|11| Being friendly
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So I've convinced Jasmine to stay. I know I should be letting her live her own life, and I am. What was I supposed to do, she didn't know where she'd be living once she got back to New York?
She already stated she's letting Jabari keep whatever he wants in the divorce. I think she's crazy, but she claims that it's a chapter of her life that is now closed. It's respectable, I guess.
And anyway, Jasmine's an active (lifelong) member of the same sorority that Nia Aragon belongs to so as soon as they met at the house warming, they hit it off.
I might've put the bug in Chris's ear to ask Nia if Jasmine can stay in the AirBnb she owns until she's on her feet - stable.
Jasmine's didn't pay rent for her salon either, so it's closed. Once I left, three months ago now, and Jasmine assumed full ownership as we discussed, she couldn't keep affording the space.
She wants to open another salon in the city she'll settle in, though, which is good. Also, she's a nurse so she has that going, too. I know things will work out in her favor, and quickly.
"Don't you think it's a bit too early for cake testing, Morgy, you don't even have a set date, yet?" Jasmine reels me back to reality.
I shake my head at her, indifferent.
"You're turning down dessert?" I taunt her with a side-eye.
She laughs and follows me around the bridal shop.
"Besides," I talk, pricing some things as I do, "I didn't say I'm ordering the cake tomorrow, but I do want to get an idea soon. I feel like we need to get the ball rolling here. Seriously, I don't have anything planned: the venue, the guest list, my dress!"
Jasmine stares at me plainly, not giving into my theatrics. "What about me?"
"What about you, maid of honor?" I beam, sneaking that in there.
Jasmine lights up and hugs me. "For real?! Okay, 'cause for a second I thought you might pick Izzy or one of those bitches from the open house."
"Stop," I pout, remaining neutral. "it was always gonna be you. And, Sloane and Andrea are really nice, you'll learn to like them."
"Your positivity still hasn't grown on me." Jasmine monotones, folding her arms back over her chest like that's her natural position.
"Obviously," I laugh with her. "Speaking of positivity, though, I'm positive I ran into a Karen."
"Karen?!" Jasmine gets excited, drawing a few turned heads.
I keep my voice down, wandering down the next aisle. "This old lady who was at the open house, apparently she's the president of the Home Owner's Association, and she won't let you forget it."
"Why, what'd she do?"
"I go to introduce myself, right, being all neighborly, and the witch starts asking me where I came from, why I was gone for three months, and saying that she'll 'figure us out.' Like, what?" I paraphrase lightly just for story-telling sake.
Jasmine's face curls. "What did you say?"
"I asked what happened to her husband - he died. That's what she needs to worry about, and her blind dog."
"I love sassy you!" Jasmine hypes me, making me laugh but only briefly.
I retract my palm from the high-five and sigh. "I feel bad, Chris thinks she's a nice lady, invited her over for a dog play date."
"See, unh-unh."
Jasmine stomps her foot and looks at me like I'm dumb. "You let him invite her to your house after she acted like that? Couldn't be me."
"She wants to apologize and get to know me. Plus, I did go over there a little awkwardly, I was being petty too."
"Stop. Being. So. Naive." Jasmine emphasizes every word, shaking me by the shoulders. "What's he doing talking to her anyway?"
I shrug. "Being friendly, I guess."
"Too friendly, if you ask me." She mumbles.
"Jas..." I warn against her continuing with that thought.
"I'm just saying, we've seen this before."
"It's not like that, Jas, she's old. He definitely knows better by now, and so do I."
"But what if she tries to-"
I cut Jasmine off. "I don't care. Can you help me find the perfect centerpiece?" I laugh, now shaking Jasmine by her shoulders.
She cracks up, pushing me out of her face. "I don't know why you don't just call Chris's mother, she's perfect for this type of stuff."
"I don't want to keep worrying Mary about everything. Plus, if I ask, she'll fly here right away, and Chris wants some space from his parents for a while. I don't know, he's trying to show them that he can function as an adult without them, he hasn't really had to before - not even when we lived in New York. I feel like they were always there."
Jasmine tampers with some flowers and then releases a deep breath. "Still, I think you could've brought someone else..." her voice trails off.
I do a double take, seeing my best friend's frowning face.
Oh no. I'm an asshole.
"Jas," I gasp, putting my hand on my heart. "I am so sorry, you probably hate me, I didn't even realize!"
She pops a shoulder and forces a small smile. "Don't be sorry, you're busy planning your wedding, you don't have to worry about anyone else and their failed marriage."
I pull her chest to mine so we can hug, and I don't let go. "I should've considered how all of this would make you feel. I'm sure it's not easy."
"No, it's not." She draws, popping her lips.
