Chapter 8: garbage disposal
"The ache for home lives in all of us. The safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned."
"Chris, how's work treatin' ya?" Owen asks. He pats my back so hard I have to remind myself in my head that he's my girl's father.
"It's good." I answer politely, looking at him coldly behind my dark sunglasses.
He laughs hardy as we hold up the fence in my backyard. "That's good, I'm glad. What about your boss, did he get replaced, yet?"
"Uh, we're expecting a new guy soon. Monday, I think."
"What's the deal with him?"
I look down at my beer and get bummed that it's almost empty. I'll need another to brave anymore conversation with this guy.
"Not sure. Find out Monday, y'know?" I try to laugh so I don't come off so harsh.
Dad walks over finally and cuts his eyes at me.
"Owen, my man, what's up?" He greets Owen so I could slip away.
"Thank you." I mouth to my father once Owen can no longer see me.
"Chris, a hand?" Kelsey rings.
I drop my head and JB and Jas, across the yard, laugh at my pain. I can't have a second to myself.
"Coming!" I shout, sulking her way.
Morgan passes me with a plate of burgers to take to Dale on the grill.
"Be nice." Morgan warns me with the most innocent, fake smile.
"Mhm." I murmur. Her scent hits me and I'm almost tempted to follow her but Kelsey calling my name again stops me.
I roll my eyes and continue towards the stairs to run inside.
"Yes?" I present myself at the door.
"Oh," she hums like she wasn't expecting me. "can you be a dear and help me play bartender?"
"That I can do." I oblige with the snap of my fingers.
"Anything involving a drink, right?" She makes light.
I stand over Kelsey behind the counter and taste the concoction she made so far. Not bad, could use more juice.
"What do you know about jungle juice, Kels?" I tease, earning a playful nudge.
"I was in a sorority, I'll have you know. Of course, I dropped, but, I kept a drink in my hand. Just don't repeat that to my daughter or husband."
I just laugh and then it gets silent as I pour more juice into the mix.
She's a tall, thin woman with long curly honey blonde hair down her back. I'm not surprised she was in a sorority, she seems like the type, and Owen, a poster child for fraternities back in his day, I'm sure. Kelsey with the raging drinker part, though, is new.
"How's your father doing? His recovery?" Asks Kelsey. I'd say it was random but it wasn't, she mentioned it because we were talking about alcohol and he's an alcoholic. Err, was.
My jaw rotates as I don't know how to answer.
Kelsey starts to stammer. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have."
"No, it's fine...." I clear my throat.
"It's just that I saw him have a beer, I wasn't sure-"
"Yeah, no, he can have one."
"Hm. Isn't that, like, bad?"
"I don't know, everyone's different. You'll have to ask him, but he's been fine for the most part - hasn't relapsed or whatever the fuck."
"Well, that's good." Kelsey smiles and it's clear where Morgan gets her looks from.
"Cheers." She offers.
I take a red SOLO cup and raise it. "To?"
"To your new house, your job, the dogs, your relationship with my daughter, and to us getting to know each other better. I hope I can be as big a presence in Morgan's life as your mother is in yours."
I nod stiffly and drink anyway. Kelsey's promise seemed like a big one, my mother is a huge part of my life, and I'm not sure Kelsey and Owen can just make up for such lost time with their daughter.
Kelsey's sweet, she means well, though. Owen, too. It'll take time for them to grow on me, but I can tell they're pushing for a relationship with me like Morgan has with my parents.
"Whoop whoop! I smell vodka!" Crystal storms in ready to party.
I snap my neck and see she and my mother entering with more wine coolers and appetizers.
"It's about time you got here, woman." I fake argue with Mary.
She pushes the sunglasses over her hairline and I do the same.
"Just say you missed me." Mom rolls her eyes.
I squeeze her body and don't let go for some time. It's been a while since we last seen each other so I don't take these moments for granted.
Dad flew in with Dale, arriving shortly after The Bennett's who get to stay in our guest room, while Mom and Crystal flew to New Jersey to visit some of her family yesterday and are just now arriving to Port Ember.
