Chapter 17
Here I was being introduced to Michael's "clingy ex-girlfriend" as his current one. I kept my mouth shut, not wanting to say one thing that could possibly make this situation anymore awkward than it already was.
Her friends, who hadn't bothered to introduce themselves the whole time, looked at each other with wide eyes. Their attention kept switching between Michael, to me, then back to Stephanie.
Stephanie gave me a sly look of disgust, as if I had just insulted her. She tried to keep her eyes off of me, but after what Michael just told her she couldn't stop glancing over at me.
Stephanie plastered an obvious fake smile on her face. "I'm glad that you're, uh," She looked me up and down. "Happy."
"I'm very happy, thank you." He replied harshly back, squeezing me once.
"Michael.." I said out of the corner of my mouth. The tension grew stronger as I stared down at the ground. I heard him clear his throat and his arm fell off my waist.
"If you don't mind, Stephanie." He narrowed his eyes at her as he grabbed my hand from my waist, intertwining our fingers. "We'd like to finish our night."
"Aw, well it was nice to see you." She cocked her head to the side, beaming her forced smile. She began to lean in for a hug and I stayed stiff, uncomfortable with the whole situation.
"Yeah, sure." He mumbled as he quickly pushed passed her, dragging me along.
"Michael!" She yelled.
"Just keep walking." He whispered into my ear. We continued down about a block before either of us said anything.
I turned over my shoulder, making sure they were all out of my sight before I started giggling. He joined in with me, knowing how coincidental that run in was. He shook his head lightly.
"I can't believe we just ran into her. Out of all the times and places."
"I'm sorry, but can't believe you dated her." I confessed.
"It was literally a few days. I can't believe it myself to be honest." He ran his free hand through his hair before stopping abruptly. He untangled his hand from mine. "Sorry." He sheepishly said, referring to unexpectedly calling me his girlfriend.
"No, don't." I stopped him from continuing his apology. "It's okay. I understand."
"I just didn't want her to throw herself at me while it was our night out. I know she would pull something like that."
And I did. I understood that he just wanted her to move on, get a grip on reality. It didn't bother me at all though, I saw it as a favor. He had already done so much for me.
Here he was again, treating me as the porcelain doll he made me out to be. Michael had no intention of shattering me and leaving nothing but the pieces. But somehow what he was doing was being to. I wanted so much more from him. Two weeks ago he didn't even have to think twice about kissing me as hard or as soft as he wanted. He didn't have to hesitate to hold my hand or wrap an arm around me.
He did things as needed, and I couldn't quite tell if he needed it more than I did.
"Where are you taking me?" Something I found myself saying way too often around Michael.
His hands covered my eyes and I laid my own over them. His knees would hit the back of my thighs every once in a while, edging me to move faster.
"Calm down, Maddie." He chuckled. "You'll like it." We had been walking around town for what felt like ages and I could only imagine the stares we had received from the on lookers, but then again, how would I know?
"Are we there yet?" I whined. I pried at his hands, yearning for them to bring back my vision. And with my words, he had dropped them, letting me take in the beautiful scene.
He took me to the same fountain he showed me weeks ago, one that I hadn't returned to since. There were flowers outlining the mass area and they filled in a few more holes with colored lights, letting the objects collide.
Since the water was on, no one was around, which seemed odd. The sun was just about set and the sky that was a dark purple clashed perfectly. It amazed me how things could change in only a matter of weeks.
"It's actually gorgeous." I said, letting my eyes wonder.
"I've seen more gorgeous things." I looked up at him to find him already staring down at me, something that never failed to surprise me.
"I-" My sentence was cut off by him throwing me over his shoulder. "Michael!" I shouted, not caring who heard me. I grabbed a hold on his t-shirt as if that would be the thing to save me if I fell.
The vibrations from his laughter as he ran tickled my chest and my legs that dangled over him. His arms were hooked around the back of my thighs with a deadly grip. He suddenly set me down slowly, continuing his fit of giggles.
"Why am I always screaming your name when I'm with you?" I immediately regretted the words that fell out of my mouth as I let my hand hit my forehead. "Okay, wow. I didn't mean like that." I said as I shook my head.
His natural grin stayed put on his face, unaffected by my choice of words. His laughter didn't leave either, letting his child-like side take over.
"Great choice of words you have there." He snickered. I rolled my eyes and sat down at the small table he carried me over to.
