|21| Fight or flight
"Yo!" Tate yells over everyone as we gather in the kitchen after picking rooms and settling in.
So much for a business trip, I think in my head as I look around the island and see everyone brought a plus one. By everyone, I mean Tate brought Jasmine for some reason, then Ben and Jake invited some discount hookers that are just excited to get on a yacht and stay in a lame ass lake house for a weekend.
Me, on the other hand, Morgan and I are a team. After I just went on a trip a few weeks ago and I have plans without her next weekend, I couldn't leave her alone. Plus, it was a nice little road trip - just the two of us. I'm happy she gets to see more of this state we've made home, just us and a clean slate. Nothing like last time.
All ready for the lake, we stand around, pregaming and listening to Tate go on about the so-called house rules.
"—Again, I am absolutely ecstatic that you sexy motherfuckers made it out here this weekend, but let's not forget why we're here..." Tate announces.
"Finally," I whisper under my breath to Morgan.
She excitedly squeezes my arm, waiting for the good news which is why we're here in the first place.
Tate pitched this to me only days ago. Honestly, I didn't know what to expect. With the lake and yacht involved, I thought for sure this would be all pleasure, no business, but, now I see that he can be somewhat of a businessman.
"TO SUCK AND FUCK AND GET HIGH OFF OUR ASSES!" Tate roars, making his legion of brainless followers buzz with excitement.
"To sucking and fucking and getting high off our asses!" Jasmine, Ben, Jake, and their dates all exclaim in cult-like fashion.
Morgan puts her full red SOLO cup down and looks up at me with disappointment. It's a mutual feeling.
"Everybody: to the yacht!" Tate leads the way.
Before he can get out of the door, though, I grab him by the collar of his tacky floral button down.
"Yo?" He laughs, prying my hands off of him.
"What the fuck, Tate? I thought we were discussing a deal?"
"What deal?" He shrugs.
I look between his eyes. "I don't know, man, you were supposed to tell me."
"Listen, brotha, there is no business, I just needed a reason to take the lake house and drive daddy's yacht. Think of it as an initiation ritual, we do this every year."
I can't believe this.
I pace with clenched fists. He's wasted my time and brought me out here to watch him and Jasmine suck face all weekend. Mostly, I feel bad for dragging Morgan out here, I know she much rather have alone time with me back at home or do some wedding planning since it's literally next month.
"I could kill you." I tell Tate, my hands on my hips to keep from punching him.
Tate laughs out loud and pretends he's going in for a kiss.
"No?" He says when I glare at him.
I shake my head in all seriousness and walk through the door to catch up to Morgan.
"What if blow you real quick?" He laughs, following me outside.
"—Like, who's your doctor?" I walk into Ben and Jake's dates interrogating Morgan.
"Babe." I call for her, giving a helping hand.
Morgan stands with me and I walk her to the front of the boat where no one else is so we can talk.
"Thank you for saving me, if I had to listen to them for another second, I was going to jump." She makes me laugh.
I offer Morgan another Passionfruit Mango flavored Seagrams - her favorite.
She shakes her head to say no and pushes the bottle away.
"What's wrong?" I ask, noticing her more somber mood.
She shrugs. "This isn't what I thought it would be."
"Me either," I sigh, staring out at the water. "Tate lied just to get me to come out here."
"Of course he did." Morgan scoffs, shaking her head in disbelief.
I rub her bare back to console her. "It's not too bad, though, we get to ride on the yacht, spend a couple nights in a lake house. Remember our first time on a boat together?" I smirk, pulling her body close to mine.
Morgan smiles up at me, bashfully, and wraps her arm around my neck. "Yeah."
I wet my lips, my eyes glued to her breasts spilling out of that goddamn bikini. I didn't want her to bring it, but I'm fucking glad she did.
"Seems like that was just yesterday..." I reminisce.
"Two years." Morgan reminds me.
I wince. "Damn."
"And in four weeks, we'll be married."
"I can't believe it." I shake my head.
