Chapter 26: unparental guidance
"But him to love you free like a wildfire, crazy like the moon, always like tomorrow, sudden like an inhale and overcoming like the tides. Only one man and all of this."
"Did you know the average couple our age has sex around twice a week?" Morgan's random fact makes me laugh.
I shift my head against the rest of the driver's seat so that I can look at her as she's rotated in the passenger seat, legs in a pretzel as she supports her weight on the door of my Tesla.
"Morgan, we only haven't had sex in a week."
"Yep, exactly." She says, bored, and flips the page of some weird sex book she's reading.
"Give me that." I snatch the book and throw it in the back seat.
Morgan hits me in the arm. "I was reading that, it's actually really informative!"
"Can you stop this already?" I laugh out loud.
Morgan folds both arms over her chest. "Stop what, Christopher?"
Oh, full name treatment? She's really upset.
"You've been acting mad at me all week, trying to seduce me around the house, and then saying 'I'm tired.' I get it, okay, I fucked up-"
"You sure did." She rubs it in.
I crack up, rolling my eyes. "If you want me to fuck you, I'll fuck you."
Her eyes light up and it almost gets me going.
"Why was that so hot?" She whispers, leaning in for a kiss.
I grin against her lips and then suck them. I missed that.
"One more." I beg and grab her face for more.
Morgan giggles and then pulls away. "Okay," she squeaks. "we can be friends again."
"Friends?" I laugh at that. "It's crazy how your attitude is all of a sudden gone."
"What attitude?" She plays dumb, putting her legs over my thighs.
Tap. Tap.
A set of knuckles tap against the glass at the back of the car.
"Ah, yay!" Morgan shrills, hopping out of the vehicle.
"Finally." I mumble, following her outside.
After all of the reintroductions and hugs, Morgan and I help the teens put their bags into the frunk/trunk and pile inside the car.
"This is so sick. I can't believe you got a Tesla, bro! Can I post it on my story and act like it's mine?" Jack admires the car.
I laugh, scratching the stubble on my neck. "Uh, knock yourself out."
"Okay, seatbelts on." Morgan sounds just like my mother as I pull off. She locks our fingers and I kiss the back of her hand.
"I love how affectionate you guys are, it's really inspirational." Kailyn comments, putting her chin in the palm of her hands as she sits up to relax on the console between my seat and Morgan's.
Morgan smiles sweetly, looking over her shoulder at Kay.
"Where did that come from?" She wonders.
"Well, you're holding hands, but I also saw the video." Kailyn makes my face go straight.
"Ew, creeper. I saw it but I didn't sit there and watch." Jack argues with his sister.
Morgan stiffens up, too, and looks uneasy at the fact that they've seen us in that intimate setting. Them and everyone else in our lives.
"Oh, wow." Morgan mouths, rigidly turning away from Kailyn.
"Anyway," Morgan changes the subject. "we haven't seen you guys in forever, I have so many questions!"
"So do I." Jack speaks up.
"Of course. What's up?" Morgan says happily, looking at him through the rear view mirror.
"What's 'the pretzel dip', and have you tried it, yet?" He questions, not making any sense.
What do pretzels have to do with anything? Although, I am hungry.
Morgan and I exchange a curious look. I just shrug my shoulders, as confused as she is.
Morgan shifts in the seat and starts to say, "Where'd that come from?"
Only, she hurriedly snatches something from his hands and rests back in her seat, book clutched to her chest.
Once I realize what's happened, I get weak from laughing so hard.
"It's not funny!" Morgan beats me with the book on each word.
"So what's for dinner?" Kailyn asks at random.
"Not pretzel dip." I make a joke and Morgan finally laughs with us.
"—Thank you." My girlfriend dismisses the acne-prone waiter once he presents us with our pizza.
"Finally." Jack and I let out at the same time.
Morgan slaps my hand before I dig in. "Wait for Kailyn." She warns us both.
Jack and I both groan and continue to starve until Kailyn's back from the bathroom.
"How is she, Jack?" Morgan makes small talk. I hate small talk and I'm fucking hungry.
Jack stares at the large pizza, mouth watering.
"Um, she's good, I guess. A lot better than when you guys last saw her. She's going to 'narcotics anonymous' and getting good grades."
"I'm sorry, NA?" I interject.
Jack nods. "She was smoking a lot of weed, dabbled with some other things. I think Mom and Dad are overreacting."
I knew that and it still hurt to hear. Part of me still feels solely responsible for the bad habit she picked up at such an early age.
"You're not smoking, are you?" I ask him.
"Not all the time; I'm an athlete. I only do it at, like, parties." Jack answers.
