and I'm going to say 'for better or worse,' and I'm going to mean it. And right now I am swearing to you that this is one promise I will never break: anyone can love each other forever, but I'm going to be in love with you 'til death do us part. Which, I'm not kicking the bucket 'til I'm a hundred and fifteen, so."
Morgan's grin brightens up her whole face. She seals the promise, kissing her hand and I do the same.
"Ditto." she hums, feeding herself a piece of the funnel cake while it's still warm.
I see her eyes getting glossy, she's emotional and I know reassurance means a lot to her. She doesn't have to pour her heart out to me back because I know how she feels just like I know she'll take that pinky promise to heart.
Witnessing her raw allurement, I steal a picture on my phone.
Morgan pays no attention to me and goes on to stuff her face.
"What?" she asks me, giggling with a mouth full.
I laugh hard. "You have powder on your nose."
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