***Note a poem, but my take on political labels, what I believe I am, what I'm not, and how much I couldn't give a rat's ass about what others think of me and my choices/beliefs.***
While away on my trip, I got a chance to really think about where I lay on the political spectrum. Lord knows I am in no way a democrat and everything that they currently stand for is morally repugnant to me. I have many friends that are Democrats, but that doesn't make me care for them any less. Their political stance means nothing to me. We became friends before any of it was relevant or those that I met after, I still don't care. People who judge each other based on this one platform are fools who deserve to be alone.
That said, I am not a conservative Republican either. Most conservatives seem to want everyone to be rather cookie cutter like them. They have something against folks that are pro-choice and transgender individuals. Again this isn't everyone, but I have had a chance to see in many groups and on pages where their thoughts lie and I don't align myself with that either. I do see myself voting Republican in the future for many reasons including that for the most part, that party's thoughts mirror my own. I do not consider myself a full Republican though.
I still don't know what most labels mean because they are just way too confusing for me and unless they in some way help or hinder me, I don't care. I have only really become interested in politics slightly this year and still not enough to engage in large debates. I simply believe what I do because when I have a question about something, I either research it on my own, trust my gut, or ask people who I know aren't full of shit to help me find out the answer. I play devils advocate more then people realize; I just keep things to myself because if I can search for the truth, others should be able to as well.
Here's what I know about myself from both parties to have figured out my own label: Pro-choice (I believe every woman should be able to choose her own body).
Pro-LGBT (The Q, I'm very confused about; all that nonbinary stuff is not my cup of tea, so I leave it alone).
Pro-death penalty
Pro-proper immigration policy
Pro-building the wall
Pro-Standing for our flag for national anthem and pledge of allegiance
Pro-Donald J. Trump
Anti-propaganda (MSM)
I believe in G-d, though I am not religious, and that for some seems to be a problem too. When it comes to people that are pro-life, pro-gun control, anti-death penalty, and so forth, I just have one thing to say. You are allowed to your POV and opinion. I won't jam my thoughts down your throat because if we're friends, I have respect for you not to do that. If you're a stranger, I won't do it either, because that's not who I am. However, if someone does it to me, be it friend or foe, I will not engage, but simply walk away. The friend may lose me altogether, so that's a warning. If I respect you enough not to do it to you, don't do it to me.
So after all of that, what is my political label, you ask? I'm a right-leaning independent and Trump supporter. Pretty simple huh? I'm not the boogeyman; I'm just an intelligent woman with knowledge of what I want for myself and my country. Hope that explains things to folks that always ask me, why. Now you know.
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