|10| Ms.Lydia
Day three waking up to my beautiful fiancé in our first home together.
While this amazes me every second throughout the day, it just feels right. It's normal - comfortable.
"Good morning." Morgan wakes me up with a kiss.
She rolls on top of me and giggles in my face.
It's Sunday so I don't particularly have any plans besides golfing but that's a little later.
Since her stay at the retreat, Morgan's been waking up even earlier than me, so I have to get used to that.
I love that I added the natural light element with that large window because it just shines in here and casts angelic imagery over Morgan. And she is an angel, so perfect.
Her hair falls down her back longer than it has since I've known her.
She's half dressed in a tank top and pair of panties, and still takes my breath away.
"Good morning, Mrs.Vaughn."
"Not yet," she squeaks, sealing her lips. Morgan shakes her head and smiles. "soon."
"Soon." I repeat with a smirk.
Morgan kisses me again and then rolls off of my body.
"What time is it, how long have you been up?" I croak, sitting up.
Morgan does some light cleaning around the room.
"Almost nine," she answers with a shrug. "I've been up since six."
I hang my head and look around the floor for my phone. If it's not plugged up in the charger, then I lose it in the middle of the night.
I stand and adjust my business in my briefs, walking to the bathroom.
"You wanna take a walk, or something?" I offer Morgan, shouting from the toilet.
She stands in the bathroom doorway and shakes her head no. "Already went, but you should."
I pull my briefs back up and walk away. Or, try to, rather.
Morgan folds her arms over her chest and raises an eyebrow at me.
I laugh, remembering to put the toilet seat down. You'd think I'd have that down by now. It's early.
I'm seated at the table, texting JB and Lee in our groupchat.
"They're about to get on the plane now." I announce to Morgan who's at the stove, cooking.
"I know," she says, "Jas just texted me."
We used to have one big groupchat but since we got the news about Jas and JB splitting, the guys just made their own and the girls only use theirs now too. It's already easier this way.
Morgan walks over and presents me with a plate full of scrambled eggs, two slices of turkey bacon, and fried potatoes. I love fried potatoes. I love eggs, too, but it's something about fried potatoes. No one ever made them as good as Dale or Ms.Crystal back home, but Morgan's pretty good. I love this woman. She never made any form of potatoes until she started learning to cook and found out how much I love this meal. It's up there on my list, after steak, of course.
I thank Morgan with a quick kiss on the lips and then take the glass of water from her hands so she can sit down, relax, and eat.
"Did you finish the 'thank you' letters?" I ask with food filling my cheeks.
Morgan sips her lemon water and nods gently. "Yeah, I sent them out."
"What'd you do with the gifts? I don't know what to do with all them baskets." I laugh. It was a lot of baskets.
Morgan laughs, too, thinking the same. "We'll regift them, others I'm hoping to sell or reuse somehow. I don't know, but I did sort everything out."
"There's a lot of wine."
"A lot of wine." Morgan agrees, laughing small.
She watches me eat and pats the tabletop. "So I found this brochure, right?"
"Uh-huh." I follow along, hovering over my plate.
Morgan talks while rubbing her fingers through her hair. I almost don't catch any of what she says, she looks so pretty it's distracting, but her sweet voice ropes me in.
"—and she was, like, so rude to me."
I blink, confused. "Wait, who was? When?"
Morgan smacks her lips, realizing I wasn't listening before. "The HOA lady, Lydia, I went to her house yesterday-"
"You went to her house?" I ask, sounding surprised because I am. If I knew we were introducing ourselves to everyone, I would've went.
"Yes, listen." Morgan talks, sitting up. "So, I go over there offering a bottle of wine to be nice and introduce myself, but she was being so rude! She was like 'who are you, where were you all this time, I need to know everything about you, I'm the president.' So weird. Oh my God, and she called me Annie! Do you know anything about that?"
I almost choke on my fried potatoes.
After a sip of water, I face Morgan. It's clear how troubled she is by this encounter with Lydia, who I thought was a nice woman.
"I'm sorry," I apologize. "she stopped by during the build and we got to talking, I brought you up and might've said a little too much."
Morgan settles back into her seat. "No, that's fine, I just thought she was, like, stalking me or something."