I'm relieved. "Good." I say, settling back in the booth.
Morgan gives me the side-eye that says "don't encourage him" so I clear my throat and end the conversation there.
"How have you been, Jack?" She changes the topic. "Still working at The Q?" Morgan continues their talk.
"Barely," he huffs. "They cut my hours 'cause I'm no good at waiting tables."
"Well, what makes you not so good?"
"I drop everything."
"Maybe get a new job?" I suggest, not looking up from my phone.
Morgan stares at me coldly and then returns her attention to Jack.
"It's okay, you just need better training. I used to be a waitress, actually."
"You? I bet you got a lot of tips." Jack thinks he's flirting.
I lock my phone and sit up to end this conversation before he pushes it further.
"How about we play a game where I punch you next time you flirt with my girlfriend?" I give him a hard time.
Jack just lowers himself in the booth, shying into his phone.
After a little while longer, though, Kailyn returns. She has some bounce in her step and a smile perched on her lips.
"What?" I question what that's all about.
She hums, patting her thighs, all coy. "Oh, nothing, just some guy asked me out."
"Really, aww? Who is he?" Morgan coos, looking around to see where Kay is pointing.
Meanwhile, it's the fucking waiter.
"Oh, zit-face?" Jack makes me laugh.
Kailyn slaps her brother before waving flirtatiously to the waiter. "His name is Seth." She tells us.
"Jack, you got a girlfriend?" I ask him, curious.
He looks up from his plate with pizza sauce all over his mouth.
Well, that answers that question: no girlfriend, the kid's a loser.
Jack and I are waiting for Kailyn to reveal her "date look." This too is taking forever, I'm keeping myself busy by laying on Morgan's lap and counting how many times I can catch caramel popcorn in my mouth.
Jack is taking up the tv with whatever bullshit game he's playing now. I swear he packed more video games than socks or underwear.
After a fucking two hour shower, Kailyn presents herself.
The little girl I knew who used to wear tinsel in her hair everyday and purple polka-dot dresses is now a full teenager in kitten heels and a crop-top. I can't believe this.
"Wow, you look like a girl." Jack gives his sister a hard time.
I slap the back of his head this time for his wise crack because I don't want his jokes ruining her confidence. Morgan's put a lot of work in to help Kailyn with that already.
Morgan stands with pride. "See, doesn't my routine just make you feel like such a woman?"
"Well, it could be cut down about an hour and a half, but yes. I feel so pretty, and clean!" Kailyn squeals, doing a spin.
"Okay, what time is it, he'll be here soon?" Kailyn panics, shaking her hands with these fake nails glued to them.
I feel proud, too, a little bit, she's growing up, what can I say?
It's a Friday night, after all, they deserve to go out on the town since it's their first time here.
Morgan curled Kailyn's hair and helped her with her makeup thankfully, whatever she had painted on before was clown-ish.
Moments like this just make me so honored to be Morgan's boyfriend. Although, "boyfriend" sounds so less than, so elementary. I'm her everything.
I'm trying to say, Morgan's just so worldly, and giving, and helpful, and feminine. Mm, I just admire her.
Knock. Knock—
I open the door before he bangs a third time.
"Oh. Hello everyone. I'm Seth, I'll be your waiter this evening." He says. I'm too distracted by his scent to even fake a laugh. I can't tell if it's B.O. or cheap cologne. If it is cologne, he needs to throw it away.
"That was a joke." He follows up awkwardly.
"Oh..." Morgan's voice trails off. Even she couldn't spare a pity laugh.
Kailyn laughs to lessen her date's ego blow and then crosses the threshold to stand by his side.
I cut him off to ask, "Where are you taking her tonight?"
"To a Mexican restaurant; I actually know the owners- Hector and Lucia."
"Yeah, so do we." Morgan and I say in unison. She remains solid in her arms-crossed pose like Jack and I.
"Can we go now?" Kailyn gripes, embarrassed.
"Yeah, have fun." I tell the kids.
Seth shakes my hand and then compliments our home. I love the sound of that: our home.
"Do I have a curfew?" Kailyn turns around to ask me.
"Midnight. If you're gonna be out past then, call us. Be safe, alright?"
"Have a good night, guys. I know I will." Kay winks and then runs to rejoin Seth who's unlocking his tandem bike from the fence.
"Aww, look! How romantic." Morgan gushes over the multi-seater bike.
As they ride down the sidewalk, Morgan and I let out a sigh of relief.
"We did good?" Morgan says kind of questionably.
"We did good." I confirm, pounding her fist.
"Hi, Lora." Morgan speaks to our bitchy neighbor. I don't know why she insists on using good manners on this standoffish old lady who only ever scowls at us.
