Chapter Five: he must be high
"The only time family becomes null is when those ties in the heart are cut. If you cut those ties, those people are not your family... And if you hate those ties, those people will still be your family because whatever you hate will always be with you."
Chris Omar Vaughn
I would rather shit in my hands and clap than watch another second of my parents' PDA.
We were out to eat for a change, at some restaurant in the city. It was nice, I guess, if you were into five star dining. Really I didn't care for overpriced meals of food that was hardly satisfactory.
Carter was just trying to impress for poor, impressionable mother.
"More wine?" The waitress asked the table.
"Please," I answered with a quickness.
When she poured some in my glass, I grabbed the bottle.
"Thanks," I said, letting her go.
"Does he always drink like this?" Carter asked my mother. He tried to whisper it but I caught it.
"Um, no, actually. You do."
Okay, that one was uncalled for. I know.
My mother gasped, throwing her napkin down.
"It's alright, Mary," he sighed.
"Uh, I don't like to be around wine. All night I've been trying to let you enjoy it, you're grown and it's my own fault, but I'd appreciate it if you could lay off a bit."
My top lip started to curl, I couldn't help it.
Seeing my mother's desperate facial expression, I eased up.
When the waitress walked by, I gave her the bottle back.
"Thank you," Carter said with pride. I didn't do it for him.
"Thank you," Mom mouthed to me. I did it for her.
Plus, it wasn't very grown of me to keep picking at him.
"So," Carter talked, forking his side dish. "you still in school?"
I didn't know it had been that long since he last saw me. I was out of school at twenty-two. Three years later. . .
Goddamn I hate small talk.
"No," I answered, cutting into my steak. I love steak.
"Oh," he said almost sounding upset he didn't know that. "Well, uh, what do you do for work?"
I looked at him, bored. After hesitation, I replied.
"I work with Uncle Malcolm."
"He's not really your uncle," Carter laughed.
If I wasn't trying to keep the peace for the sake of my mother, I would've said: well you're not really a father.
I don't even call Malcolm "uncle" it just came out, I think purposely to get under Carter's skin.
"Chris is into architecture, that's what he went to school for," Mom spoke up.
I eyed her. She didn't have to tell him that.
Carter's eyes lit up like he was so happy.
"That's amazing, bud!"
I am not seven.
"Wow," he jabbered some more. "how'd you get into that?"
"Remember he used to always sketch and build the most intricate things with his Lego's?" Mom bubbled.
Of course he didn't remember.
"Uh, right, right. Yeah, no, I remember. You're talented," Carter said, taking a drink of his water.
"Hopefully he finds some work soon so he can get out of that pot business with Malcolm," Mom scoffed.
"Mom," I grumbled, chewing my food.
"I'm just saying," she trailed off, tasting more red wine.
"Why don't you come with with me at the B&B, I could use an extra set of hands?" Offered Carter.
I looked at Mom so she could answer for me.
She put her glass down and said, "He helps out already when he can. But enough about work, dessert?"
"What's up, Mr.Jones," I greeted him upon entering the café.
"Not much, hot shot," he said back with a toothy smile.
Walking with a bounce in my step, I ran into Mrs.Jones.
"Chris, you're in a good mood," she noted, grinning.
"He must be high," Adriel bursted my bubble.
I wasn't even.
"Can I get a large cup, please?" I asked, already reaching over the counter.
Sherry (Mrs.Jones) looked at me. She wore a long dress and a knitted sweater on her arms to cover her from the cool temperature inside the café. Her hair was in a long braid today like her son's, except she had beautiful cultural turquoise hair pieces and feathers in hers.
Mr.J kept his long greying hair down and out most of the time with a cowboy hat on top. Or, like he would say "an Indian hat."
I took the cup and used the dispenser to get me a drink, just a fruit punch flavored Hi-C.
The chimes above the bell went off, alarming the family someone walked in.
"Sorry, mister," Sherry said to the stranger, "we're not open, yet."
This tall, slender black man almost turned on his heels to leave but then I realized who he was.
"Dude, that's your guy!" AJ whisper-yelled at me.
Reuben Fisher, the genius himself. He's just so talented, I don't mean to be on his dick or anything.
And his lifestyle, so minimalistic, you wouldn't know he's a millionaire. Unlike Malcolm who flashes his wealth any chance he gets.
"We're open!" AJ vouched. "If you need anything, just let Chris here know."
