(Before we go further. Pretend Dottie was 16 when she was adopted. Now she's 19 but she lived with them before she was sent to the adopted center.)
"Uhs... Skylar theys really worried abouts you?"
"It's all a lie. That's not even my room."
"I would atleasts callNo. I don't want to even hear them they messed me up and my sister got off the easy way she was sent to an orphanage at 13."
"Yous weren't adopted eithers?"
"No. Once Dottie was sent off they kidnapped me. Then brought me here. I went from Washington then Georgia then back to Washington."
"Hey guys." Adam said walking into the lounge.
"Oh hey Adam."
"Have you met my sister/daughter?"
"Wait you adopted?"
"Yeah. About two years ago."
"Yeah. It was WAY before we met you." Jin said walking in.
"To be fair I've only know you all for a mouth."
"Oh yeah."
"Hi guys." A girl with long blonde hair walked in. She was skinny but her arms had cuts all over them. They were really old. She was wearing a black tank top with a flannel over shirt, with a pair of ripped jean shorts.
"Yeah. How do you know my name?"
"Dottie y/L/n?"
"This is getting creepy?"
"It's me. Skylar!"
"What?! I thought you were dead after I left." She ran up and hugged me I hugged her back. We were the same height.
Yay guys! Crossover book hope you enjoy
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