Chapter 1
"Boy, come on, keep up." A tall person leaned on a tree. He wears dark green tunic, torn on many places from bushes he passed through unscathed. His hair is dirty blond, uncharacteristic for his race as lighter colors are easier noticable by prey. Evolution of bow specified elves that live in forests made them hard to be noticed. His height is also uncharacteristic for elven race. His uncharacteristics of elves yet those long and pointy ears bring to conclusion that he is half human.
Belonging to two races is rare as races keep themselves reserved, not because of a war but not to 'dirty' their blood. Humans do find elves attractive, the boy thinks of a girl that hunter brought with him when hunter came to teach him cute. Its elves that think that through their blood flows blood of Prime, their god that created them from dead branch by accidentally prickling his finger with branch he played with while bored.
"Yes, I'm coming teacher." Dark haired boy huffed while constantly trying to catch up to his half blooded teacher that goes by name Ember. Parents don't name children in elven society but elders of villages. Blonde hair and being half human was unfortunate in elven society. Archer got name that all elves fear as one small ember can grow and devour their beloved forests.
"Shhh. I just spotted deer. Aim for the eye, if you miss I'll take deer down and you will have to carry it to the mansion. If you kill the deer I'll carry it." Ember said so and young boy took aim with his short bow. He created an arrow of light between his fingers, pulled the string and let translucent blue arrow fly. It went straight but missed the eye, the arrow burrowed itself below the eye, deer dropped and arrow disappeared as it shattered and vanished like mist.
"Aargg. I missed the eye. Carry the half of it, the deer dropped in first shot." Boy placed his bow over his shoulder and started walking towards the prey his family and servants will enjoy tonight.
"You will carry full burden. Boy, you missed eye as I instructed. Any failure of yours counts as my win. I will clean the deer while you rest for a while, that should suffice." Boy knew that this will be answer, after all, same scenario happened many times. Young noble didn't raise any ruckus, he isn't a brat, half elf is forcing him to limits to break them and train the boy. That is why a boy of mere 10 years placed ninth in a tournament that king of Lonud organized for coming of age birthday of first prince.
Boys father was overjoyed on such success of his third son so he created celebration and announced it through his land. The boy was embarrassed for full week afterwards as little ladies flocked around him. His only escape from girls were trainings such as this hunt with Ember.
"Here, I tied the legs real good and made deer to be carried like backpack. Carry the bow in your hand, you don't want to break it. These intensities will lure other animals here so they won't follow us."
"Thanks Ember but you don't have to repeat it every time, in these four years I'm with you, you have said those exact words every time we hunt down something. I have learned it by now." Boy got up, dusted himself off and took the deer on with help of half elf.
"I have to repeat it, learning isn't enough. It has to be your first though when waking up an last one when falling asleep, every other thought goes in the time you take for exhaling air. Now boy, off we go to the mansion. I bet cooks will be as delighted as everyone else, this deer is healthy one." Ember plunged his hand in leaves then washed them with dirt following with light hit on boys head. The two of them started their retreat from forest overflowing with various kinds of life.
I planned on having boy compete in tournament all described but blame my imagination, it just had to fit well in the chapter. Almost wrote a spoiler but deleted it, phew. XD
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