Chapter Seven: this isn't okay
"No woman can control her destiny if she doesn't give to herself as much as she gives of herself."
Morgan Ann Bennett
The next morning, I made Callie get the hell up. It was a Sunday and I planned on running errands.
There was so much the house needed, but more importantly, I wanted to spoil my favorite girls. We needed it, especially Callie.
If she could see that I can provide for us, then maybe she wouldn't need a man.
Quinn was dressed in her little pink romper while I had on high waist denim shorts, a pair of Birkenstocks, and a white cropped baby tee.
"Where are we going, Squirt?" She asked once I got back into the car after filling up on gas.
I just smiled big, fastening my seatbelt.
Quinn was in her car seat playing games on my phone, probably declining calls and swiping away email and text notifications.
The day was beautiful, sun high in the sky and the perfect amount of wind. I wasn't envious of anyone indoors.
"It must be a surprise," Callie said. Her tone of voice has become much more mild, less enthusiastic and lively over the years. She's now so monotone.
I drove straight for a handful of miles, not telling her where I was going.
About an hour later, we arrived at the buzzing mall. It wasn't the closest to where we lived, but it was the best in the area with more high-end stores. Our local mall had like two shoe stores, an H&M, and a JCPenny with a SubWay, Chinese restaurant, and they removed the Chick-fil-a. It's so ass, we only go there for emergencies, H&M isn't bad at all. Plus, the Chinese is pretty good.
Callie got out of the car and attached a leash to Quinn which I hated.
Pushing the sunglasses atop my head, I said, "Callie, do you really have to walk her like that?"
"The mall is dangerous, Squirt. There's so many people here," she observed.
And it's true, there were a wild amount of citizens at the mall, but I don't know that a human had to be on an actual harness-leash-thing.
"Whatever happened to strollers?" I asked my big sister, stepping onto the sidewalk.
"You wanna push around a stroller all day? I plan to shop, I'll have bags," she commented, viewing the directory.
I pushed the hair over my shoulder and squinted my eyes under the beaming sun.
"You have money?" I asked her. Surely she didn't know that I had just been granted some.
"Yeah, Danny gave me five hundred dollars to treat myself," she bragged.
"Who's Danny- nevermind. Good," I pipped, strolling along.
Later in the food court, I was smiling at my phone, replying to Malcolm's last email. He was going away and told me to "wait for him."
I don't know what the guy's deal was, but it was nice to have someone to talk to. Besides, he sent me money and I was sure I could get more out of him, and I don't even have to do anything. He's just an older gentleman who wants to spoil a pretty girl apparently.
Callie returned from the bathroom in her v-neck white tee, low top Converse, and mom jeans.
She pressed her backside into the chair and finished her Pepsi.
"So," she spoke. "who's that making you smile?"
I looked up from my phone twice and saw her grinning wide.
"What?" I asked like I didn't know what she said but I did.
"I know it's not Kyle, that douchebag," she aggressed.
"No, actually, it's not."
Callie looked impressed. I guess because she hates Kyle so much she'd rather see me with literally anyone else.
My ex and my older sister never got along because Kyle would always have to console me when I would cry after one of Callie's episodes. That got annoying to him, I can see how. On top of that, because Callie always left me with Quinn, Kyle and I never had any alone time.
"Who is it?" Asked Callie.
"His name is Malcolm, he's from Denver," I squealed.
"Malcolm from Denver. What does he do?"
I sunk in my seat, annoyed at the interrogation already.
"What," she let out, seeing my body language. "I'm still your big sister, I have a right to ask."
I laughed at her and pushed the trash away from my pizza lunch.
"Uh, I don't know, but he has money."
"How do you know, he could be lying?"
Just to shut her up, I pulled up the records on the app showing her he sent me four thousand dollars the night prior.
Her jaw was to the dirty public floor.
"Well, I guess he does have money," Callie said. "He could be a scammer, though. Or an old man."
"If you call yourself old; he's like thirty-seven."
"Excuse you," Callie's voice boomed and neck rolled. "I am thirty-four!"
Laughing, I moved on from her comments.
"I don't care if he's eighty if he's going to keep sending money!" I exclaimed, dramatically throwing my hands in the air.
Callie tried to smile but it didn't stick. She shook her head slowly from side to side and then tore her green orbs from my face.
"Just be careful, alright?" she requested, feeding her daughter.
I blinked away, sinking into the metal chair.
It was just funny, for once she was telling me to be careful when it came to men. Huh.
The warm water splashed my face one last time before I patted my freshly cleansed skin dry with a towel. I finally moisturized and that was the extent of my nighttime routine.
Yawning, I shuffled across the stiff closet to hop in bed where I quickly got comfortable under my big, black blanket AKA the most comfortable thing ever.
There was no tv in my room and I didn't bother cuing my bluetooth speaker to play any music.
