Chapter 29
"You're not hiding in the damn closet!" I scolded at Michael as I shook my finger at him. My mom was coming home in the next hour and he was obviously a bit timid to face her since last time he was her was when he had sneaked into my room and was sleeping in bed with me.
"She's probably going to yell at me!" He shouted back, closing the door to the spare closet we had downstairs.
"Kim is a nice lady, she won't yell at you!" He looked at me with a blank stare, obviously not agreeing with my statement. I rolled my eyes and pushed him into my living room. "You're a 17 year old boy, she's more scared of you than you are of her." I lowered my tone and patted his shoulder.
After two showers and a quick clothing change between the both of us, we talked about a few little things and Michael had decided, upon his request, that he would be driving me to the airport tomorrow instead of myself. I didn't really have a choice, he basically forced me into it, but I didn't really see any harm to it so I agreed.
I was happy I gave into Michael, I really was. I felt like everything was back to normal, but then I'd snap back out of it every so often when I realized I was leaving in the next couple of hours. I'd said all of my goodbyes to my friends and visited all the places I'd wanted to before I left. My things were packed up and I had a home to go to, so technically I was ready to leave. Physically I was, but not mentally. My heart would always be in this town with the people I adored and in just a few months I could restore it all. I hadn't even moved yet and I was already counting down the days.
We decided on doing the cheesy thing of sitting by my fireplace on a rainy night with hot chocolate and blankets galore. All we could do was talk, the power kept flickering on and off every now and then so we gave up on a movie to watch.
I classified myself as a boring person in all honesty. But when I talked to really anyone, I had these dumb stories of my adventures I had this summer. The adventures I would be telling my kids and husband years from now. Well, according to Michael, I wouldn't have to tell the stories to my husband as he would be the person that was involved in the endless memories of my 17 year old self.
I don't care how 'bad boy' Michael made himself seem. Maybe his hair changed every other week and had pierced ears and partied a little too hard and could never keep his raunchy language on the down low, but in reality he was just a little kid that loved to cuddle up to any breathing person and enjoyed talking about how he pictured his life in 10 years.
We were now on the topic of actually living together, more of a joke as anything. It was just something silly to picture with him. I could still look at him and say 'That's Michael Clifford, he's my best friend.' which was something I was beyond grateful for. He wasn't just a lover, but my actual friend, someone I could count on and rely on. Whether or not Michael was actually going to go through with his silly plan he made, I knew that this bond was something meant to last, lovers or not.
"We have to own at least three pugs." Michael demanded in a childish manner. His head was rested in my lap, looking up at me the whole time. His tall frame was wrapped in my favorite pink fleece blanket which matched his hair that was already fading. I lightly smile at him, imaging the idea of three over-sized pugs running around a home with Michael and I.
"What about huskies?" I suggested, combing my fingers through his hair. "They're so big and so fluffy and so lovable." My voice squeaked faintly, obviously getting excited over the idea. I was absolutely in love with any type of animal, but was heartbroken when I was told that I could never have a furry pet since my mom was allergic to basically any animal hair. Real childhood crusher.
"What about both?" He chuckled at the thought, curling his knees to his chest.
"Oh my God." I mumbled as my eyes widened. "Could you imagine? I would probably never leave the house I'd just be so overwhelmed all the time." I confessed. He smiled at my enthusiasm and let me continue rambling on about a few more things which was really pointless to be honest.
As I kept talking, I heard my front door unlock and turned my head around to see my mom step through the door way. I glanced down at Michael to see he had a worried look on his face. I quickly got up to my feet and pulled him up with me, tangling our hands together and hiding them behind my back.
My mom shut the door and got a glimpse of us, making her flinch slightly. I gripped Michael's hand tighter as my mom came closer towards of the living room and set down her things slowly, not taking her eyes off us. It was all awkward at first, the silence, but people wanting to say different things. My breath hitched and I managed to speak a few words.
"Hi, mom." I plainly said. She now stood in front of us with a curious look on her face and she switched her eyes between us.
"Hi, Mrs. Grace." Michael spoke after me, sounding a bit nervous. There was another silence as we waited for my mom to say something, but she insisted on letting us do the talking.
"Um, Michael came over to say bye before I left." I looked up at him, giving him an assuring look. "And we wanted to know if it was okay if he took me to the airport tomorrow morning. You know, I wouldn't have to take my car and you wouldn't have to pick it up and-"
"What's behind your back?" She suddenly asked. I felt a gentle squeeze on my hand and my cheeks reddened. I slowly put my arm by my side, exposing Michael and I's intertwined fingers. She looked between us and our hands then back to us. Her eyes narrowed once then went back to there original state. Her hand then flew up, then settled back down as if she went to make a point but disregarded it. I swallowed as she shrugged her shoulders then sighed. "Yeah. I guess. It's fine with me." She gently smiled which caused me to rush towards her and rap my arms around her neck.
