Chapter 32
"Yeah, she said I had to stay another week by myself." I huffed into the phone. I'd been here for 5 days now and just got a call from my mom saying she needed to "work a few things out" and had to stay at home for another week.
I was currently walking to the coffee shop that I lived a few blocks away from. Luckily for me, Cas had mentioned he worked there and said they needed another barista and put in a good word for me so I should be hearing back about that soon.
"You'll be alright." Michael assured through the speaker. It was obvious he was happy to talk to me, he always was.
"I guess." I puffed. There was a short pause before I decided to change the subject. "So how's life without me clinging onto you?" I asked sarcastically as I tried to avoid the groups of people walking past me.
"Shitty." He immediately replied, followed by a gentle laugh. My lips pulled into a half smile once then quickly dropped. I've been missing him to death and it hasn't even been a week.
"I'll work on getting a ticket back out there. You'll see me before you know it." I told him as I pushed the door open to the coffee shop, hearing a loud bell chime above me. I looked up for a moment then back to the empty shop.
"What was that?" He asked curiously.
"I'm out and about. Looking for a job already." I quietly said, leaning over the front counter to find any sign of Cas. Just as I pulled back, he had appeared from the back room, giving me a small wave as he noticed I was on the phone. "Hey, I'll call you back in a few. I'm seeing if this actually works out." I spoke, mouthing a 'sorry' to Cas right after.
"Okay." He sighed. "I love you and miss you too." I lightly smiled and took a deep breath, pushing aside my heartache for Michael.
"I love and miss you too." We exchanged our goodbyes and I slipped my phone back into my purse, walking up to greet Cas who had his arms open for a hug.
"Sorry about that." I stated somewhat guiltily, knowing it wasn't the best to walk into my first chance of a job while on a personal call. I pulled back from him and he had the same polite smile on as he always did.
"Mom?" He questioned as he led me behind the counter.
"Um," I started, looking around at the multiple coffee machines and flavors presented on the chalkboard above us. "That was my boyfriend, actually." I nodded my head to the side, following him into the back room.
"Lucky guy." He cheekily said, raising his eyebrows. I lowered my head as my cheeks subtly flushed, leaning against the stacked boxes just like the ones back at the library at home. "How long have you guys been together?" He glanced over at me once, pulling down a box from the top shelf.
"We haven't been 'officially' together for anything longer than a week, but pretty much 3 months." He led us back out, weaving through the backroom and towards the door again, pushing it open with his back.
"Man, right when he got you he lost you." He said over his shoulder as he began pulling white mugs from the box and setting them on the counter. "He must be worried about a girl like you being here by yourself." I folded my arms over my chest, not exactly fond of his word choice.
"It's not like that." I simply said, shaking my head once. "He gets it, it's like we've known each other for years. It's kind of sappy, but it's true." I snickered. I paused for a second then parted my lips to speak again. "And what do you mean by 'a girl like you'?" He stopped stacking the few cups on the shelves, furrowing his eyebrows once at me then turned back to the mugs.
"I mean you're a good looking girl prancing around the streets of a big city without a guy by her side." He shrugged his shoulders lightly then cleared his throat as he walked back around the corner and dug through the box again. "Some guy is going to pick you up sooner or later." He stared at me, possibly looking for a reaction out of me.
"Are you implying that I'm going to be kidnapped?" I jokingly scoffed. He rolled his eyes, returning back to his process of stacking.
"No, I meant that if you aren't careful enough some teenage dream is going to try to get with you." He shook a finger at me, trying to look out for me, but not doing a very good job of it.
"Teenage dream?" I repeated, raising an eyebrow at him since I wan't quite sure what he meant.
"Yeah. Like some girls teenage dream is a bad boy or the quarter back on their favorite football team." He explained, jumping up and sitting down on the counter in front of me.
"My teenage dream wears black jeans in the summer and asked me to be his girlfriend with a box of pizza. I think I'm good." I chuckled. His mouth opened slightly, clearly showing that he was entertained by Michael's dumb proposal.
"No way." He spoke, letting the grin on his face grow bigger. "That's too good, what does this kid look like?" I couldn't exactly tell if he wanted to mock Michael or applaud him, but I didn't really mind at this point. I fumbled around in my bag in search for my phone, knowing I had a picture of us somewhere on there.
"Here." I handed over my phone after flicking through a few, curiously watching his expression fall.
"That's not his natural hair color is it?" He asked, referring to his nearly white hair. I rolled my eyes once again at him, taking my phone back.
"Of course not." I responded, tossing it into my bag once again. I slung it off my shoulder at let it lay across an empty table. Luckily for us, it was Sunday which meant it was closed, but since Cas was family friends with the owner, he was able to get in and do some work while no one was around.
"Moving on." He sang, hopping of the counter and pulling me towards an empty table. "Boss says he'll give you the job, but I'll have to train you a bit so you know how to get the drinks down right." I opened my mouth to speak, but he had beat me to it. "Unless you want to work the register, but you don't as many hours in."
"I'll take the machines, it can't be that hard." I suggested. He began rambling on about how everything works and when it's busy and things I should've been paying attention to, but merely was.
One thing I noticed about Cas was that he talked with his hands and I was completely distracted by it. Unlike Michael who usually talked less and actually did more, it was something I would get used to. I noticed a lot of the little things about these two boys and they were polar opposites and it was very obvious, the contrast was always a nice thing to have.
sorry that this is so short, i just wanted to give you guys something! still in a bit of a jam right now, but i'm working on it! this is nearly at 30K reads which is crazy so thanks if you're reading :-)
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