chapter 6
March 2017
*Ava's point of view*
"Ava for the love of God your always in my fucking way, move", jimin growls while pushing past me. Ever since I got here, the only emotion he's showed towards me is hate. The first couple days he okay but now he acts like he can't stand me.
"Hobi, why is he so mean to me. He acts like he's the one who got taken from there home and forced to live with strangers. He acts like i'm the one who kidnapped him".
"I'm not really sure, just give him some time Ava. He'll warm up to you eventually. Don't think about it too much". Jhope smiled.
"Hoseok come on we gotta go, I told you to get in the van 5 minutes ago. Ava Jimin's gonna stay here with you this time. We'll be back around 8, I'll cook as soon as I get home", Jin said while looking at the clock above the oven. "Oh crap we're gonna be late jhope let's go", he demanded while grabbing jhope's wrist, pulling him out of the kitchen.
Great, a whole day with just jimin. Maybe if I just lock myself in my room it won't be so bad. But unfortunately, I didn't even make it to the stairs before my plan was ruined.
As I was walking through the living room, I came in contact with someone's chest making me fall backwards. My back hitting the end of the coffee table, making me wince.
"Shit, are you okay", I looked up to see jimin standing above me with a very concerned look on his face.
"Yeah, I'm fine. But I did hit my back pretty hard", I replied as he grabbed my hands, helping me off the ground.
"Here let me see". I turned around so he could check my back. I felt warm hands lift the back of my shirt up. As he touched the part of my back that hit the table I winced.
"I think you'll be okay, but you have a pretty bad bruise. Come lay down on the couch and I'll get you some ice okay". I nodded as he lead me to the couch. After I laid down on my side, he grabbed the blanket off the arm of the couch and covered me up with it.
After that he walked to the kitchen to get ice. Why is he being so nice, normally he just yells at me all the time. Maybe he felt sorry for me. My thoughts came to a stop once I saw jimin walking into the living room. He had a bag of ice in one had and a glass of water in one hand.
He handed me the ice then sat the glass down on the table and reached for something in his pocket. He pulled two white pills out and handed them to me along with the water. "Here take these, they'll help with the pain and the swelling", he explained. "But they might make you a little sleepy".
I took the pills and he was right, they did make me sleepy. Just a few minutes after taking them I drifted off to sleep.
*Jimin's point of view*
I wasn't trying to hurt her feelings, that wasn't my intention. I thought that maybe if I tried being mean to her and ignored her, then things would be easier.
Because the truth is, I do like Ava. I like her alot. Ever since I saw her in the gas station, I've been infatuated with her. I was hoping that after I started acting like I hated her, she would act like she hated me too. I didn't want her to get caught up in the mess known as my life. I didn't want her to end up getting hurt.
But after I heard her talking to hoseok, I knew I made a mistake. She sounded so hurt when she asked why I act the way I do. And that's when I realized that by trying to keep her safe, I just hurt her even more.
And like I said, the last thing I wanted to do was hurt her. That's why I decided that from now on, I'm going to be nothing but kind towards Ava. Hopefully she'll forgive me for being such an inconsiderate jerk.
AN: I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!! I wasn't sure if I was going to add a few filler chapters showing jimin being mean in between the last one and this one. But after reading over my timeline I wrote out for this story, I realized that would just make the story way to long because there's still alot of plot line to cover. I might go back and add a few filler chapters in between the last one and this one once I finish this story but I need to see how long it ends up being before I can decide. Happy fourth of July by the way!!
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