"Hello, Vaughn's." She refers to us like a married couple and we don't complain or correct her. In fact, we're both just shocked she has a voice.
Well I'll be damned.
"Wow, you must be in a good mood for once." Morgan comments.
Lora walks to our stoop and stands there. "I usually am, I just don't know you all so why bother smiling in your faces? A wave suffices, doesn't it?"
"No, not really." Morgan and I both mumble.
Lora flicks her boney wrist. "Anyhow, I see you two are playing babysitter. Well, I happen to have my niece with me, too. I need a distraction, if you will. You two are the only young folk I know in town, so I need your help. Please. I beg." She starts to drop to her knees but I can't stand to see that.
"Have you tried putting her in rice? Works for me every time Morgan acts up." I joke, confusing Lora.
Morgan rolls her eyes. "Well, Jack's not doing anything, if you'd be okay with them hanging out?"
"Jack!" I shout.
He complains from inside. "I'm about to beat my high score!"
I facepalm so hard. "Put some goddamn shoes on and get over here."
I smile at Lora as we wait a couple minutes for Jack to save his game, make himself decent, and come over.
"Oh, here's my Hannah now." Lora says, waving her niece over. "Hannah, these are my neighbors— Chris and-"
"O-M-G, I know who they are; I follow Morgan on everything! You guys are the cutest couple, I've been here since day one!" She completely fangirls.
"Aww!" Morgan coos, flattered. "That's so sweet, thank you."
"Oh," I clear my throat once Jack presents himself. "This is my cousin, Jack. Jack say hi." I push him forward.
Jack stumbles in front of Hannah and then looks like a literal idiot, tongue out, practically drooling.
"Fuckin' Christ." I complain, swiping my hand down my face.
It's comically adorable to see a young boy in love.
"Talk to her." I mouth to Jack.
He rubs the back of his neck. "Uh, I'm Jack."
"I got that. I'm Hannah." She giggles.
That's a good sign, right? It doesn't seem like she's laughing at him.
"You're pretty, Hannah."
Hannah twirls her hair. "You're cute, too. Wanna come over and play Super Smash Bros?"
"I have a better idea," Morgan interjects. "there's an arcade on V street that turns into a teen club on the weekends. It's open 'til one."
"Yeah," I agree. "that way y'all can play Super Smash whatever-the-fuck, and still socialize like normal teenagers. Go."
I pull Morgan close, proud of how she's handled this. Another great idea, and successful date, planned by me and Annie. Cue pat on the back.
1:34 am
Morgan wets her lips and then drapes her arms over my shoulders. "No texts, yet, and they're still out, having fun? I'd say we did pretty good. I'm proud of you."
"Proud of me?" I have to make sure I heard that right. It's rare that I do something well enough to get praised for it by Morgan, well, unless it's work or sex-related. I'm glad she's acknowledging my improvement.
She giggles and nods cutely, my hands wrapping around her waist as she sits atop the kitchen island.
"Yeah. I like how you've treated them today. It's nice seeing you all parental."
"Yeah?" I ask, smirking, putting our foreheads together.
"Mhm," Morgan whispers. "which is why I have some good news for you."
"Shut up?!" I almost gasp, thinking the news is she's pregnant.
Morgan shakes her head. "Not yet, but I've thought about it, and I think... I'm ready to try for a baby?"
I immediately want to go upstairs and practice but Dr.Hassan's words come back to haunt me.
The last thing I want is for Morgan to want this just because I rushed her into it.
"No," I speak up. "baby, you don't have to be ready just because I think I am. It'll happen when it's supposed to."
She smiles wide. "That was one of the sexiest things you've ever said to me, Chris. Very mature, and it just makes me want to fuck you even more right now."
"I can be real mature," I say as she attacks my face with her lips. "Wanna know my credit score? I even voted last year. Don't get me started on the weather!"
"Oh my God, I'm about to cum right now!" She jokes, making me chuckle against her lips.
She was joking but I'm not, I'm about to spread her across this counter and do to her what I've been missing for a week now.
Morgan wraps her legs around me, deleting the space between our bodies, and rolls the t-shirt over my head, letting it fall to the hardwood floor.
The kiss intensifies, our breathing picks up and eventually syncs into a song that fills the kitchen.
Morgan fully removes her sundress and reveals no bra underneath but a sheer lavender thong. This pleases me, I push it to the side and stroke her arousal.
I can't help myself, I put my face in it and let her pussy coat my tongue. She's so ready for me, and tastes so sweet.
She's squirming and whimpering already and I've hardly touched her. Her body missed me, we have that in common.
I want to take my time but I also need to devour her before I cum too quick.
