(Dottie's POV)
"Wait.... Why was she back in the tent?"
"I don't know..."
"Yuki and Kao-"
"Yeah sorry Kyo were there too!"
"Are we not going to ignore the fact that a ANIME character is in our house!"
"We need to talk to Ross."
"To the Anime God!"
~dododododod time skip to the offices~
We were about to burst into Ross's office with Tahru.
"Wait shouldn't we wait til after that light is off?" Sydney asked when I put my hand on the door.
"That can wait." I push open the door.
"Ahh..." Ross screams. I look ; be at the screen. He was playing a minecraft horror map.
"Ross pause." I said sternly.
"And we'll be right back." He paused.
"What is it Dottie?"
He turned around and looked at me.
"We got a situation." He looks to Tahru and his mouth drops.
"What?! How?! Wh-Who!"
"She was in a tent in my woods. Adam dragged he to my house and Yuki and Kyo came out. My hair started glowing and they..." I started explaining. Tahru just stood there wi th a confused look on her face.
"I have no idea how this happened." Ross said.
"Wait a mintue... did you said Kyo and Yuki?" Tahru asked.
"Yeah? Why?" I don't know why but those names sound familiar. Along with the words Cat and Rat."
"Do.these people look familiar?" Sydney showed a picture of Yuki and Kyo to her.
"Yeah... but I don't know where..." Sydney drops her phone. She goes to pick it up and her sleeve comes up showing her bracelet.
"Wait a mintue... That's Kyo's bracelet! I remember everything now. Before Hataori hypnotized me he said two girls would be with me and to lead them to the house." Sydney moved her orange hair out of her face. (She actually has brown hair but she wants it Orange. Decaited to her character Kyo. Mine's Momiji... not saying spoilers)
"So your going to take us to the house?"
"Yeah we just need to go back to the woods."
"Ok let's go Bye Ross!"
"Bye guys..." He said confused. I gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"Good luck with P.T." I walked out
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