Chapter 47 Fisherman
True to their word, they left the old woman's house at first light. Wei Ying was glad they had some food to share between the children for an impromptu breakfast, and then they left.
Outside was much more pleasant than the day before. Still a little cold from the wind coming off the sea, but they smiled brightly at each other and began to walk through the long grasses. One last dune, and the beach stretched out before them.
Collectively, they gasped.
Both to their left and to their right, great sandy dunes gradually flatted into a golden firmness as the sea caressed it like a long lost lover, darkening with the waters.
The sun was just beginning to rise on the horizon, dazzling the blue waters and blinding the onlookers.
"Isn't it beautiful?" Li XiWang breathed out.
Wei Ying was already taking off his boots, when Lan Zhan looked at him, curious and questioningly.
"I'm going in." He said, confidently.
"No." Was his first reaction.
"Just my feet. Come on, Lan Zhan! It would be disrespectful not to!"
Li XiWang sat next to him, pulling off her boots too.
Lan Zhan made a noise of disapproval while Wei Ying beamed first at her and then at SiZhui. His would be the deciding vote.
"Come on, SiZhui, you too."
SiZhui looked between both fathers, wanting to join in but not wanting to disappoint the other.
Wei Ying let out a whoop of delight when it was Lan Zhan who sat down beside him and started removing his boots.
And socks.
Wei Ying's mouth ran dry when he saw the elegant white toes, the curve of his insole, the slender ankles leading to a mouthwatering calf, skin so smooth and soft-looking, he wanted to lick...his eyes connected to his husband's, and he gulped, finding the matching desire reflected in those golden pools. He blushed.
Collecting himself, he smacked his lips upon the other and jumped up, laughing wildly, racing towards the sea.
Lan Zhan followed, calmly holding Li XiWang's hand with SiZhui as they joined him at the edge.
Their toes sunk in the wet sand, warmed by the sun, and contrasting with the cooler water, cold from the sea. Wei Ying curled his toes, squishing the sand and revelling in the sensation. They all held hands, in an unspoken agreement to wait for the next wave....and then splash!
Li XiWang squealed at the sudden change in temperature, Wei Ying laughing and shouting, as he picked up palmfuls of water to splash both his children, getting Lan Zhan instead. The Jade said nothing, but the pleasure was evident in the way he stared at his husband, sunlight shining off his wet hair, red ribbon flying in the sea breeze.
They played in the water for a while until they were tired, and decided to lie down on the beach further up, to dry off.
"It's so big." Li XiWang shielded her eyes and stared off into the distance. "How far must it be?"
"Who knows?" Wei Ying shrugged, not wanting to leave his spot. It was so warm, so comfortable...
"Thank you, father." She was standing next to him, and bowing.
Wei Ying sat up, squinting in the strong light, but when he saw what she was doing, he gathered her into his arms.
"Don't bow to me, ever! I love you. I would do anything for you, not because I have to, because I want to."
"See? We both feel that way. We love you, little rabbit."
SiZhui put his arms around them, and then Lan Zhan added his and suddenly they were all laughing.
It was good to be together.
They decided to explore, tossing a coin to decide which direction. Coincidentally, they used the one given to them by Shui Rouchong. In the strong sunshine, the iridescent colours shone magically, the pinks and greens glowing. It hit the water and Li XiWang picked it up straight away, afraid the sea would snatch it from her.
"Right it is!" Wei Ying announced, and they began walking.
The beach stretched as far as they could see, even around the bending of the cliff face, where they saw a group of fishermen, ready to cast their boats out.
"We should ask them." Wei Ying said, hurrying to catch up with the last one.
"Excuse me, sir, but would you happen to know anything about the Jiaoren?" He asked, putting on his most charming smile.
"What?" His answering smile turned into a scowl. "What do you want to know about them?"
"Well, um, everything?" Wei Ying looked at him hopefully.
He spat on the ground.
"I can tell you to stay away from them! Mischievous rascals, that they be. Never miss an opportunity to tear holes in my nets, and do you know, they even tried to scuttle my boat once? Getting too bold, I say."
He stroked his beard, and Wei Ying was reminded bizarrely of Uncle Qiren. He smothered a laugh, shaking his head at Lan Zhan, who looked at him after he made a noise.
"So they're out there?" Wei Ying sobered, pointing to where the sea stretched far away into the distance.
"Yes, but don't tell anyone I said so. No one believes me. They told me a shark broke my nets, a shark! Can you believe that? Not when I seen the truth with my own two eyes!" He was out of breath after his ranting. "Anyway, you're making me late." He began to push his boat into the waters.
"Wait!" Wei Ying suddenly had a bright idea. "Can you take us with you?"
They all stared at him, including the fisherman.
"What for?"
"We want to see them for ourselves. If you agree." He batted his eyelashes.
Lan Zhan snorted.
"We can pay," he added.
The fisherman looked interested at that. "How much?"
"Er, I dunno." He stared at Lan Zhan who had already pulled out his purse and giving him a piece of silver. "Is this enough?" He asked hopefully.
"Alright." The fisherman took it and hid it in his robes. "But don't try anything funny. I won't have my boat sink because of you."
Wei Ying lifted three fingers to his temple. "Promise."
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