- NINE -
Chapter Nine
An answer and an understanding
Bronwyn didn't expect Professor McGonagall to call her into her office after lessons had finished on Friday afternoon. It had been exactly five days since she had performed the initial assessment in the teachers classroom and she supposed it was possible that the results were back, but she didn't really understand how any of it happened. Therefore, she knew that this could be for any reason, she possibly suspected it could be concern as well considering the noticeable distance between her and Harry of which would be deemed unusual. But was it really considering they hadn't really spoke for a good percentage of last year when the Tri-Wizard tournament was occurring. In what Harry thought was a Jealous rage which in reality was Bronwyn seeing that her supposed best friend really didn't care for much if it wasn't something that was going to make him even more famous.
Harry didn't like to admit it, but he enjoyed the fame that being 'the chosen one' brought him. He liked it a lot.
Her hand knocked upon the office door, the one of which was located inside the Gryffindor Common Room, twice at a heavy volume. A loud resounding knock echoed and there was a moment of silence afterwards. Bronwyn knew the rest of her housemates would not be in the common room at this time knowing that Fridays were usually spent enjoying themselves in the dining room. Spending time with friends after completing their week of classes.
"Come in." The strong voice of her head of house bounced through the wooden door and Bronwyn moved to push it open. Her 5'10" frame was very obvious as to who she was upon entering, and it was clear her professor had clearly recognised her. Sure there were a few ginger haired students in the house of the lions but none of the female students reached her height. Something Bronwyn loved but loathed at the same time.
"Ahh Bronwyn take a seat my dear." Professor McGonagall motioned and Bronwyn took notice that there was someone else in the office, someone she did not recognise. There was an adult woman sat in the other chair, she was stout, with greying hair delicately drawn back into a bun. And it was then that Bronwyn recognised the uniform the woman had on, noting that it belonged to St Mungos, the London Wizarding hospital. Pondering to her just why this healer was currently in the office.
"Miss Weasley I'd like you to meet Healer Bramble. She's come from St Mungos following your test this week to help do some further assessment."
"Hello love, my name is Sonya, what can I call you?" Healer Bramble started and Bronwyn was happy to know that she at least seemed nice, there was just something about her attitude that gave that feeling. She liked the look of the healer and just hoped that this wasn't something bad or something she would get in trouble for.
"Bronwyn's okay." She replied wondering what was going to be said next.
"Your professor, had you do a little test on Monday is that right?" Healer Bramble confirmed, something everyone in the room knew the answer to.
"It is."
"Lovely, we've had a look at the results and it does show that you are struggling with the condition named Dyslexia. It's a really common condition with 1 in 10 people in the UK being diagnosed. Have you had issues with reading? Spelling and writing as well?"
"The letters are really hard for me, they sometimes move and I can't always tell which ones are which." Bronwyn admitted, something she hadn't said aloud before until that moment.
"Of course, that's completely normal in people with Dyslexia. Now there is no medication or exact treatment we can give you to make this go away but we can give you some aids to make things easier. But we'll need to do a couple more tests for that, trial some things with you now and see which ones work best. Does that all sound okay?" Healer Bramble's words floated their way across to Bronwyn bouncing around her brain but she couldn't exactly come to terms with what she was hearing, even if Hermione had prepared her for it.
"So something is wrong with me?" Bronwyn spoke and it was clear she was upset with knowing that what she had thought was indeed true. Like she had just been informed that there was something very wrong with her that would never be fixed, she was only partially true.
"Oh no my dear, this isn't something bad. It just means you need just a little more help, that's all." Healer Bramble tried to reassure knowing that finding out at fifteen was not ideal especially if it had been going on for a while.
"Lovely shall we begin?" With Healer Bramble's words they would start flicking through a series of different coloured films. Each one of which she was asked to read the sentence below, watching as green, blue, yellow and a couple more colours were trialled. Hoping that one of them would stick. They returned to the blue film a couple of times before settling that it did indeed help. That she could read clearer and it strained her eyes less using this colour. That she was able to read for a prolonged period of time in comparison to usual when it was blue. And finally Bronwyn felt just a little more normal.
"So this colour parchment will be provided for all exams and sheets and things?" Bronwyn confirmed following the conclusion.
"Oh yes Miss Weasley, the school will sort this out including getting you some new supplies to take notes on or to submit homework with. I know you already have something in place for charms but I'll look into organising some sort 1 to 1 sessions for your other classes just to make sure we have enough support for you there. I'll send a letter to your parents this evening confirming all of this." The last words spoken by her head of house were enough to make Bronwyn's smile drop as she was unsure just how her parents would react to this news. Their perfect daughter was even less perfect than beforehand.
"Do not stress Bronwyn things will be okay, I'll come back in a couple weeks and just check in on how you are doing okay?" Healer Bramble said waiting until she got a nod back before making her exit using the fireplace set up in the office.
"Is there anything else I can do for you Bronwyn?" Professor McGonagall asked knowing that there had been a significant change in her student over the summer, wanting to give her more support but knowing she needed just a little more information first.
"Professor, I've just not been myself that's all I'm sure I'll be better soon." Bronwyn had come to the realisation that people were starting to notice something different in her, yet she knew that until she had come to terms with what was wrong with her that she couldn't admit it aloud, she wasn't ready to tackle either of those things right now. And it would be best that she did not approach that for a while. She was sure she wasn't going to be ready for a while.
"Only if you are certain, please do note that my door is open at any time you also have Madam Pomfrey in the Hospital Wing you can talk to as well. I hope to have your new supplies with me on Monday morning and will give them to you before lessons start." Professor McGonagall seemed unconvinced but it also was evident she was not going to do any pushing something Bronwyn was happy for, for now. She would come clean to her professor later on she was sure of that but first she had to organise everything else and sort it out for herself. The first step, they say, to getting help is admitting you need it. But Bronwyn couldn't admit she needed it yet.
Things weren't bad enough yet to need it.
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