"Why is this place never busy?" I asked, changing the subject. I watched him as he leaned back in his chair. He seemed to make himself at home at just about any place.
"I think it's the whole thing of 'not appreciating the simple things'. Most people would rather spend loads of money on a night out in a different town then take what's given." I nodded my head as I let his words linger in my head.
"Thank you for taking me tonight." I said over my shoulder as I led him up the stairs of my front porch.
"Simple pleasure." He threw back.
"Why is it when I say 'thank you' you always make it seem as if I was trying to thank you for doing you a favor?"
"Because that's what it is. I think I'm even lucky enough to even be standing on your porch." He smirked. I jingled my keys in the lock as he spoke, opening the door with ease and keeping it cracked. I stepped back and met him face to face.
Even in the dark of the night, his eyes still radiated the same sparkle I have gotten to familiarize myself with. Every inch of him captivated me, especially when he was this close to me.
He leaned in, placing his lips over mine. He deepened it with every second he had, but pulled away shortly. Our foreheads rested against each others and the only thing we could hear was our steady breathing.
"Goodnight, Michael." I finally spoke up. I stepped backwards into my house, not breaking eye contact.
"Night." He whispered back.
I shut the door quietly and pressed my back against it once I heard the lock click. I rested there for a few seconds before feeling the burn in my stomach of wanting his presence back.
I suddenly felt myself yanking my door back open, hoping that he would have just gotten in his car. To my surprise I was greeted by his back facing me. He propped himself up against the brick with an arm above his head.
He turned around once he heard the door reopen.
"What have you been doing?" I whispered as I began to feel vulnerable by his stare.
"Waiting for you."
He shuffled towards me, feeling the chill settle in the air. His arms wrapped around me and the heat radiated between our chests. The goosebumps were now obvious on him. We slightly swayed side to side, something that became involuntary to us over the course of time.
It was shorter than I wanted, but at least it was given. He grabbed my hands and trailed his fingers over my own. I was so mesmerized by the feeling he brought me that I had completely dismissed the situation.
"Let me get some things." I led him inside my home, something I've done an endless amount of times over the course of this month. And it wasn't something that I planned on giving up too easily.
I packed a typical bag that you would need if you stayed the night at someone's house. I tip-toed downstairs, not wanting to destroy the calm silence in my house. I found him in the same spot in the living room that I left him. He was examining all the old and embarrassing pictures from my years in middle school that were framed on the mantle above my fireplace.
He turned around to find me when he heard the sound of my shoes on the hardwood floor. I came by his side, resting my head on his shoulder. The disappearance of our voices didn't bother is, it was a comfortable thing that we could rest in from time to time.
Without word his arms wrapped around my back, closing the space between us. I let my arms fall over his own as I played with the hem on his sleeve, which was an unconscious action I did that I eventually found out drove him crazy. He didn't say anything, he just fixed his gaze into my eyes as I did the same.
It was an intimate moment, something that only the two people who experienced it could describe. It was things like this, things that weren't needy or planned, that just happened. No words had to be said, nothing touchy needed, nothing sexual. It was pure intimacy. And that was the only word I could use to describe it.
"Your mom comes back home in two days."
I swallowed and looked down, knowing what he meant. He didn't want to have to give up spending the endless nights together. The meaningless days of nothing that we shared, which was actually something I've grown accustomed to. It wasn't the feeling in his arms that I wanted, it was the stability he gave me and how easily distracted me from reality.
"We'll find a way." He assured me. "If it's something that you want then let's not run from it, alright?" I felt a single finger lift my chin up which I easily went along with.
"Thanks for putting up with me for the past month."
"What did I tell you about thanking me?" He raised his eyebrows at me.
"I know, I know. But I feel like I need to. You've done a lot for me."
"Can I say you've done the same?"
I snickered at his comment. We could never keep a serious tone in our conversations, no matter what topic it was.
"Remember the talk we had over the phone the first week I met you and you made me tell you why I liked books so much?" He looked around for a second, trying to collect his memory. "You said you could be the challenge that made things fall perfectly in place."
"Oh yeah." He half-smiled.
"You're doing a good job of it." I bit my lip as I felt slightly embarrassed by my bold words. There was a still silence, not knowing what he was going to say next.
"Well, I can try."
Maybe I didn't read as much anymore, maybe I didn't remember all of the 'fairy-tale endings' I had created for myself, but this surely wasn't it. Michael and I weren't a sappy love story, we were two teenagers who were so hopelessly taken with each other.
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