Chapter 30
"Maddie." I faint voice called. I stirred in my sleep, not wanting to be awaken yet. The person kept shaking my shoulder until my eyes flicked open. "Madison." My mother's stern tone caught my attention as I slowly woke up.
I was curled up on Michael's hip, looking as if we fell asleep sitting up but had literally fallen down to the side. A light blanket was thrown over us, just enough to keep our shared body heat intact. I looked up at my mom who was hovering over us, purse and keys in hand.
"I'm leaving for work. Make sure to get up in about an hour." She checked her watch and looked outside the window, it still being pitch black. She bent down and kissed my forehead as she moved her way around Michael's sleeping body to give me a proper hug. "I love you, have a safe flight. I'll see you in a week." She smiled lightly once she pulled back and twisted the sleeves from he blouse back around.
"I love you too." I spoke through my tired voice. I had only gotten around 5 hours of sleep, but I could always save that for my plane ride. I waited until I heard the door shut to let out a puff of breath.
I felt nervous now that I thought about it more. I was going to be all by myself in a big city without anyone to guide me, but it was only for a week. I wasn't exactly worried anymore, it just all seemed to come down onto me know, like it was all settling in.
I stayed attached to his side even as he started moving around under me. I resisted away from him slightly so he could move a little more freely, but my attempt failed and he began to wake up. I watched his eyelids flutter open and he looked around before finding me. He lazily gave me a half smile and let the small amount of sleep wash over him.
"Good morning." His voice was husky yet soothing. I settled my head back onto his chest chest and mumbled a 'good morning' back. "What time is it?" He questioned. He took his arm off my back at rubbed his tired eyes. I checked the wall clock, seeing that we'd only gotten barely 4 hours of sleep. More of a nap than anything.
"It's almost 5." I sighed. We had to leave in a little over an hour which meant we had actually woken up too early. There wasn't enough time to go back to sleep, but I didn't want to just stumble around when barely needed 20 minutes to get my things together. I didn't need to get ready, I was literally planning on rolling out of bed and changing my clothes and leaving.
"Go upstairs and do what you need to do for this flight, I got your suitcases." He got up despite my objections and was already by the door which was where my bags were.
"We don't need to leave until-"
"I'm taking you somewhere." He cut me off as he opened the door, stopping it behind him with his foot. I was going to fight it once again, but decided to let him play his game. I knew he wouldn't purposely make me miss my flight so I didn't worry.
I jogged up the stairs and made my way into my bathroom for the last time. It was empty besides the shelves under my sink and the few candles I had. I didn't see the need to take them, so I had left them as the few things of mine my mom would finish packing up this week.
I twisted my hair into a braid and washed my face, putting on the slightest bit of makeup since the bags under my eyes and pale face was not complimenting me. I walked back into my room, sighing as I took my last look around. I snickered to myself as I looked at my walls that were finally all painted green. Definitely a good recommendation.
My eyes were caught by a piece of clothing stuffed in the foot of my bed. I was curious since all of my clothes were packed into my drawers or stuck in my boxes. I tugged at it roughly to get it to slip out, but I was still careful not to rip it. It was barely budging, but after a good few pulls I was able to get it out. I instantly recognized the black jacket as Michael's, the one he gave me the first night I ever met him.
I smiled lightly to myself, reminiscing on all the memories we had at his house, which then transferred over to my house. It was a coincidence how one of my best memories was last night right in my room and that it was my last night here. I then oddly remembered the picture of us at the party he took me to. The urge to take the picture with me hit me and I ran around my room, digging through boxed to find the flimsy image.
"Maddie?" Michael's voice echoed through my house. I kept shuffling through my things until I finally pulled it out and held it in my hand. I turned around once I heard my door creak open. Michael stepped inside without word and I focused back on the picture. No matter how much I hated the way my dress was tugged awkwardly or that you could see my crooked bottom teeth, it captured Michael and I perfectly.
His hands pulled the picture from my own and he studied it carefully before giving it back. He slung an arm over my shoulder and watched me slip it in my bag that was around my torso.
"I still think you look cute in that." He muttered. I let out a stifled laugh and turned to him. I pushed his black hoodie that was in my hands towards him.
"I've had this for 2 months, you might want it back." I gestured for him to take it, but he denied it.
"Keep it. I have a thousand more." He smiled down at me, the same smile that brightened his whole face. My mood went from happy then dropped to sad then back up to happy. My stomach was twisting for no apparent reason, but I believed it was a good nervous that I was feeling.