"Thank you." I whispered into her ear. I wasn't exactly thanking her for letting Michael take me to the airport, but for finally accepting us together. It's all I've wanted since day one and I finally got it. I was initially surprised that she didn't freak out because I broke her 'no boys in the house alone' rule, but I don't think that was on her mind. I was just happy to be in the same room with the most important people in my life as of now and it kept the smile on my face bigger than ever.
I pulled back from her and squished up next to Michael's side and wrapped an arm around his. I gripped his wrist lightly and listened at the speech I was expecting my mother to give us right now. Instead of turning her attention towards me as expected she turned to Michael.
"She's got a 7am flight. Make sure you leave here an hour before to avoid the traffic. You know how to get there, right?" She questioned.
"Yes Mrs. Grace." He nodded. He was so polite when he was nervous and I couldn't help but mentally laugh at this side of him. I had only seen it two or three times, but I couldn't help but adore it.
"You don't have to call me that, I told you to call me Kim." She politely said, giving him a simple smile. There was another silence, but it wasn't awkward like before. It was like an unspoken acceptance. I stayed clung to Michael's arm as my mom smoothed out her blouse. "It's late, so I'm heading off to bed. You should too Maddie." She nodded to me and I returned the gesture and watched her head off to her room. Michael tilted his head back, making sure he saw her door close before he spoke again.
"You're supposed to get up in a few hours, you should sleep." He mumbled, planting a kiss on the crown of my head. His arm wrapped around my shoulders and forced me to turn into his chest. My arms maneuvered around his torso and I leaned my head against his chest.
We swayed gently side to side in silence for a few moments, then I felt a overwhelming ache in my heart as I thought about why we were here. I sniffled once as a single tear slipped from my eye. I felt him pull back and look at me, seeing the same exact emotion on his face as mine.
"I'm going to miss you so damn much." His voice shook, but a smile was still on his face. I wiped a single tear off my cheek and laughed once.
"You're going to make me cry even more." I stifled my laughter by hiding my face into his shirt. He sighed once, running his fingertip along my back.
"I'm so sorry." He whispered. I instantly looked up at him to find him already looking down at me. I shook my head lightly, not understanding what he was apologizing for.
"For what?" I furrowed my eyes brows at him as he took my hand and pulled me back to our original spot in front of the fireplace. He waited until we were both sat cross legged and I was leaned into his chest once again to continue on.
"For the past month. For telling you that I didn't want anything to do with you, then coming back, then leaving, then leaving again. I'm so mad at myself for putting you through that. And I'll probably keep saying sorry until the day I die."
"You don't need to apologize Michael." I quietly said as he shifted his legs out straight.
"I do." He pulled me closer to him, making me relax more in his grip. "I put you through hell simply because I was only thinking about my feelings. I sat for 3 weeks with this lonely hum where your name used to be, and now I feel like you're slipping through my fingers." I sat up and got out of his arms, watching him and he stared at the fire and let the crackles take place of out conversation. My eyes felt heavy, whether it was from my lack of sleep or sudden sorrowed emotions I was feeling.
"Look at me." I blurted. He ignored my statement and kept his eyes set on the flames. His stubbornness caused my actions to be sudden. I crawled over him and sat right in his lap, placing my hands on either one of his shoulders. He still hadn't looked up and his stare was blank. "I said look at me." I whispered. He finally brought his head up and locked eyes with mine. "Don't you ever think I'm going to run off. No matter how many miles away I am. I will always love you and I will always be here." His eyes lit up immediately and I waited for him to speak up.
"What if teenage Leonardo DiCaprio comes back and shows up at your front door?" He questioned, knowing that I had a slight obsession with him.
"You are so dumb, but not even then." I grinned at him which he returned. He grabbed my hips and rolled me off of him and he stood up slowly.
"I think it's time for you to get some sleep, babe." He chuckled, grabbing my hand and pulling me up off the floor and towards him.
"I'm not even tired." I whined, keeping our fingers laced together.
"You'll need it." He replied, messing up my hair. "Maybe some beauty sleep."
"Michael!" I slapped his chest, acting overly offended.
"I'm kidding!" He giggled. I scoffed and pushed him away from me, but he acted back by grabbing my wrists and placing them around his neck as his lips met mine. I was taken back a little, but instantly relaxed into it.
I knew I had a lot ahead of me. I had a brand new life to start with, but I also had my own life coming up. One by myself. I was able to make my own decisions and some of those effecting the rest of my life. I didn't know how things between Michael and I would end, but whatever it was, it wasn't important right now. What was important was this exact moment, where he was physically in reach and I was able to grasp on him if I felt myself slipping under.
HIIIIIIIIIIIII, thank you so so much for 15K reads, that's amazing omg and i know this was short, i'll have another update coming soooon!
ALSO, i'm working on a new luke fanfic that'll be up in the next week! i'm really excited :---)
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