I gritted at him. That's not my job.
He looked at me and mumbled, "Go talk to him."
Ah, I see what he's doing.
"Good lookin' out, bro," I said to my friend. Even though I had no designs on me.
Just as I was about to approach Reuben Fisher, Malcolm walked in.
"Hey, Malcolm," Mr.Jones spoke. They were friendly as the Jones family loved them some marijuana.
"Hello, everyone," he spoke to the collective. "You, let's talk."
His finger pointed right to me and I shrunk my posture.
"Bruh," I groaned. "Can it wait?"
"Can I get a coffee?" Reuben asked.
I wasn't a waiter so I let the Jones clan take care of him while I went with my uncle.
"What's up?" I asked him once we were outside by his white SUV. He liked white especially because it looked so clean when it snowed outside. Plus he said most bad guys ride in black SUVs, he's crooked but not a "bad guy" — well, sometimes— and not a total cliche.
"That girl I was telling you about, the blonde? I think I'm ready to meet her," he gushed.
I kept my face straight. "You're insane. You're actually insane. It's been what, a week?"
"Yeah, so? You've hooked up with girls you've just met."
"Yeah, exactly, hooked up. I'm not looking for a wife."
"Me either."
I tilted my head, my long brown hair going with it. "I know you, MJ."
He shook his head, following me around the truck as I checked it out. Nice.
Then I caught sight of Reuben's Bentley Bentayga. Luxurious.
"Who the hell is driving this in my town?" MJ snapped.
I chuckled, seeing him jealous, but I didn't say who's.
Redirecting, Malcolm looked me in the eyes. "This girl is different. She's cute, I like her."
Cute? I don't know about cute, that's an understatement. The perky blonde he showed me was hot, sexy. Those blue-green eyes did something to me.
"You're going to fly out and meet her?" I asked, crossing my arms.
"More like flying her here," he let me know.
Dumb. He's dumb.
"So she can rob you?!"
He had a laugh. "You've seen too much tv. She's a nice girl."
"She's real?"
Malcolm nudged me playfully. "Whatever, man. You don't know anything."
His phone rang then. "I gotta go," he said.
I watched him walk towards a man and slide hands.
Oh, God, I internally scowled when I saw who it was.
"Carter," I said.
Behind my father's back, Malcolm gave me a look that said "play nice."
"You and Malcolm, heh. I don't like it." He played it off as a joke but was serious.
I popped a shoulder and walked through the strip, passing the café.
"I missed this place," he said aloud.
When I didn't say anything, Carter elbowed me.
"How 'bout a coffee? On me?"
"I don't drink coffee," I answered.
"Well, I'll drink coffee and you can judge me for it."
My face stayed straight but I led the way back into the Jones's café.
As I entered, holding the door, Reuben Fisher made his exit.
"Thank you," he said, basically leaving me starstruck.
I lingered there for a second, wondering if I should chase him down, or not.
That could've been my big break.
Carter brushed against me. "Thanks," he said to me for holding the door.
Seeing the stuck look on my face, Carter asked, "Who was that, you know 'em?"
I shook my head. "Nobody."
Half an hour had gone by and I still didn't have any words for Carter. What was I supposed to say?
He finished his drink and looked at me.
"Come on, just rip the band-aid off," he said.
I looked confused.
Carter chuckled. "I know you want to say something about now I'm a deadbeat, you probably wanna hit me."
I went "ha" because I did want to hit him again but I wasn't gonna.
"Nah, I don't wanna hit you. I want to know what you're doing back, though, we were fine without you?"
He tapped his hair knuckles on the tabletop and thought about how to phrase his answer.
"Uh, I just missed you guys. I suppose you wanted me to stay gone once I got clean?"
"I sort of expected you to."
"You're my family, I'm not just going to forget that."
"You basically did."
"EVERY TIME YOU-" I looked around and saw everyone staring.
I brought my voice down to say, "Every time you picked up a drink."
"Sorry I wasn't always there for you. I had my own shit going on, Chris."
"You couldn't have stayed? Went to rehab here? Stayed clean?"
"You'll never understand," he lamented, trying to put his hand on mine but I snatched it away.
"You're right, I won't," I said quickly, standing.
AJ came over and asked, "Yo. You tryna ride to the city with me?"
I agreed, walking away with him. Anything to get out of that conversation.
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