Before shutting my eyes for the next seven hours, I decided to catch up on my notifications.
Kyle had sent me, like, four texts saying he missed me and would "get me back." Yeah, right.
Other than that, I went to my email and was surprised to see Malcolm had written me again after some time.
It read:
I'm back darling. Send me your number now please
I only hadn't given it to him to begin with, thinking he was just another old internet creep. However, he kind of won my trust after sending the money. Plus, his page was verified on the app.
Thinking everything checked out, I sent him my phone number.
I had rolled over, ready to sleep, when my phone rang within the next few seconds.
The number was 'unknown' but who other than Malcolm, who I'd just given my number to?
"Um, hello?" I answered shy.
"It's me, darling," his velvet-y voice rang.
Okay, the voice matches the face, I thought in my head.
I sat up, still unsure, and grabbed the hair at my temple.
"Oh, hi."
"It's nice to hear your voice. It's as beautiful as I imagined," he complimented me.
The way he texted and talked -- flirted-- showed his age. I had to pull the phone from my head so I could let out a little laugh.
"Thank you," I returned, probably seeming timid.
"So, I said I had a question to ask you," Malcolm stated.
I stayed quiet, wanting him to just spit it out.
"You still there, darling?" he asked.
I blinked my eyelids. "A-huh..."
"Good. Well, I get pretty lonely here sometimes with all the travelling. When I'm home, I have no one."
Okay, what does that have to do with me?
He went on. "It hasn't been very long but I know what I want and I like you, darling. I'd like it if you came up to see me sometime."
"Like, in-"
He cut me off. "My Colorado home, yes. Well, mansion," Malcolm cackled.
"Um, I don't know. I work here, my family's here. I can't just leave."
"Sure you can, now say you will."
When I hesitated, Malcolm spoke up. "You'll have everything you need here and won't need to work again. I can fly you out Monday, that'll give you enough time to get your affairs in order."
My eyes bulged out of my head.
This is crazy, I thought.
"Malcolm, wait, wait. This is all just a little fast, you know? I-I have to quit, pack, help my sister with the bills--"
A notification from Venmo caused me to put a pin in my sentence.
He had sent five thousand dollars.
I pretended to pass out until Malcolm's voice took me out of my moment.
"For you," he said in the phone. "Hope that helps. I'll see you Thursday."
"But that's three days! No, Malcolm, sorry I can't-" I tried to speak. He hung up.
Five. Thousand. Dollars.
I slung my phone across the bed and palmed both sides of my head.
In disbelief, I even shocked myself. Then, I looked back at the payment. It's real.
I had a lot to think about, with Malcolm and his request.
I'd spent two days pondering the idea of moving to Colorado of all places to meet this man in person for the first time after only a couple weeks chatting online. The idea was crazy.
On the one hand, though, he hadn't really been creepy or off-putting. He had money, that's for sure. And I needed money.
More than that, I needed a better life for myself.
Plus, it's hot as hell here in Arizona. A change wouldn't be so bad, I think I could do Colorado. I didn't know much about it but I saw South Park before, and I would love to learn how to ski.
Besides, it's not like there's so much here for me. I broke up with Kyle, my job is shit, and I don't have a relationship with my parents.
The question, though, do I leave Callie and Quinn behind?
No, I can't. Callie can hardly take care of herself, let alone Quinn, without me.
I had to think of something. Either I go it alone or bring them with me and I don't know if that's in Malcolm's plans. I already feel like I'm imposing.
What am I saying, I didn't even agree, yet. Plus I don't have a plane ticket. And if I was going to leave Callie, I wanted to give her some money for bills so she wouldn't have to worry for a couple months while she's in massage school, or whatever.
I was in Target, picking up some things for my supposed trip.
Every time I picked up a travel item, I put it back down.
This is crazy, I'm not going, I thought. But all the mini sized items like deodorant and wipes were so appealing.
Fuck it, I ultimately said in my head, pushing the items in my cart.
"Need any help?" an employee asked me as I looked over the wall of makeup.
"No, thanks. I'm supposed to be going away, but," I trailed off.
She smiled with these long box braids going down her back.
"Well, let me know if have any questions," the beauty consultant let me know.
"Will do," I returned with a kind smile, watching her leave me alone.
I don't even know what I'm doing in the makeup aisle. Well, Malcolm did give me five thousand dollars to treat myself. I suppose I could've gone and got some clothes, which I did, only from online. I just didn't want to blow it all. What if I get to Colorado and Malcolm isn't who I expected, and I need a plan b?
Up at the register, I was called next.
"How are you?" I spoke to the cashier first, putting my items on the counter.
She chomped on her chewing gum. "Hi."
I watched Bri, that's her name, chew and scan. As she did so, I checked my account balance.