"Chris, you loving New York?" asks Crystal, getting a drink poured in her cup by Kelsey.
My attention quickly slips from the women as I see Morgan through the glass, approaching with a full garbage bag.
I stepped away to get the door for my girlfriend and listen to the women go "aww!"
"See, that's a man." Crystal proclaims, her voice the loudest in the room.
"Mary, you raised him well." Kelsey attests with this proud grin across her plump lips.
"She sure didn't." Morgan teases, struggling to hand over the plastic bag.
I straighten my face and she giggles. "Kidding. Can you take this out for me? Thanks."
The "thanks" makes my skin crawl but in a way I can laugh at now. Although, I still flick Morgan's button nose for her triggering remark.
I step out of my overactive townhouse and am met with warm late April sun rays.
A feeling of pride and contentment makes me stand on the top step a second longer to take everything in: the pigeons waiting to attack innocent pedestrians for their food, the heckling kids riding bikes in the street, the joggers.
I wait for a nice older couple to pass before I walk across the sidewalk to the trash bin, wanting to get back to the party already.
The lid slams shut and I clap my palms together to shake the germs off.
"Hey." an estranged voice presented itself.
The bottoms of my sneakers scuff on the sidewalk, I stop so abruptly.
Is that— nah, I tell myself in my head that the voice can't belong to who I'm hoping it's not.
I urge myself to keep walking, ignore whoever I think it is, but can't.
"How have you been?" she asks me.
"Sabrina?" I admit it's her with the mention of her identity but she is not herself. Shawn Bowie's promiscuous daughter was known for keeping herself looking like a Kardashian-reject, not this casual, understated getup I'm seeing. She looks terrible, and not in the cheap way like before, but generally bad.
"It's been a little while..." she says in this nasally tone I didn't miss like anything else about her.
"What the fuck do you want?"
She throws her spray-tanned hands up and it's apparent she did it herself.
"Just wanted to stop by and make amends."
I didn't think it could, but my face falls even straighter, hearing this bullshit.
When I don't say anything back, Sabrina talks again. "My sister is in there, isn't she?"
She takes a step forward as if she's about to head inside and I cut her off.
"We've made up since my father went to prison, I'm sure you're happy about that." Sabrina tells me.
"About him going to prison? Very."
She coughs up a laugh. "I deserve that. Well, since I have my sister back, hopefully you and I can get close as you two are."
I shake my head and turn to walk back inside, away from this fucking girl.
"She's beautiful." I hear Sabrina project her voice.
I agree, just not out loud.
We both stare at Morgan through the window. She's in the family room, dancing, entertaining everyone who was captivated by her. I wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't even any music playing, she just loves to roll her hips and get parties started. I watch Crystal, my mother, and Jas all join in. Everyone I love is inside, all teeth, enjoying themselves.
"That's who you rushed back home for? I see why. I can't say I'm not jealous, look at her. Cleo's told me a lot about her, you're both lucky." Sabrina mentions.
I turn to face her and see her eyes still glued on Morgan.
I step in front of Sabrina to break her contact with inside of my home.
"You said you wanted to make amends but I haven't heard an apology, yet."
She pulls her thin, dark hair over to one side. "I'm sorry, Mr-" the raise of my eyebrow stops her from calling me Mr.Vaughn like she used to.
"Chris." She corrects herself with a swallow.
"You actually saved me from my father and those men, so I owe you. I'm getting my life together and shit so, yeah. I wish he was dead."
I blink at her, wondering if she was done but I could see the wheels turning.
"Uh, h-how's work been since everything? You didn't get demoted or anything, did you? I mean, it looks like you're doing pretty good for yourself." She comments, eyes looking me up and down.
"Do you want Cleo, or something?"
"No, just your time. I feel like you kind of owe me that, you did get my father fired after all, the whole reason I'm no longer living in a penthouse."
"Oh, you want me to feel sorry for you or something?" My sarcasm shuts Sabrina down and she fails to pin this on me any longer.