I loosely wrapped my arms around his neck and played with the messy strands of hair that laid on his neck. "Do you want to get going?" He asked warily, tucking a piece of falling hair behind my ear. I switched between his eyes and slowly nodded my head. He bit the inside of his cheek and grabbed my hands from around his neck and led me out the door for the very last time.
"Remember when you scared the absolute shit out of me when I was working late?" I chuckled. Michael had taken me to the little diner a few blocks from my house, the same one we'd been to a hundred times before. He started bringing up a few memories and now that's all we were spilling out.
"That was too funny." He say through his guilty grin.
"That was not funny!" I gasped. "I thought I was about to be killed!" I raised my voice slightly then brought it back down when I realized that we, surprisingly, weren't the only couple here at 6am. The sleeves of his jacket covered my hands and added to the warmth from my coffee mug. The waitress slipped the bill on our table which I instantly slid towards me. I dug through my bag, looking for any cash.
"I got it." Michael stated, taking the bill in his hands. I furrowed my eyes brows at him and continued to search for my wallet. "Don't give me that look." He chirped, returning the same expression I was giving him. "I'm not letting you pay to leave me." His tone turned a bit more serious, but he was still playing around. I gave in and dropped my wallet back in.
"You're so annoying." I told him, taking another sip of my drink. I watched him mentally figure out the amount for a tip and he glared once up at me.
"And you're not?" I frowned at his words, stumped at how I couldn't deny it. We were both pretty obnoxious. He smirked at my loss of a reply and slid out from the booth. He put out his hand, waiting for me to take it.
"Don't touch me." I said sarcastically, pushing his hand away. I stood up and trailed towards the door, but was stopped by his arm gripping me around my waist from behind. I yelped lightly, throwing a hand over my mouth as he spun me around towards him. He playfully leaned towards me, trying to kiss me but I dodged each one. "We're in public!" I scolded him, making him slow down.
"So?" He cheekily said. I rolled my eyes and pecked his lips once, checking around to see if anyone had noticed.
"Keep a hold on that one dear." I heard a woman say, we both watched as out waitress waltzed passed us. I looked back at him to see his cheeks were tinted pink as mine were too. I giggled at the sudden color and pulled him out the door before we got any more caught up with things.
He opened the door to his car for me, making me pick up on his extra kindness. I sat on the cool leather and buckled my seat belt as I waited for him to get in. I turned down the volume on his radio, wanting to have every last moment with him.
"You're being so nice to me." I looked over at him to find him smiling to himself. He pulled out of the parking lot and opened his mouth to speak.
"There's a reason for that. One of them being that I'm your boyfriend, if you didn't know." He turned onto the main road, heading the opposite way of the airport. I checked my phone, seeing as any detour would make me in a bigger rush than I already am.
"Where are we going?" I peered over at him with a confused look,, but he kept his eyes on the road.
"You'll see. It'll take less than 10 minutes to get there." He said it as if it was nothing and that I didn't have a plan to catch which worried me. Before I objected, I immediately took notice in the familiar road that took you straight to downtown.
"Why are we-" I started, but was yet again cut off by him.
"I said you'll see." He calmly told me. He had the same kind smile on his lips which confused me to no end.
Before I knew it, minutes passed and he pulled up to the same slab of concrete he'd taken me to before. I didn't get why it was so special to us, but it was. It was kind of odd, but I liked it. He parked right out front and got out. I slowly opened my door, taking Michael's offering hand in mine. Luckily, the water was off. The breeze was enough for me and the freezing water was something I didn't want to plan on running through again.
We silently walked through the colored lights and stood right in the center, just like the first time he's taken me here. Our hands were tightly intertwined as I leaned my head on his shoulder.
"Why is this place so important?" I thought out loud, not really looking for an answer, but I was going to be given one anyways.
"Remember when I first took you here, when we got soaked?" I felt him watch down on me as I laughed out loud.
"How could I not? I had to change in the back of your car after I'd known you for like a week." I nudged his shoulder once and stared back up at him. He looked ahead then back at me, his smile growing.
"Remember how I almost kissed you, but then the water ruined it?" I thought back to it, having the vivid image of him so close to me for the first time. I didn't answer, but he knew that I remembered well. "I still never got the chance to." I bit my lip, having the sudden urge to wrap myself to him.
He leaned down, placing his lips over mine. He was gentle, something I was used to. He poured himself into it, like it was the last one we'd ever share. I always craved for his taste, which made me think of how I was going to bare when I was so far away. We both pulled away at the same time, not wanting to take it that far.