"That'll be sixty-two dollars and forty-five cents," Bri let me know, blowing a bubble with the gum in her mouth.
I returned home late for once after catching up with Ella. She texted me saying she was off and Kitty's was having some special we just had to take advantage off so we met there for some drinks and wings.
I didn't mention to her that I was leaving or she would've told everyone and they'd act like it's the end of the world, even though Ella's the only one who reached out to me since I left Kitty's.
Not drunk, or really tipsy, I walked inside, ignoring the other car in the driveway.
With a yawn, I kicked my mule sandals off and flipped on the light switch.
A loud gasp caused me to widen me tired eyes and feast them on the sight that was Callie sucking dick on the living room sofa.
"What. The. Fuck," I cracked, dropping my shopping bags.
"Morgan! What are you doing here," she asked in a panic.
I watched my sister wipe her lips and hop off of her knees.
She quickly rushed over to me near the kitchen, trying to explain as if I didn't catch her in the act.
"This is Danny, remember? He just came by to, uh, talk. Yeah, talk," Callie stammered.
"Where's Quinn?" was my second question, eyes darting around the room.
"This your sister? Hot," this Danny guy spoke up.
I was disgusted, his pants were pooled at his ankles, his manhood out for the world to see.
"Pull your pants up," I scowled, covering my eyes as I walked down the hall.
I saw Quinn was in the room with no tv on and a pair of headphones. She was crying, curled in a ball.
My heart broke a little, she looked so scared, poor thing.
I picked her up and took her to the living room.
"Is this the type of shit you do when I'm not here?" I barked at my older sister.
She gritted her teeth at me, trying to mouth something.
Cole stepped up, zipping his suffocating skinny jeans.
"Woah, who's this?" Danny questioned, alluding to Quinn on my hip.
"Her daughter," I said with a roll of my neck.
All eyes shot to Callie who was cracking under pressure. She looked between Quinn, myself, and Danny.
"You have a kid?" He asked, walking out. "Hell no."
"No, Danny, wait!" Callie begged, chasing after the brunette with a lip piercing. Pathetic.
I put Quinn down on the couch and kneeled down so we could see eye-to-eye.
Her glossy eyes avoided mine before I lifted her chin and made a face, hoping to get a smile from the three-year-old.
Outside the door, Danny started yelling at Callie. I didn't intervene as long as he didn't get disrespectful. I'm sorry to admit I was glad he was getting on her about hiding the fact that she has a child. It's like she's ashamed of Quinn.
Quinn's warm tears returned, streaming down her red, puffy face.
"It's okay," I said to my niece. "It's okay..."
Not long after, Callie stumbled back inside, a wreck.
Quinn had fallen asleep just that fast. I remembered the days I cried myself to sleep, too. Callie still has them often.
She slid her back down the wall and kept repeating, "Why me? I loved him. Why me?"
It hurt me to see her so torn up about a man. Men aren't temporary, and we don't need them. I wished I could get that through her head already.
With tears in my own eyes, I sniffled my way over to Callie by the front door.
I dropped on my bottom and put my head on her knees while she let me.
"This isn't okay, Callie," I told her.
She kept her head in her lap, sobbing.
That wasn't the Callie I knew and used to look up to. This mess of a woman was unrecognizable. It was her hair, but now dull, no shine to it. Those were her eyes, but they didn't light up anymore. The words she spoke didn't seem like her own, it was like another force was controlling her. I know what that force is: men.
I hated that her whole being was centered around the approval and acceptance of a male.
"I can't do this anymore," Callie croaked.
"Yes you can," I insisted.
"No. I can't. I don't want to be here anymore, around them, I can't. I just need to get away," my sister vented, leaning on my body.
"Let me take you -- us-- away from here," I said all too eager at the idea.
Of course! Colorado - the perfect getaway.
Callie looked up at me. She stopped crying and narrowed her eyes with a slightly tilted head.
"What?" she asked.
I nodded, wiping away my tears. "Yeah. I got these plane tickets. I didn't think you'd come, but what the Hell? You need a break, Callie - a fresh start!"
"This is crazy, Squirt. Why? To where, how? W-what?" her questions hit me fast.
I let out a breathy laugh and took her hands in mine. "Just, trust me. I'm going to make things better for us."
"What the Hell," she agreed, laughing out loud almost hysterically.
I watched her cry again so I asked what's wrong now.
"Happy tears, Squirt," she claimed, wiping them away.
Standing, I nodded and offered a hand to help Callie up, too.
Once she took it, Callie pulled me in for the biggest hug of life.
"I love you," she said in my ear. "and I'm sorry."
I stepped back, tucking some hair behind one ear. "Callie?"
"Yeah, Squirt?"
Losing my nerve, I relaxed my balled fists and exhaled greatly.
I started down the hallway and said, "Just... start packing, okay?"
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