"Still, she shouldn't be pressing you like that. I'm sorry she was rude, she wasn't like that when we talked."
Morgan gets up from the table with a sigh. "Yeah. I'm sure she wasn't." She says, exiting the kitchen.
Nearly an hour later, I'm cooling off with a light walk back to Cobblestone Road.
I proceed with my hands on my hips, catching my breath.
On my run, I explored almost all of this development, but there's still a lot to see.
Many of the houses are up to date, modern, you could say. Others, are stuck in time. I like them, they're charming, and homey, but could use some updates. Naturally, I pick apart pieces of a home if I look at it long enough, just conjure up ideas.
All of a sudden, I pass Lydia's home. I only know it's hers because it's this huge brick house with these incredible pillars. It's a really nice house, kind of uninviting in a way because it's so grand and kind of old, but it has character. Everyone's house says something about them, this one fits Lydia. I'll bet there's a lot of antique furniture inside just for the sake of it being expensive but the layout is probably lazy. I also get the feeling it's cold inside, lonely, and dark.
I notice the door opening so I try to speed down the sidewalk but she catches me.
"Chris! Chris, is that you? Wait up!" Her frail voice raises.
I turn slowly and stop where I am.
She's smiling while walking towards me. Bebe, her dog, is on it's leash, of course, scurrying along with her guidance.
It takes a while but Lydia lands by my side.
Her hair is different, I notice. It's still white but drastically longer than the other styles she's sported. Perhaps it's a wig. No, it's definitely a wig.
I do appreciate her fancy outfits, even if it's a tracksuit it will be bedazzled and she'll always have on a touch of red somewhere.
"Oh." She squeaks, looking over her glasses. "I had no idea you were this fit."
I look down at my sweat-beaded chest and roll my eyes.
Is this senior citizen hitting on me?
Changing the subject, I say, "Morgan let me know that you weren't very neighborly, you seem like a nice woman, but I'm not going to put up with you being rude to my fiancé."
She starts strolling down the sidewalk with me and reacts to what I said.
"Me? Oh, I wonder what have her that impression. I was nothing but neighborly. Well, until she— nevermind." Lydia shakes her head and not a single strand of hair sways with the movement.
"She what?" I stop walking to ask.
Lydia waves her hands dismissively. "I don't want to cause problems."
"You wouldn't be," I assure her. "What'd she say?"
"She asked me when did my husband die. It was so random, too, I wonder why she said that." Lydia's voice trembles.
Morgan didn't mention that. How do I defend this?
"I'm sorry, Ms.Lydia." I apologize.
"Call me Ms.Lydia again and you'll be sorry." She makes me laugh.
Seeing that she still has a sense of humor, I keep things on a light note. "How's Bebe?"
She looks down at her blind dog and sighs, "Still depressed it seems."
Feeling bad, I decide to do what I think Morgan would do in this situation and be kind. "Maybe you can bring him over for a play date. Stevie's pregnant so she hasn't had a lot of energy lately; Duke could use another friend."
Lydia flashes her gums at me. "It's a date!"
"Have a good day, Lydia." I wish, jogging away.
I'm back at our house and let the dogs out to eat, drink, and play.
Stevie's about to pop, man, it's been long enough, I think. Any day now.
Seeing Morgan isn't downstairs, I run to our bedroom and find her there.
While she's making some 'outfit of the day' video, I wave for her attention.
First, I sit in silence on the edge of the bed, taking my running shoes and socks off.
Morgan pauses the video and asks how was my run.
"I ran into Lydia," I talk, standing from the mattress. "You didn't tell me you brought up her dead husband."
Morgan looks outside, paranoid, and tells me to look.
I do, and see Lydia walking past our home.
"She's watching us, see! She said she wanted to find out more about us."
"She's just taking Bebe for a walk."
"Bebe? Oh, you know this woman well."
"You're avoiding the question." I state, walking into the bathroom to start the shower.
"Why are you even talking to her?" Morgan raises her voice, following me to my walk-in closet.
"Wow, I can't have conversations with people now?" My sarcasm makes Morgan smack her lips.
"That's not what I mean and you know it."
