A New Perspective
Feeling himself fall into the darkness of memory, Graiden felt himself panic a bit. What was going to happen? His mom had told him to imagine himself as Avia during one of her sleepovers...and as he had he had been pulled to this darkness.
It also didn't help that he felt himself changing. He knew his hair was becoming longer and brown, along with his clothes changing to become Avia's Dedenne-print pajamas. By the time the feeling was done, he knew he was one hundred percent Avia. Just that thought made him shiver.
But what freaked him out the most was the mental changes. He felt himself thinking of boys, Musicals, and even about possibly becoming a Pokemon Nurse someday. Knowing these were what Avia wanted made Graiden uncomfortable. He felt a bit like he was intruding, seeing something he shouldn't have.
And then he felt himself hit Avia's bed. Not her actual bed but the one in the memory. Sitting up, he felt himself smile as he looked at her friends. They had planned a sleepover to discuss what they were gonna do in the Musical, as well as just enjoy some girl time. It wasn't often that they were able to do this.
"So! I heard you have a crush on Ren. Is it trueeee?" Brandi asked teasingly, her smirk telling Graiden that she knew about the crush. Feeling his cheeks becoming red with embarrassment for being found out, he just silently nodded his confirmation as the others squealed and giggled.
"You two are gonna be so cute!!" Keyera cheered, to which the others cheered in their approval. Burying his burning face into his pajamas, he groaned loudly from the embarrassment. Wanting to change the subject, he took in a breath.
"So what are we gonna do for our Musical performance this Saturday..?" He asked, as a feeling of nervousness overtook his embarrassment. They had only practiced the moves with their Pokémon once, and they really had to step up their game! Otherwise they were all going to look like fools once the performance came next week.
"We could try practicing at the auditorium on days we don't have practice." Asri suggested, with Keyera and Brandi frowning a little. Graiden frowned a bit too as he swayed his feet back and forth while. The auditorium would be a great place to practice as it was where we they held the Musicals. But it was also really popular for other groups to use for their own practice sessions.
"What about in your backyard, or even here in your room Avia? There is enough room for us and our Pokémon to practice and if we did it in your backyard we could even have music so that we can work on our cues!" Keyera suggested, which resulted in Graiden smiling.
"Okay! We would have to ask our moms if it would be okay before you two go home tomorrow, okay?" Graiden said, his excitement rising. If their moms said it was okay, that would mean more time to hang out with Keyera, Brandi, and Asri! Even if it was for Musical practice, they would still have some time to themselves!
"So it's settled then! We are gonna ask our moms tomorrow whether we can practice here at Avia's place after school!" Asri cheered, with everyone bursting into excited giggles. Graiden couldn't help but squeal just a bit from how excited he was from being able to potentially spend more time with them all.
"COULD YOU PLEASE KEEP IT DOWN I'M TRYING TO STUDY!!" They all heard a male voice shout from behind the far wall. Frowning a bit, they all crossed their arms. Graiden sighed a bit as he felt disappointed.
And then, he felt a jerk as he was lifted back into the darkness and transformed back into himself. Shivering a bit as he came back into his own thoughts, he couldn't help but have a skin-crawling feeling.
He also felt guilty. Guilty that he had been privy to Avia's desires, her feeling of friendship with her friends, and her feeling of disappointment when he had yelled through the wall. He felt like a caught spy, knowing something he shouldn't. And he ultimately didn't ever think he could do it again, not even to try and fool people his sister knew.
But...he also couldn't deny that he now understood Avia a bit better now. He felt like he was better able to support his sister through this life swap and even with her endeavors once they switched back since now he knew how she felt. She really was trying everything she could to keep thriving in the areas she excelled at.
Opening his eyes, he could see his mother and sister staring at him. A bit nervous, he looked from one to other before finally clasping his hands and laying them in his lap while looking down.
"So? Did you experience it sweetie? Did you experience Avia's memory?" His mother asked, to which he nodded and didn't say anything. Avia came over and brought Graiden into a hug.
"Hey...it's okay. Mom had me do the same thing with your memory as well...it's...weird to say the least. Experiencing the same moment in time through someone else's eyes. You feel like an intruder once you come out of it. Like a spy, right?" She asked, to which Graiden started to tear up a bit. Whether from his newfound strong emotional link with his thoughts, or from just feeling guilty he couldn't say.
"Yeah...I just feel like...I shouldn't know what I know now...even though Mom asked me to...do that..." He sobbed out, his tears starting to fall as he hugged Avia tightly. Avia sighed a bit as she hugged back tighter.
"It's okay big brother. It's okay...I promise."
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