The smile never leaves her lips. "Not getting cold feet are you?"
"Not even close. I love you, and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life loving you. We can start practicing for our Honeymoon now..." I smirk, kissing Morgan's neck.
She moans but pushes me away with her hand on my chest. "Unh-unh, no sex all weekend."
I raise an eyebrow, waiting for the punchline but she doesn't follow up with one.
"You're kidding?"
"I'm serious," she claims. "I've seen way too many movies, I'm not trying to die in the woods."
"Who the hell is gonna kill us, Morgan?"
"I don't know," she dramatically pretends to faint in my arms. "Jason, Freddy, a bear?!"
I find her theatrics amusing, laughing with her as we Jack-and-Rose it like that scene from The Titanic movie.
"Wait," Morgan stops kissing me and gasps.
"What?" I groan at the interruption.
Morgan sits up and bites her lip. I want to bite that lip.
I sit up, too, and encapsulate her in my bare arms, tasting her sweet, sweet lips.
"Mmm." She moans in my mouth.
Pulling away again, Morgan looks like she's struck with an idea.
"Let's record." She says, grinding on my lap.
"Yeah?" I'm intrigued and it shows. My dick is already hard, she keeps grinding on me, I'm going to blow my load before we even get the phone out.
"Yeah!" Morgan bubbles, rolling off of my lap but I follow her.
Unable to keep my hands off as she unplugs her phone from The charger on the desk,
Morgan giggles as I kiss down her neck and spine. I can't help myself, she always tastes as good as she looks and smells.
She tried it with the "no sex this weekend" bit but I knew that was all talk. Really, it made me want her more. Why wouldn't I fuck her in this cabin in the woods? Even if there were murderous psychopaths waiting to kill us, that would make this even more exciting.
With the phone now setup on the tripod, Morgan turns to face me. She smiles against my lips and then removes her bra.
I clench my jaw, taking in her beauty like it's my first time seeing a woman's naked body. It takes everything out of me not to throw her on the bed already, but I patiently roam my eyes over her flesh.
"You wanna roleplay?" She asks me in an even more sexy voice than normal.
I nod my head with a low "a-huh."
She pushes her back into me and I growl like an animal, tempted.
"Am I the jock and you're the sexy cheerleader who gets killed in the first act?" I play along, slipping my hands inside of her black lace panties.
Morgan whimpers, feeling my fingers dip inside of her.
She looks back at me with desperate bedroom eyes.
"I was thinking I'm the innocent virgin and you're the mysterious upperclassman no one suspects as the killer."
Sexy, I think about her fantasy. I like it. That's why I love this girl, always keeping things enticing.
Morgan lures me to the bed and stops, covering her chest as she gets into character.
"B-but I'm just a freshman, I've never done anything like this before..." she pouts.
That pout does something to me, but I control myself for the sake of this video.
I stroke her face with my palm. "Don't worry, I'll go slow."
"Will you show me what to do?"
"Every step of the way, baby girl. Get on the bed."
Morgan nods eagerly and climbs onto the bed.
I kiss her thighs and then on top of her panties.
She throws her head back, full of lust.
"I don't know," she whimpers, "I'm scared."
I narrow my eyes on her face. "Have you ever touched yourself?"
She nods shyly.
"I want to see."
"Right now?"
I nod stiffly and help pull her panties off, fighting not to taste her yet.
"Like this?" She asks in a whiney tone.
"Just like that." I whisper, stepping out of my briefs.
Morgan's jaw drops as she watches me stroke my hard dick in my hand.
"Can I... touch it?" She asks, crawling to the edge of the bed.
I make her lie flat on her back, head hanging off the edge, so I can have a full view of her body.
Morgan doesn't hesitate, breaking character, to gag on my dick.
"Oh my God." I groan, tossing my head back.
I slide my hand down her torso and spread her legs to feel the wetness pool between them.
I dip my fingers into my mouth to taste her and then ram them back inside of her, curling them to find her g-spot.
I stop Morgan from finishing and demand she get on top once I lie on the bed.
