"LET ME GO BAKA"I said as we were driving and the sea green twerp was holding me down from getting up and running(green haired guy is in media)
"We will if you stop jumping around"metal head said
"Fine "I said pouting like a child
He let go and I sat down
"See how easy it is when you don't fight"metal head said
"Shut up metal head"I mumbled
"METAL HeAD!"she said and sea green twerp laughed
"Anyway I guess since we took you you should know are names I'm rose and I'm 18 "metal head" is Lexa she is 19 and the greened haired guy is Nathaniel and he's 21 we call him Nathan"red head said
"So we told you who we are now who are you"Lexa said
"I'm Brooklyn I'm 17 years old my friends call me brook I have two siblings calob and alexia but she just died"I said trying not to relive that memorie
"That's cute its like abc alexia brooklyn and calob"rose said
"So what's your familiar"Nathan said making me wanna punch him
"Um I'm not really sure "I said
"What do you mean not really sure how stupid are you"he said
"Well she can turn into a raven but also a person with black wings so I'm not really sure what she is
"Wait did you say your familiar can turn into a person with wings what's her name"Lexa said
"Well her name is Thana but-"I said but I was cut off
"Yeah like some idiot like you got the locker of tears your to weak"Nathan said
"Her name is Thana"I said
"Prove it hey lex pull over!"Nathan said
"Sure Nathan"she said
He pushed me out of the car
"Do it"he said
"THANA!"I said as she appeared in her human form
"What do you want Brooklyn you can't Just summon and damn one you please and why the f*ck are you in a desert!"she yelled filling her nails
"Well aren't you just as cheery as ever"I said
We looked at the other guys and they bowed down
"What you guys doing"I said
"Can i leave now its hot and I'm tired"Thana said
"Sure whatever"I said
She disappeared with a tiny flash of light leaving some feathers
"Well come on let's get back in the car we need to get to the base"Nathan said
"Wait what j learned from my parents never to go with strangers so see yah"I said running up I didn't get anywhere because the nat was holding me by the shirt
"Your really a idiot we should have just knocked you out and put you in the trunk but that wouldn't be nice it's already bad enough that I have to sit next to you do you have to be so annoying"he said
"BAKA"I said
"Great not only are you super annoying but your also a otaku yay that makes my life easier "he said sarcastically
"Shut up nat!"I said
"Nat did you just call me a bug you wanna pick a fight lady because believe me in a fist fight I'll win"he said
"Sure why not"I said
He punched at me but I dodged them I punched him in the back and knocked him on the ground
"Three two one out!"lexa said
"How did you do that so fast"rose said
"My father is the head of a police agency and my mom works on the police force also my brother is training to become one of them when alexia would stupid I would spar with them so I learned and ended up being a good fighter"I said
"It must have been a fluck just like your last fight with tarea" Nathan said
"Well the next one will end up with me beating him because of skill"I said
"Yeah right dumbass"he said
"You wanna fight"I said
"Sure but this time let's use are familiars help"he said
"THANA/SCALES"we said as his giant serpent appeared and my raven appeared
"Idiot you think you can win without training"she said
"Why not"I said
Thana's power flowed in me giving me two dark wings
"This is going to be easy"scales said
"Yeah"nat said
Scales's power gave Nathan scales all over him and the ability to turn into a giant snake,summon weapons that gave out poison and he had a antidote,and split into smaller snakes while all I could do was fly get feather daggers and turn into feathers then back oh and turn into a raven
"F*ck"I said
"Wow where did your courage go"Nathan said mocking me
I turned into feathers
I let the wind move me around him
I turn back from feathers and into my person with wings for and striked his head breaking of some of his scales on his face
"In your face"I said
He smirked as the scales grew back
He punched me in the air then into a mountain
He walked over to the hole I was in and I flew straight out throwing him into the ground
He got up and beat me to a pulp
"Pathetic"he said
"Did you have to hit her so hard"rose said
"I guess he is just surprised someone broke his armour for the first time since his brother did"lex said
"You have a brother"I said
"Shut up let's just go" he said meaner than usual
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