"Did you take the trash to the dump yourself, geez, what is taking so long?" Morgan makes herself laugh as she carefully descends the stairs.
"Oh." He voice falters upon seeing me talking to some woman.
Morgan stands under me and briefly looks at Sabrina.
"Hi," she says awfully polite. "who are you?"
"An old frien-" Sabrina starts to say. I roll my eyes so damn hard.
"This is Sabrina, Cleo's sister." I admit, clenching my jaw in annoyance. Old friend, my ass.
No sense in not telling my girlfriend, they're face to face finally. Morgan already heard about my boss's old daughter, I just hoped they'd never have to meet, yet here we are.
"Hm." Morgan hums after a slight hesitation. She squeezes my torso and I ease up, not feeling like I'm gonna be in trouble when we go back inside.
"Nice to finally meet you." Sabrina talks with her hand out. Morgan just looks at it.
"Finally, ha." Morgan laughs. She slightly rotates away from Sabrina and looks up at me. "Come back inside... once you're done with the trash."
I scratch my eyebrow and can't help but to chuckle at Morgan's pettiness. She's known for being unusually positive, super bubbly and nice, and empathetic. Not this version of her, no, she can be just as much of an asshole as me and I love it. It's not like she's two-faced or anything, either, she's not, the bitchy side just comes out when necessary. And this is very necessary.
Morgan reaches the top step and looks back to see me looking at a dumbfounded Sabrina staring up at her.
"It was nice seeing you finally." Morgan says before walking inside. The use of the word "finally" being thrown around was killing me, I had to laugh at how Morgan used it against Sabrina. Plus the fact that Morgan was intentional in saying it was nice to see Sabrina instead of nice to meet her, because it's not.
I think it's wise Sabrina's swollen lips remain sealed.
Seeing as the trash had been successfully taken out — with the help of Morgan— I went inside.
"Where's Cleo?" I ask Morgan the second I spot her talking to my father.
She just points me in the right direction and I lunge towards the far corner of the room.
"Excuse me," I say to Dale and JB who were having a conversation with Cleo.
"You good?" JB asks me, noticing the look on my face. I ignore him, rushing them away.
Cleo takes a bite of a cupcake. "Holy shitballs," she exclaims, "Morgan makes the best cupcakes!"
"That was your sister outside."
Her jaw slows and she blinks repeatedly. "Oh? What'd she say?"
"Cleo, why the fuck are you even speaking about Morgan around her?"
Cleo hops off of the table and puts her hands up meekly. "Dude, relax, it's not like that, okay? Sabrina's cool now, chill. She asked what Morgan was like and I told her, she actually cares."
I pinch the bridge of my nose, trying to figure how Cleo could be so damn careless.
"Don't be mad at me because you let her suck your dick. Now have a cupcake." Cleo pushes one towards me and I just look down at her.
"If she asks about me or my girlfriend again, don't say a word. She doesn't need to know any of my business, do you get that?"
"Fine, damn." Cleo huffs, walking around my body.
I knew Cleo was less than smart when I met her. I've since learned she's slightly incompetent, and that's me being nice. But this is a turn off to me being friends with her. I already don't need friends at all, let alone ditsy, immature ones who can't hold water. I leave it at she means well, though, and try not to harp on it for the sake of the party and my own sanity.
I need a drink.
Everyone starts to clap after I spin morgan one more time, reminding me we aren't the only people in our backyard.
"And you said you weren't gonna dance with your bad leg." Morgan giggles, making me smile at her proudly.
It's finally dark out, I thought everyone would start to leave, but things only picked up. I don't think anyone besides, Morgan, myself, and my father are sober.
After a couple of Dale's hot dogs and some beers, I was ready for bed like a goddamn old man.
As everyone else starts to dance when the next fast song comes on, I pull Morgan over to the hammock but not without getting a moody glare from Cleo across the yard.
I don't bring that up to Morgan because it's drama we don't need.
"Needed to sit down, old man?" Morgan asks me, giggling. She knows me well.
"I might fall asleep here." I say, shutting my eyes.