"Put it in." I instruct her. "Ye-yeah, baby girl, there you go."
Morgan smiles devilishly, breaking character again due to her praise kink.
"Like this?" She asks, knowingly doing the wrong motion just so I can correct her.
I straighten my face, unamused.
As a punishment, I grab her by the throat.
Don't play with me, Morgan." Now it's me who breaks character, wanting to get off.
She giggles cutely, rolling over in bed, and spreads her legs so I can position myself between them. . .
I wake up and jump right in the shower while the girls are enjoying the hot tub.
Tate, Ben, and Jake are fucking around in the woods, so, I decide to get some work done inside while it's quiet in the house. Boring, I know, but I have deadlines to meet. Although, I keep getting distracted by toe-curling flashbacks from last night.
I'm glad we recorded it, I think in my head.
I catch a glimpse of my engagement (management) ring and smile, wondering how lucky am I to have a woman like Morgan?
Screams ring through my ears, coming all the way from outside. I ignore it, though, thinking they're all just having fun outside.
But the noise continues. I can't take it, it's not even twelve o'clock, yet, and I hear yelling.
"What the fuck?" I mumble, walking to the front door.
Morgan, covered by her towel, meets me at the steps. She looks like she's seen a ghost.
"What happened?" I ask, pushing her out of the way to jog down the steps.
She looks at me and says, "Jabari's here."
For some reason, my heart stops yet I'm also relieved?
Morgan leads me to the back of the lake house where everyone's standing around, wondering who this 6'4" stranger is that's pulling Jasmine by her arm.
"Let go of me!" Jasmine grunts, flailing out of her ex-husband's arms.
"Woah, woah," Tate finally intervenes, "what's going on here?"
Jabari gives his competition a dirty look, probably because of his wildly hairy chest and beer gut hardly being covered by an American flag cut-out shirt paired with a red speedo and the fact that he's drinking a Cutwater.
If JB's wondering how Jasmine left him for the likes of Tate, he's not wrong.
"Stay out of this little man, the adults are talking." Jabari warns Tate who's a good four inches shorter than him.
My laughter at the "little man" joke makes all eyes shoot to me.
Jabari snaps his neck in my direction. "You knew all this was going on?"
"I told you, it wasn't any of my business."
"No, but it's my business." Jabari says, lunging in my face. Our noses touch and I feel his hot breath on my skin, he's so close.
Morgan pulls my arm but I don't budge. Feeling tensions flare, I throw my hands up to show that I'm not threatened by him, but I have no reason to be alarmed by JB - his problems aren't with me. In fact, I'm glad he's here, hopefully he brought Jasmine's senses back with him.
"I'm none of your business, nigga. I'm with Tate now." Jasmine rolls her neck.
Tate wears a self-satisfied smirk that makes me want to hit him.
Jabari stands in the middle of all of us and nods his head, realizing he's an outsider among us and has no business here.
"How the fuck did he even get here?" Tate asks, now wielding his lacrosse stick.
Ben and Jake look like the most unintimidating pair of idiots, standing behind him as if they could take JB if they tried.
"I invited him." Jasmine reveals, her arms crossed over her chest as she rolls that neck again with some nerve.
"Jasmine, what the hell?" Morgan scolds her best friend.
Jasmine pops her shoulders. "I wanted him to see that I moved on."
"A lot of good that did us. Thanks, Jasmine." I snark, earning an elbow in the side from Morgan.
"Yo, you got one more time to talk to me crazy, or I'll-" Jasmine bucks at me, removing her flip flop like she's going to throw it at me.
"We're leaving, Jasmine. And I'm not asking you." Jabari says, pushing past me.
"Good," I huff, "I'm tired of her ass."
I'm distracted for a split second, watching Tate briefly try to beg Jasmine to stay, and in that second, a fist drives right into my chin.
I hear quick gasps and screams, people scatter, clearing a path from where I stood behind Morgan, to Jabari who is hyped, yelling and being pushed away by Jasmine.
