"Enchessa what is wrong with you" she said nothing, just stood there staring out the window with the view of the entirety of Asgard "do you know what you've done" both her father and brother were yelling at her, for apparently she was trying to murder the warrior Sif "I have done nothing wrong" "yes you have, you almost murdered Sif" "almost" she clarified "almost killed her, but I didn't, so what's with all the commotion" "you attempted to" "no I didn't, we were simply sparing" "sparing does not mean kill your opponent" "for the last time, I DID NOT KILL HER!" She was sick and tired of people putting the blame on her, did they not once think that all of this was caused by noneotherthan her father... She did not want to marry, especially a man she know nothing about, a man as arrogant as himself, who tries to start a war wherever he goes. 'Never'
"I can't do this" with that she ran past them, running down the hallway, taking every turn that came her way 'please, just leave me alone' tears threatened to fall out of her eyes, heavy footsteps from behind her increased the speed of her run, bolting down the corridor ignoring the calls of her brother, father and possibly Thor "just leave me alone". The pain that clenched around her chest was back, she fell to her knees clutching her dress while screaming in agony, no matter what she did the pain always found a way of returning back to her, no matter what she tried the pain always increased, no matter what, she was sick of it.
The strange feeling was coming, before she knew it she was pulled off the ground and thrown into another wall knocking her head first, dizziness washed over her like a wave "what-'' her eyes just shut, sucking her deep into an unconscious slumber.
"Enchessa" her eyes opened slowly adjusting to the light "where am I" "your at the infirmary" her eyes scanned the room before landing on Thor, who was holding her hand, she snatched it back not liking the feel of his hand on top of hers "don't touch me" her voice dripping with venom "I meant no harm" "I don't care, don't ever touch me again or I'll have you head" she snarled, he immediately backed away, taking her offer into consideration. She was more than pleased with herself but then a thought appeared out of nowhere "Loki" without even meaning to say it out loud, she covered her mouth with her hand "what did you just say" "nothing, I-I said t-that this was l-low key" "don't lie to me" his hand gripped her neck blocking the entrance for her air supply "I" she was choking, or more like he was choking her "LEAVE MY SISTER!" before she could realize anything, her brother came rushing in, shoving Thor away from her and into the wall "run!" He shouted to her she did as she was told, running out of the room in nothing but the dress she was changed into.
"ENCHESSA!" It was Thor, she could hear him from behind her chasing her, catching up 'oh gods, if you heard my plea now would be the perfect time to do it' she was running out of breath, and energy "leave me!" He was gaining on her. She was shoved into the wall with Thor blocking all her escape routes "please" she begged, trying to fool him into letting her go "how do you know Loki" "who?" "you know who I'm talking about" "no I don't please, l-let me go" he was once again choking her "please" she wheezed, the oxygen leaving her body.
Her eyes were starting to close, black spots appearing while her vision was closing off. "Enchessa?" She could barely hear anything at all, just little voices that began fading away "Enchessa" her mind was cloudy "stay with me, don't close your eyes" 'too late' her eyes shut, letting go of the little life she possessed "Enchessa!'' She collapsed onto the floor with Thor cradling her head in his hands.
He was freaking out, not meaning to kill the princess, 'this could start war' he thought, "please" tears were streaming down his face "THOR!" He looked up with teary eyes to see his mother rushing to his side "what happened, what have you done" she gently pushed Thor away, using her magic to flow life and oxygen back through her system. Her body began to glow a multicoloured rainbow, different colours of blues and greens with a tint of purple "mother, please, save her" "I'm trying my son, just give me little time" Frigga focused all her magic into Enchessa, her being a Vanir required extra magic as they were known to be born, raised, and made with the purest form of magic, she needed a lot it.
Frigga was losing her energy, more or so running out "Thor" she was straining, the use of her magic becoming out of control "mother...Mother" he was starting to panic 'Loki' he thought his eyes trailing to an unconscious and most likely dead Enchessa 'no, there must be another way' 'but there isn't, what have I done'. His mind racing with thoughts most of them scenarios for when king Warren finds out that his daughter was murdered by one of the two princes she was supposed to of been betrothed to 'father will not like this'.
"Thor!" It was the warriors three Fandral, Hogun and Volstagg, they rushed to his side "your majesty" the all bowed before their queen "not now" her voice filled with intense emotion "help me" she says "lift her up" Fandral sped to Enchessa, hooking one arm under her legs and the other around her back picking her up off the floor "mother, we need-" "Loki" she finished, earning worried and angered looks from the warriors three.
They took her back to her chambers, Fandral laying her gently down on her bed careful not to disturb the magic flowing from Frigga to her "go get him" the instruction meant no arguments as the warriors three, Thor included left her room in search of Loki.
"LOKI!" his voice boomed throughout the dark and dimly lit corridor. Loki was sitting in his cage on one of the sofa's provided by his mother, reading one of most favored books. Upon hearing Thor's voice he leaned his head on the back of the couch letting out a very annoyed sigh "oh brother to what do I owe the pleasure" his sarcastic remarks never once used in a normal situation, but this was Loki everything he does seemed only normal to him, and that was concerning. "You are need of assistance" he scoffed "me, you come to me for help" he was laughing, well only he was laughing none of this bothered anyone else "yes" "very funny Thor, now why have you come" "I said, we need your help" "oh, your being serious, well in that case" Loki stood up, straightening his attire, which was just his Asgardian armor, putting his hands behind his back and clearing his throat "how may I be of service" his obvious sarcasm dripping off his tongue "Loki this is serious" "I am being serious" he defended, putting his hands up "Loki" Hogun snapped "a life is in danger, the queen is in need of your assistance" "the queen" the thought of that wasn't something he dwelled on, after all only his mother had ever loved him. His posture slumped slightly "alright" he said calmly "what does she need".
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