"Get up!" she laughs, nudging me.
I instead pull her in and make her lay with me and fall even more comfortable.
We just swing for a while and it feels nice, I could do this all night.
Maybe I am a little drunk.
"Are we going to have to talk about the Sabrina girl?" asks Morgan.
I crack my eyes open. "No," I insist. "I handled it."
"So I have nothing to worry about?" Morgan reiterates, looking down at me as she sits up and I remain lying on my back.
"Did you hear me? I took care of it."
Morgan nods with a small, "Okay," and then drops her head onto my chest.
"Did I tell you how sexy you handled that?" My voice is low in Morgan's ear.
She grins. "You think so?"
"For sure." I agree.
Morgan brings her leg over my body and I find my hand rubbing her ass, it's almost more comforting to me than to her, I think, it's entrancing.
"Mmm. Let's sleep out here tonight." She suggests and I am more than okay with that 'cause I don't know if I can even get up.
"Why do I feel like we're forgetting something?" I wonder out loud, my eyebrows furrowed as I try to recall.
"Morgan, Chris!" I hear my mother scream from the door. "The dogs pooped in here!"
"Ughhhh!" Morgan and I groan in unison.
SWISH! The ball leaves my fingertips and drops into the net from the three point line.
"Let's go, baby!" Jabari hypes me up as he's been doing all game and vice versa.
We've designated Sunday mornings for basketball at this park downtown. There's always a bunch of old heads trying to get some games going, and little kids hoping to be able to join but it's gets a little too competitive.
The score is 21-17 us, we're playing to twenty-five, but the other team called a time out.
Jabari and I regroup at the bench and I drink my water from the gallon to cool off.
I feel JB's hands hit my ribs and I look at him to wonder why but quickly catch him eyeing Jasmine and Morgan walking around the track as they've been doing all morning since we've started playing.
"Aye, shorty!" Jabari hollers after Jasmine and she smiles but waves him off.
Morgan's in this sky blue backless cropped long sleeve and matching spandex. The color really made her eyes look more blue today, she just looked like a fucking Barbie, as usual.
Jabari and I are separated from the girls by a fence and start to whistle at them, playfully catcalling.
"Hey, you in the blue, let me get your number!" I shout at Morgan.
She stops and yells, "I have a boyfriend, asshole!" Then she continues to walk along with Jas, snickering.
Jabari and I start laughing. "She is crazy," he says, cracking up. "at least you won't have to worry about her getting hit on."
That is true, but I was never worried.
"Alright, check up!" Our opponent barks at everyone to resume the game.
I tap Jabari and we make the same bored face, these guys are far too serious about a pickup game, and I've been down that road before with similar people.
We go back on the court anyway, but I peel my shirt off first and throw it near my bag.
It's our ball, JB passes it to me and I dribble up the court, walking.
I defend the ball from, Rob, but barely because he can't guard me, for real.
JB calls for the ball and I rise up to pivot before passing it to him.
He's clapping and I see him clearly, ready to fake Rob so I could get the ball to my teammate without Rob possibly being able to steal it.
Except, I hear "go, Chris" from a voice that isn't Morgan or Jasmine's and I'm caught off guard. The few seconds I'm stunned, squinting my eyes to see who was cheering me on, Rob steals the ball and runs down the court to dunk.
All four of my teammates groan at me, giving me a hard time which I deserve.
They leave me at the top of the key as I'm tilting my head with confusion. Not even confusion, actually, I'm not confused. I'm pissed off, frankly. It's Sabrina. She's back to her black cutout clothes and heavy makeup, shouting my name like some groupie.
"Who that?" Jabari asks me, looking where I'm looking.
"Remember I told you about the girl - Cleo's sister?"
"Oh, shit. That's her?"
I nod angrily. "I'm about to go say something."
Jabari pulls me back. "Don't. You can't kick her out of a public park; let her ass keep cheering if she wants to, Morgan will deal with her."
"That's what I'm scared of." I exhale and Jabari just laughs at me.
"Come on," he says, "let's win this game real quick."
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