I hang my head with shame. How could I be so careless? So inconsiderate?
Part of me thinks I didn't realize this was affecting her because she comes off so strong. The other part was just being selfish, happy-go-lucky about all of this wedding planning.
I get a text from Chris after he left me on delivered for an hour. It reads:
Still coming to the country club? The guys wanna meet you
"Oh my gosh," I squeal, gripping Jasmine's shoulders. "you like golf?"
Jasmine looks at me suspiciously. She answers with, "I never tried it, why?"
"Babe, how my swing look?" Chris comes over to the cart to ask me.
I drop my phone into my lap and look up, squinting, to meet Chris's eyes.
"Same as before, I don't know. Will you stop asking me?" I reply, chewing my gum.
Chris sucks his teeth. "Jas?" He asks for her input.
She shrugs her shoulders. "I guess I wasn't looking."
Irritated, Chris drops his face and snarls at us both. "Watch." He says sharply, returning to the grass.
I observe him closely, though I don't know what exactly to be looking at here. I don't understand golf, nor do I get where my fiancés fascination with it came from. He did say he's given up basketball, saying other than just shooting around from time to time, it's just not his passion anymore. Since he had that short-lived youth team back in Port Ember, he said basketball became a chore.
Either way, I am happy he has something recreational to do, otherwise he'd drive himself crazy with work. After everything we've been through, he could definitely use some distractions.
Chris squares his feet and shoulders and wets his lips as he focuses on the ball.
"God, he's so hot." I say, refreshing myself with the light blue hand folding fan.
Jasmine giggles at my comments, but keeps her dark brown eyes on Chris as he swings at the ball.
While I don't know much about golf, I can honestly judge by how far the ball goes, that's one hell of a shot.
"WOO!" I stand and cheer for my man, garnering curious stares from bystanders.
Chris looks back at me and laughs, shaking his head humbly.
An impressed whistle makes me snap my neck to see who was also cheering for my man.
I calm down, though, once I see it's only a slim white guy in a sweater vest and not some girl.
He ambles towards Chris, applauding, with two other privileged-looking men.
"That's a hell of a swing, Vaughn." The first guy says, shaking Chris's hand.
That's what I thought!
"Eh, I'm just warming up." Chris makes the guys laugh.
"Why are you over here like a rookie, let's do a few rounds on the big boy course?" He pats Chris's shoulder.
"I don't know; Morgan wanted to learn, I was just gonna show her." Chris says, cutting his eyes to me to back his lie.
The man cocks his neck and gets a good look at me. A sudden smile lights up his ivory face.
"This is Morgan, why didn't you say so sooner?!" He gives Chris a hard time.
They wave me over closer so I hop to Chris's side.
"Hi, I'm Morgan! Nice to meet you." I bubble, shaking his hand. He looks gunned stunned by me igniting a handshake.
"Isn't this sweet?" The guy cackles with his friends.
"She is too cute." He says to Chris who pulls me in by my waist.
I put my hand on Chris's hard chest then smile up at the blond-haired man.
"Morgan, this is Tate," Chris introduces us. "Tate, Morgan."
"So you're Tate?" I pop an eyebrow, teasing.
Tate flashes his teeth and I catch the slightly crooked ones on the bottom row.
"I am," he says through a very Tennessean accent. "and I heard so much about you."
"I heard a lot about you, too. Stop taking Chris's money with this golf shit, he's new!" I make them all laugh.
Tate calms down, hand on his chest, and says, "Well I'll make sure I get you a nice wedding gift to make up for it. That is... if I'm invited?" He looks between Chris and I.
"Of course you're invited, I need a plus one." Jasmine flirts out of no where, standing in my way.
Chris snickers, trying to hold off his laughter. I elbow him for it.
"And you are?" Asks Tate.
"Jasmine." She really enunciates her name.
Judging a book by the cover, I didn't think he would be, but Tate looks awfully interested in Jas. He's eyeing Jasmine like she's a wounded rabbit and he's a very hungry coyote.
I sense some tension, my eyes dancing between the two of them.
Already, I can tell they're total opposites but they say opposites attract. Plus, Tate is vastly different than Jabari so maybe she likes that.
My plan bringing her here was so she could find some rich, handsome, mature man to distract her from the divorce, but Tate will do for now.
"Jasmine," Tate repeats, lingering on her name. "like the plant: rich, sweet, sensual." He kisses the back of her hand.
By the twinkle in Jasmine's obsidian eyes, she's never had a man do that before.
Eeek! I'm screaming on the inside.
"I like your name, Tate." She emphasizes it.
"I like you," he charms. "Please tell me you golf."
"I golf." I notice Jasmine's voice goes up an octave with her flirting (lying.)
