Walnut: Mommy what are we going to do?
Glory: Well i will confront the animus and hopefully negotiate
Rainwing: The animus wont negotiate its obvious he hates us
Walnut: I could go he would never suspect me
Rainwing Tribe: Ha ha ha ha
Glory: No its much to dangerous and I'm not ever willing to put you in danger
Later that night Walnut sneaks out of her room with her pet sloth James to find the animus
Glory: Walnut wake up
Glory: Wake up Walnut
Glory: Gasp
Walnut: We can do this James we will save the rainwing tribe
Walnut: Ok there is all the trapped rainwings we will save them
Darkness falls and walnut prepares her attack
Walnut: Ok James we will jump behind the animus and threaten him unless he frees the rainwings and gives our eggs back
Walnut sneaks behind the animus and pounces
Walnut: I've got you now
Animus flings walnut to the ground
Animus: oh I've known your here since this morning
Walnut: What!
Animus: And now I will turn you into dust
Animus: Enchant this spear to turn the first thing it touches into dust and fling it at this dragon
The spear flies at Walnut and then James jumps in the way and turns to dust
Walnut: JAMES NO!
A nightwing flies and grabs Walnut by the talons
Walnut: Who are you? And did you just save me?
Nightwing: My name is nebula and Crystalspitter my brother is the animus
Walnut: What about...
Nebula: Questions later
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