Arguments and Sunset
"They are not girly!! I've seen plenty of boys participate in Pokémon Musicals!! You just are too scared of losing your image as a 'tough guy' to even try them!" A girl yelled, as she looked at her older brother who looked down at her with a scowl. She was walking with him back home from a Musical she had just participated in and was wanting to get him into them as well.
The boy waved his hand dismissively, his expression not changing. "Yeah yeah. You always think it's about me keeping up an image. Maybe get some more information before you taunt me, alright?" He retorted calmly, putting his hand back into his pocket. He honestly didn't have time to deal with his younger sister's taunts and accusations.
"Graiden, you aren't even giving it a chance! You are saying no without even knowing whether you even really like it or not!" The girl shot back, causing Graiden to stop. Not giving it a chance? Please! Like he needed to give a public dress-up and performance show a chance? Yeah right. Leave that for the girls and boys who dared to do it.
"Leave me alone Avia. I've told you no, so why do you keep on pestering me about it? It's not like my answer is gonna change you know." He said simply, looking back towards the water and the sun setting over it. With a stretch, he began to set for the shoreline. It was one of the great things about living in Slateport City: You were never too far from the beach if you wanted to watch the sun set over the water.
Hearing muffled footsteps from behind him, Graiden sighed. Of course Avia was going to follow him. She wasn't going to let this rest until either she won or his bedroom door was shut in her face. Resigning himself to more pointless arguing, he sat down near where the water lapped up unto the sand. Avia seemed to not want to risk getting wet, preferring to sit a bit farther away from the edge.
Graiden smiled and just stared out at the horizon, relaxing to the calm sound of the waves coming down. But as he looked out, he saw a small faint red glow near the shore. Getting up and slowly moving towards it, he made sure not to make any sudden movements as to startle the creature making the red glow.
As he was almost right on top of it, he happened to notice Avia had followed him, interested in what he was doing. Motioning for her to stay quiet so as not to spook the creature, he quietly dipped his hands into the water and raised the creature into the air, gasping as he did so.
In his arms, was the legendary Pokémon, Manaphy. It's eyes were closed, but it seems to be trying to wake up. It was a light blue, with two antennae-like appendages on its head ending in feelers. It also had two blue button-like circle on its stomach, with a bigger red on between them. As Avia saw it, her eyes out up with adoration and she squealed, startling the sleeping Pokémon awake. Beginning to cry, the feelers began to glow red as one touched Graiden, and another shot out a red beam that snaked its way towards Avia before touching her as well.
Both Graiden and Avia felt light headed, and very dizzy. Releasing the Manaphy, Graiden fell backwards into the sand before passing out. Just before Avia passed out as well, she saw the Manaphy crawl back into the sea, still crying.
'Poor thing...' She thought before she fell into the inky blackness of sleep.
Unbeknownst to the unconscious kids, a couple came by and found the two. The woman frowned a little bit. "Hopefully they didn't get hit by the Manaphy Effect..."
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