"What did you say about her husband?" I grumble, stepping out of my shorts.
Morgan flails her arms. "I just asked when he died," she claims.
"For what," I ask, unamused, arms crossed over my chest as I look down at her.
Morgan stammers, "What? She was being rude! It's just a question." She mumbles the last part like a kid and folds her arms, pouting.
"That's not a question you ask when you first meet somebody. I know you, you were being petty."
"Are you missing the part where she was being mean to me first!" Morgan whisper-yells.
"How old are you?" I ask, turning my back on her once I got another pair of shorts and t-shirt from my drawer.
Morgan drops her jaw, following me back to the shower.
"I told you what she said to me, her whole vibe was off, and that house— ugh, I don't like it."
"Now her house did something to you?" I'm confused.
Morgan gives me the finger, switching out of the bathroom with nothing else to say.
It's late. After a day of golfing, I'm starving and ready to wind down for the night.
I am getting better, though. Soon enough I'm gonna be taking those dickhead's money at the country club, watch.
No lie, I was expecting Morgan to have made dinner, but when I find her in the kitchen, I'm disappointed to see her on her MacBook and not cooking.
That's okay, though, we're a team. Since she made breakfast, I can whip something up for dinner. Although, I could really go for a pizza.
"Hey, Princess." I slap Morgan's hip as I walk behind her at the island.
"Hey." She replies, not taking her eyes off of the screen.
I squeeze her from the back and kiss her cheek.
She shrugs me off.
Oh, I see.
"You're acting mad?" I laugh at Morgan's games.
"I'm not acting like anything." She snarls, elbowing me.
I pinch her arm and back off before she swings on me.
Sticking my head in the fridge, I don't see anything worth cooking. Plus I'm set on pizza.
"We're better than this, Morgan."
She removes her bluelight glasses and lets out a deep breath. "I can apologize to the bitch, okay?"
I laugh, throwing my hands up. "That's all I ask."
"Don't know why you're so passionate about her. I—Are you sleeping with this old lady?" Morgan tilts her head at me, her thin arms crossed over her busty chest.
She makes me laugh out loud again. "You caught me." I sarcastically play along.
Morgan gives in, laughing, and squeezes my body.
"I'm sorry..." she says, begging for a kiss.
I hold her waist and say, "Don't be. I am, too."
I put my lips to hers and pull away with a thought.
"No one's here..." I say, looking around.
"Nope." Morgan hums, smiling ear to ear.
"It's been a very long time." My voice rasps in Morgan's ear.
She shudders under me and chews her lower lip, turning me on.
"I don't know what you're talking about." She teases, rolling my shirt off of my body.
All it takes is the release of her lip to drive me crazy and I push her body into the counter, kissing her so deeply she moans in my mouth.
I slip in some tongue and squeeze her ass in my hand, the other, pulling her hair out of its high ponytail.
She's wearing a long, navy blue figure-hugging dress but that doesn't stop me. As good as it looks on her hourglass shape, I peel the dress up over her ass and kiss down her neck. Two of the many things I love about Morgan include how smooth her skin always is, and this scent she has. Oddly, she smells like a baby, like baby powder, flowers, lavender, and dryer sheets, it's very pretty, actually - it's soft, like her. I don't know if it's lotion, her clothes, or hair products, but I always indulge.
She rotates her body and pushes her ass against me.
I inhale sharply and stare at her perfect body displayed for me.
I can't wait much longer, I need her now. I'm growing in my shorts, and need to be inside of her.
Morgan bites my lip and I growl, pushing her thong to the side.
Just as I'm about to drop my pants, I get a phone call from Nia.
"Why is she calling you this late?" Morgan wonders.
I ignore it, kissing down Morgan's back instead.
The phone keeps ringing. "Maybe you should answer." Morgan suggests.
I roll my eyes and snatch the phone from the counter.
"Hello?" I mumble, making myself decent quickly.
Morgan covers herself too and catches her breath.
She slips away from me and goes upstairs despite my nonverbal begging her not to.
"Chris, thanks for picking up. Got a minute?" She talks.
I bang my fist on the counter and then stomp towards my office.
"Yeah," I grumble, "this better be good."
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