"You got your chance." I mumbled against his lips. He smiled closing the space between us quickly once more. He rested his chin on top of my head and I kept my head on his chest. I put a hand against his torso, pushing back slightly. "We need to go before I miss my flight." I looked between his eyes, seeing the obvious color loss. I felt guilty for being the reason for that, but it's a little too late to stop all of this.
The ride to the airport seemed short even with the traffic and endless weaving through the parking structure. We had surprisingly made it on time, or maybe just 5 minutes later than we had expected. Either way, we weren't in any rush. Michael had gotten a pass that let him come with to the gates with me so I wouldn't have to sit and wait for my flight by myself.
We just got out of security and were now heading towards my gate. I knew my way around this airport well enough that I could probably find anything you asked me to while blind folded. I checked the massive departure and arrival screen that hung over our heads to make sure everything was on time.
"All of the places you can go." Michael suddenly said, gazing at the screen. I peaked over at him then back to the times and cities. It constantly flicked with new information and I was seemingly mesmerized by it. I felt his arms creep around my waist from behind and he rested his head on my shoulder. "Let's go somewhere together." He whispered into my ear.
"Soon enough we'll be able to go anywhere we want." I replied back, fidgeting with his fingers that were locked over my stomach. "But for now, I have a set place to go." I pried his hands from around me and grabbed one in my own, slowly intertwining our fingers. His bottom lip stuck out as I pulled him towards the chairs in front of the gate doors.
"Why do you have to leave so soon?" He asked, sitting down in the leather seat next to me. I didn't give him an answer, I couldn't. This obviously wasn't my decision and if I had the power, I wouldn't be leaving.
It was hard, it really was. Probably one of the hardest things I've had to do. Leaving behind everything and having the slight chance of seeing your best friends and boy friend more than a few times a year was hard to take in.I hated seeing the effect on everyone, but they all understood that this would be the best for my mom and I.
"I-" i had only let out one word before I was being called to board the plane. My heart sunk to my stomach and my hands began to shake the slightest bit. "That's me." I choked out. I stood up and slung my bag over my shoulders, not letting go of Michael quite yet. I led him to the back of the line and clung to his arm as I held back the tears that brimmed my eyes.
"Maddie." He began. He pointed towards the empty space in front of us. I swallowed and took a step so I stood right in front of him. He could see the water brimming my eyes that eventually dripped out and he pulled me in for a hug. "You'll do big things out there, just don't forget about me, alright?" He asked, pulling back from out tight embrace.
"I could never." I laughed once and wiped my cheek with my sleeve. I saw he had the same tears running down his cheeks, just the smallest amount less. He cupped one side one my face and looked right into me.
"I love you so much." His voice subtly cracked at the end, making my heart ache. I subconsciously nodded my head and spoke up.
"I love you too." He grabbed the other side of my face, pulling me in for a deep kiss. I didn't care how many people saw or if we were holding up anything, all that mattered was this last moment we'd have for God knows how long. The second he pulled back I instantly wanted to just leave this airport and go back home. Where things were supposed to be normal. Were Michael and I could have a real relationship and not just Skype calls and texts.
I pulled him in for one last hug and we swayed from right to left just like we normally did. We broke apart and I took a step back, not wanting to let go of his hand.
"Call me when you land, alright?" He sheepishly said, I closed my eyes, as if I had winced in pain and I nodded my head.
"I will." He dropped my hand, shooing me towards the woman who needed to scan my ticket. I walked towards her hesitantly and handed over my ticket. The woman looked at me with a cheerful smile and put a hand over her chest.
"It's hard leaving the ones you love the most, but they understand." I nodded once at her as she held out my boarding pass for me once again. I looked over my shoulder and met Michael's eyes, as he was making sure I had actually gotten on.
"Thank you." I mouthed before stepping into the hallway. He gave me a small wave which I returned right back. I turned my back to him and began walking, letting the weight of my carry on bag finally take a toll on my shoulder.
I found my seat easily and luckily had a window seat. I plugged in my heads phones and got situated, closing my eyes gently, remembering I hadn't gotten much sleep last night.
Well, this is it.
i believe walls should have around 10 more chapters then it'll be complete! how exciting omg
also, i'm posting the first chapter of my new luke fan fic tonight, keep in mind it's something that is more of a 'coming soon' type of thing, but i have a lot of ideas for it so yeah :-----)
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