"No you don't." Chris scoffs, his face curled up like he's smelled something rotten.
I smack my lips at him because why would he say that?
Jasmine giggles cutely, twirling one pigtail. "Well, I want you to show me." She saves herself.
Tate gives her a smirk and pushes his arm away from his body, leaving it bent, assuming she'll grab hold and she does.
Their arms link and Tate shows her to his golf cart parked not too far away.
"Looks like we're riding with you, Vaughn!" The dark haired friend says to Chris, excitedly. He's tall with lean muscles and a a curly cut.
"Hell yeah! Brewski's on me all day!" The other guy cheers, running to Chris's golf cart since Tate left us behind.
I resume my seat at the table and look over the photos I had Jasmine take of me in this cute outfit, judging which I should post online.
"You ready?" Chris says, toting his bag of clubs.
"Oh, no thank you, I'll just stay here." I insist, putting my shades back on.
"Come on." He grumbles, pulling me by my arm.
"Ughhhh!" I groan, being dragged along against my will.
Hopping on the back of the cart since the blonde friend holds Chris's attention in the passenger seat, I notice the curly brown-haired kid staring at me.
"I-I'm Ben." he stammers.
I laugh at his awkwardness. "Morgan," I reply.
He shakes my hand. "Nice to finally meet you."
"Jasmine, when will I see you again?" Asks Tate.
He kisses her hand again and leaves Jasmine almost speechless.
I hit my friend in the back like she's a toy with a faulty battery. It works, she laughs and speaks up.
"Whenever I tell you you can." Jasmine plays hard to get.
She is my friend who I love so I hate to say this but I can't stand how she flirts. The whole mysterious act isn't doing it for me. So, I interfere.
"We're all going to Fat Angel's tomorrow night, you should come!" I exclaim with a sweet smile.
Tate raises an eyebrow like he's intrigued. "Fat Angel's, huh? Alright. We'll meet y'all there."
"It's a date." I squeak, waving Tate off as his friends pull him away.
Once they've pulled out of the parking space, Jasmine and I twirl and squeal, all giddy like middle schoolers during a game of Spin-The-Bottle.
"He's so cute!" Jasmine dramatically gasps for air as we skip to Chris's Tesla.
"I'm so surprised, he's so not your type!"
Jasmine looks at me with wide eyes, just as shocked. "I know, but I figured I'd try something different. Hey, thanks for playing Cupid, you bitch." She laughs, kicking my butt.
I throw my head back, laughing. "What? Okay, so I intervened just a little. You like him!"
"No I don't, girl." She plays coy.
"He was teaching you how to golf, that was so cute! And the way he looked at you—"
"Can you get in the car, please?" Chris barks through the open window. "Damn."
"Ugh, attitude." Jasmine sniggers, climbing in the backseat.
I roll my eyes at Chris and take my time settling in the passenger seat.
"What's wrong with you, you just won three thousand dollars?" I remind him.
Chris shakes his head. Instead of saying anything, he just turns up his rap music.
I yawn and step out of my shoes and socks, ready for bed.
I'm massaging my scalp when Chris enters our bedroom.
"Morgan." He calls my name like I'm in trouble.
Judging by how he was quiet in the car and kind of shady towards Jasmine, I can already tell where this is going.
My eyes roll back in my head, annoyed at this conversation before it even begins.
"Yes, Chris?" I monotone, turning down the bed.
"You know I had to tell J, right?"
"I wouldn't expect anything different. And?"
"I didn't want to have that conversation, Morgan." He slightly raises his voice, walking around my body.
I exhale deeply and roll my neck. "Well, you did. Now what?"
"I know you're trying to get her to have fun, but they haven't even been broken up for a month!"
"Jasmine's wanted out of their relationship since it started, first of all. Secondly, I'm sure he's doing the same thing."
"I guarantee you he's not." Chris defends his best friend.
I flailed my arms and let them slap my sides. "People cope differently, I don't know what to tell you. Don't make this about me."
"I'm not saying it is, but you didn't have to try to play matchmaker." Chris says, removing his shirt.
I rip my eyes away from his pecs the second he glares at me for an answer.
"What do you want me to say? It's not my fault they hit it off. Plus, you need to be thanking Jasmine, the reason you won is because she threw Tate off his game." I try to end things on a light note instead of escalating the situation.
"I won 'cause I'm good, girl." Chris huffs as he texts on his phone, flexing his muscles when I wrap my arms around them.
"If I have to grasp the fact that our best friends are getting a divorce, so do you. Jasmine's just having fun, you can't blame her for that. I'm sure this thing with Tate won't last long anyway," I comfort Chris. "And stop being a snitch, tell Jabari to worry about himself."
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