👣Ode to Uselessness👣
-Chapter 2
I just couldn't help it! I could get lost in those eyes, drown in 'em!
"What class do you have first?" He asked, fumbling with a bracelet on his wrist. It was made of delicate metal, a shiny rainbow tint upon it. "I have math.." I answered quietly. I turned my head to look up at the boy. If I could stand properly, I'd bee a few inches taller than him. He looked up with a small smile. "Awesome!" He responded cheerfully. I gave him a small, but genuine smile.
"If you want, I could walk you there?" He began to fidget with the bracelet again. I nodded, "Sure, I'd love to." "Cool!"
"Do you mind if I, uh.. push you there?" He had a regretful look on his face, his eyes losing that joyful sparkle they once held. "I don't mind. It's quite tiring having to use my arms all the time.." I chuckled quietly. He grinned, "No wonder your arms are so muscular!" I blushed a tiny bit, laughing. Alex walked behind my chair, and gently pushed me along. "Do you have a music preference?" Alex asked. "I'm open to many kinds, except heavy metal. That stuff hurts my ears.." I chuckled. "Same though!" He laughed along.
"It's nice to have someone that shares the same interests as me.." I mumbled, loud enough for him to hear. He nodded, "Yeah, back home there weren't many poeple that enjoyed Journey, and Prince. I'm glad I've finally made a friend that does.." I sighed with contentment, humming in response.
Math class was just ahead, I could already see the label on the door that read 'Mr. Ellis'. "Here we are.." Alex said, opening the door for me. I smiled, "Thank you!" I responded, gently wheeling myself in.
I noticed a girl in the back row looking at me quizzically. She had bleached blonde hair that reached below her chest, navy blue eyes that seemed to pierce into my skin, and a small frame. She must be new.. I thought.
I wheeled myself over to my reserved desk, which contained no seat. I parked the wheelchair behind the desk where I sat, and proceeded to pull out some textbooks. To be honest, Math is probably my least favorite class, other than gym.
The bell rung loudly in my ears, making my eye twitch slightly. I hated loud noises.
Alex sat down beside me in an empty seat that was always there. I sat near the window, and nobody really wanted to sit beside me. I don't see why they don't sit there. I'm a pretty great guy!
I sighed boredly as the teacher talked about some.. stuff.. I didn't really know. I was busy drawing some turtles on a piece of paper.
I looked at the clock and frowned. Another 30 minutes to go until the next class, English. I liked English. It wasn't that boring to me, and I enjoyed writing. I had been practicing cursive for a while. It was cute, and loopy.
I tapped my foot impatiently and waited for the bell to ring.
I was finishing up an essay for science, when the bell rang for lunch. I grinned to myself and wheeled myself out of the room, heading down the hall. I hoped me and Alex shared the same lunch hour, which would be amazing. I'd actually have someone to talk to.
Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Excuse moi, but do you know where the.. how you say.. Ca-fe-teria is?" A boy with a thick french accent asked. I nodded. "I'm actually heading there now.." I smiled. He smiled back. "Formidable! Mind if I come with?" "I don't mind at all!" I said cheerfully. I might, just might have another friend this year.
Me and the french boy walked down the hall. He was actually quite nice. His hair was poofy, and puled into a bun atop his head. He had light brown eyes, and thick black eyelashes. He was quite handsome. "So, what's your name?" I asked as we neared the lunchroom. "Marquis De Lafayette, but just Lafayette is fine." He said with a smile. "Cool! I'm John, John Laurens!" I exclaimed.
As we went into the lunchroom, he opened the door for me. "Thank you!" I responded to his kindness. "Of course, mon ami!"
Then I saw him. Alexander. He was talking to a group of girls, particularly the one with jet black hair. I knew exactly who they were. The Schuylar sisters. Lafayette must've followed my gaze. "See someone you fancy?" He asked with a slight smirk. I blushed profusely, trying to cover it up with a smile. "N-No! Just my friend over there!" I laughed sheepishly. "Whatever you say, Mon ami. -but I saw that look in your eyes when you looked at him. How you say.. jealousy?" He placed a hand on his hip sassily, a mischievous smile upon his face. I sighed, flustered. "Okay, Okay. You caught me. I may have a tiny, teeny weeny, little bitty crush.." I mumbled.
"I can tell!" He clasped his hands together. "It is a good thing you've decided to make myself your.. acqu-ain-tance.." he said. I noticed he was struggling a bit with his English. He must be a transfer student. "Because I am the.. how you say.. Love doctor.." he fluttered his eyelashes. I could help but laugh flusteredly. "I'm not sure if you could help MY situation.." I mumbled, looking at my hands which were placed delicately in my lap.
"Oh, but I'm sure I could, mon ami." He said, leading me to an empty table. "You can try, I guess?" I said, more of a question than anything. "I will, indeed." He said, taking a seat. I slid myself into a booth, keeping my wheelchair close. "Alright then!" I chuckled.
I glanced over at Alex for a moment. He had decided to sit with the Schuylars, which was perfectly fine! I mean, I'm not jealous or anything! That's for sure!
Oh, who am I kidding? I had a crush on that boy, and I was envious of the girls. They were popular, rich, and pretty. Me? I was an outcast, ugly, and dorky. I don't blame Alex for taking a liking to the three. I sighed, pursing my lips.
I caressed the handle of my wheelchair for a moment, before it was taken harshly from my grasp. I gasped, and snapped out of my trance.
Two boys were playing with my wheelchair, one riding in it, and one pushing it around.
"Stop!" I yelled, my voice cracking slightly. They turned to me for a moment, before laughing. "You snooze, you lose!" One of them called. I growled in frustration. Lafayette had gotten up, racing over to the boys. He was yelling in french, and telling them to stop.
"CASSE TOI!" He screamed, trying to grab the one pushing my chair by the collar of his shirt. I just sat there helplessly. My eyes were starting to water, me realizing how useless I was.
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