You've been deep in a coma
But I stood right here
When you thought there was no one
I was still right here
You were scared but I told ya'
Open up your eyes
Never stop been someone
Who could love you well
Had to show you the hard way
Only time will tell
Revelations and heartaches
Make you realize
I was always in front of you
So wake up!
Your sleeping heart
I know sometimes we'll be afraid
But no more playing safe, my dear
So wake up!
Your sleeping heart
And we will dream a dream for us
That no one else can touch, my dear
I'm here
So wake up
You've been deep in a coma
But I stood right here
When you thought there was no one
I was still right here
You were scared but I told ya'
Open up your eyes
I was always in front of you
So wake up!
Your sleeping heart
I know sometimes we'll be afraid
But no more playing safe, my dear
So wake up!
Your sleeping heart
And we will dream a dream for us
That no one else can touch, my dear
I'm here
So wake up
(Solo instrumental)
So wake up!
Your sleeping heart
And we will dream a dream for us
That no one else can touch, my dear
I'm here
So wake up
Eres un/a chic@ que tiene una vida normal. Asistes a una secundaria, tienes buen promedio, y un grupo pequeño de amigos que te quieren
A tu preparatoria llega ((Tu crush)), un/a chic@ agradable, inteligente y cariños@. Con el tiempo, ambos se hacen mejores amigos. Empezaste a confundirte, porque no sabías si lo que sentías por él/ella era amistad o algo más. Sin embargo, decidiste callar ese sentimiento por miedo a arruinar su amistad y que luego no sintieras lo mismo
Un día... Desafortunadamente... Un horrible suceso los separa a ambos de una manera horrorífica
Desde ese momento, sufres una enorme depresión, que te lleva a una enfermedad mortal
En medio de ese trance... Habrá un motivo para que ((Tu crush)) y tú se reencuentren?
"Quisiera ser el/la primer@ que veas, cuando por fin despiertes"
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