Full of Shit
Did you really think I was so dumb?
I wouldn't see what you wrote?
You claim to take the high ground
With everything
Yet you call everyone
Who doesn't agree with you
I'm sorry that all you have to go
On is the news
But unlike you
I have friends I disagree with
Not just politically
But on different topics
We actually respect each other
Not call each other names
Behind their backs
Adults here, not teenagers
Which makes people like you
Full of shit
I have lost not only respect for you
But you will never find out
Anything I am working on
My life
My projects
Are no longer your concern
You claim your energy is negative
Well badmouthing people who never
Wished you harm
Helps with that
What you put out into the universe
Is what you get back
I don't regret meeting you
But like that saying
People come into your life
For a reason, a season, or a lifetime
Your season and reason is over
Quit playing the victim
And do something with yourself
This cognitive dissonance you got
Is old news
From now on if you have a negative opinion
On people that you claim to respect
It's better not to put it in a public forum
Where that person can read it
You would never have incurred my anger
If you weren't like the others
You're just in a different wrapping
But doesn't matter how differently
You cover something
If it's rotten
The stench is the same
Your moral high ground is as fake as you
To get respect
You must learn some of it yourself
And exercise that right
I have nothing else to say
Never contact me again
As far as I am concerned
You were part of year 2
And I am in year 3
I don't want or need
Anyone so
Full of shit
In my life ever again!
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