Morgan's long legs squeeze around me as I indulge so I grab them and push them back, testing her flexibility.
I stop just as she announces she's had enough, and bring her onto her feet.
She tastes my lips and smiles with honor.
I kind of make it a competition, to see who will finish first. It's been so long for us, either one of us could cum at any second, it's happened before.
"You missed this, didn't you?" She taunts me in my ear. "It feels a lot better when I do it?"
I'm completely submitted as she strokes my dick, but I have to stop her hand before I cum from that alone.
Morgan swallows hard when I grab her throat and guide her on her knees.
This is what I've missed.
She knows exactly what to do, shaking the hair out of her face before helping me out of my joggers and briefs.
Her angelic eyes have now transformed. She's no angel, not in this position anyway.
I lightly tap her face to reinforce her eye contact and she corrects herself quickly, taking me further at the back of her throat.
"Fuck." I curse, head rolling back in pleasure like my eyes.
Her eyes start to water, she's gagging and still going like a good girl.
I reward her by pulling out so she can breathe, and bring her back to my lips. She collects my DNA from the corners of her sexy lips and then dips her own coated fingers between her legs.
"You are so sexy." I growl in Morgan's ear as I force her around.
She giggles, excited for penetration, and spreads her legs properly.
I waste no time to impale her on my dick and thrust deep inside.
"Shit." I slide right into her and bask in the warm and euphoric feeling.
I kiss down her spine, reaching around so that I'm fingering her while bucking into her.
I grab her by the hips and pull her back onto my shaft as she tries squirming away, her body so full of fire already.
Her hips wiggle on me and I slap her ass, roaring into her ear.
"Fuck!" She screams, holding onto the edges of the table.
I hook my fingers on the corner of her mouth and thrust harder, listening to her encouraging moans that are so heavenly in my ears.
Her legs go weak, she's falling apart but I'm not done, so I pick her up and take things to the couch.
I lay us on our sides, her body before mine, with our legs forward. This position is one of my favorites with Morgan.
Slow, leisurely hip rolls replace quick thrusting while I try to gather myself and let Morgan come down.
She grabs my hair and forces my lips to her voluptuous breasts. I stare at them longingly, mouth watering, before I suck her nipple between my lips and teeth.
I come up and see the hungry way she's staring at me, so sexy, in need of something more filling.
With no warning, I keep her leg raised by my arm going under her thigh as I rub her clit, and thrust into her furiously. My other holds hers down so she can't push me away as I continue to suck her perfect titties.
She grabs my arm, shoulder, whatever she can get a hold of, and cries out. Her words are inaudible at this point, just broken breaths, as are mine. I hang my teeth on her jawline and fill up on the desperately beautiful way she's reacting to me.
Morgan stares longingly into my eyes, telling me she wants more. What a good girl.
"Don't stop." she purrs, wiggling on me.
I give into her impassioned swirling on me and let her do so as I squeeze her neck and bring our lips back together, hungrily, I growl into the kiss.
"Um..." I hear someone speak and it's not Morgan.
"Shit!" I cuss and immediately cover our bodies with the throw blanket on the couch.
It's Kailyn. She's just standing there with a written note in her hands - probably a corny love letter from Seth. Nevermind that, though, why the fuck is she just standing there?
"The fuck, Kailyn?" I bark at her for the invasion of privacy. I didn't even know she could get in, the doors were locked and we damn sure didn't give them any keys.
She alludes to the doggy door in the back near their kennels and I facepalm.
"Did you want something, why the fuck are you watching us?" I yell at her but mostly because I'm mad I couldn't get off. Also, the air is cold now and giving me goosebumps.
"Just to tell you about my date, but I guess it can wait. Good night." She talks lowly.
"Kailyn," Morgan speaks up once she's caught her breath. "I don't how much you saw, but-"
"Spare me the sex talk, really. Oh, some lady told me to give this to you, Chris." She yawns and hands me the note.
I furrow my eyebrows. Who the hell is writing me notes, everyone who needs to be in contact with me has my number?
The note reads:
See you in the Hamptons
"Kailyn, who gave this to you?" I raise my voice.
Morgan snatches the note to read for herself and then crumbles it up to throw across the floor.
My little cousin shrugs her shoulders. She doesn't know, but I'm sure I do.
"What did she look like?" I rush the teen to say something, anything.
Kailyn looks up as she thinks on it. "She was shorter, long black hair, grey eyes, long nose, botched lips, huge ass. I mean, huge ass, and little chicken legs. Kind of looked like a failed Kim Kardashian clone."
Morgan and I look at each other. No words are said, but we both know exactly who it is.
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