why were you doing that
(Dottie's POV)
I was wake up.in a bed. I lean forward and realize I was still naked. The bed next to me had some clothes laid out on it. I pick them up and putt them on. They surprisingly fit. I opened the door and found my way to the living room. Adam and Ross were sitting in the living room.
"Dottie.come have a seat."
"What is this some kinda intervention?" I said sitting down.
"No. Why did you make up and excuse when you told me where you were going?" Adam said.
"How did you know I made one?"
"Because we called Sydney to make sure she was ok. She said you never when out."
I looked down.
"Was that planned?" Adam asked
"Not exactly... He called me."
"Why do you keep going?!" Adam yelled.
"Because he said he would hurt you!!" I yelled back with tears in my eyes. I looked down again.
(Ross's POV)
She was getting raped for us not to get hurt
She looked down. I couldn't help looking down either. Adam looked saddened.
(Dottie's POV)
I felt a finger lift my head up. It was Ross's.
"I-I didn't won't you to get hurt..."
"You should've reported it..." Adam said.
"You don't think I've tried?! They had absolutely nothing to prove of me being raped!"
"How long was this going on."
"I don't know... six or seven months...."
Adam stood up. I could see the anger in his eyes.
"Ad-Adam? What are you do-doing I said scooting closer to Ross.
"Jin apologized. He got snapped out of that hypnosis he was in. Jet caused it. He's brought more under and he gets away. But he's getting it now."Adam said as He balled up his fist and walked out. Ross put his arm around me and I started to cry into his shoulder. He hugged me.
"I'm soo sorry Dottie."
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