She gets him in the car quickly, before I can get to him, and they pull off just as fast.
Vision is not a sense that is clear at this point, and in my ears is a sharp, humming sound. I'm blacked out, no idea what's going on because it all happened so fast.
My fists feel on fire, I'm clenching them so hard. I'd say my body is in fight-or-flight mode, but I've never ran before, not from a punk bitch like that.
I'm more in shock than anything. I still can't even be sure that that was a real punch, let alone from Jabari Flamer.
I stop to laugh, putting my hands on my knees just to catch a breath. Suddenly, it's a hundred and eleven degrees.
I begin pacing to cool off, my hands on my head, but it's no use.
Everyone comes to huddle around me, suffocating me with questions like "who was that," "where did he come from," "are you okay," or "should we call the cops?" Fucking freaking out over a little ass punch like that. What the fuck even was that? He should've knocked me out, he had a clean shot. He knew to run away, too, that's the only way he was gonna get me.
Luckily, my soon-to-be-wife knows me well enough-- and just has the common sense-- to tell everyone to get away from me. I just need to breathe.
Tate puts his arm on my shoulder. "Why didn't you have my back, man?"
"Tate, get off of him, seriously." Morgan warns him on my behalf.
I start counting to three. My chest inflates and deflates as I do some deep breathing.
I don't look at Morgan. I don't see Tate; I just look up at the sky and wait for this asshole to get his fucking hands off of me.
"I mean, you just laughed at me," Tate talks at me.
"Then, you let her get away, dude, what the fuck?" He goes on. "Seriously, he punched the shit out of you and you just let him take my girl. Isn't that your friend, you should've--"
"Chris..." I faintly hear Morgan's voice trying to reel me in. Too late.
His hand is still on me as he goes on about how I got 'beat up' and 'let' his girl run off with her ex.
A blow to Tate's head knocks his body to the ground. His eyes roll back once he lands but he recovers quickly, holding the site of the bleeding - his nose.
I almost immediately want to apologize, help him up, and tell him to shake it off. That knockout wasn't for him, I'm just taking my anger out. In all fairness, though, he was warned.
Being that this weekend has gone sour, I decide it's best for Morgan and I to cut our stay short and leave right away.
We've been on the road for a couple of hours now. I'm driving solely to clear my mind, despite Morgan not wanting me to because I'm still pretty heated. That won't change anytime soon, though -- my mood-- and the weather closer to home isn't making it any better.
I navigate the winding, scenic roads in spite of the thickening fog, and listen to the radio on low.
A disgruntled noise I make, stirs concern in Morgan. She'd been quiet for the most part, respecting me needing some time.
"Do you want to talk about it?" She asks me, putting her hand on mine in my lap.
I clench my jaw and move my hand away, using it to steer so the other can hold my head up on the window.
"Talk about what, how your friend is a literal fucking rat who caused all that shit for no reason other than being an evil bitch?"
Morgan sighs. "Watch your mouth, Chris. I meant the fight."
"What fight? No one fought. I got sucker-punched and Tate got dropped."
I bust out laughing. "Can't fuckin' believe it. Me. He hit me! Our best friends aren't shit. You try to stay out of people's business and they put you in the middle of it anyway, then look what you get. He's lucky."
My grip tightens on the wheel as I keep replaying that scene in my head over and over.
"Ooooh, he's so fucking lucky, but I got something for him."
"Chris," Morgan begs, "please don't do anything."
As soon as I get home, after picking the dogs up from Donny's house, I throw my luggage onto the floor and go straight to the kitchen. There, I grab a bottle of water, some chips, and head to my office.
"Babe," Morgan yells after me, "don't you want to unpack?"
"No!" I shout.
"I'm going to do work, leave me alone."
"Baby..." Morgan whines, following me to my study.
I sigh and toss my head back, realizing she won't let me off that easy.
I turn just before I enter the home-office and see her standing under me with teary eyes.
"I'm worried about you." She sniffles.
I kiss her head and say, "You always are. I'm okay. Trust me. I just want to work."
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