(sorry for the delay)
(play the video above/italics are from the song. it takes a while so go ahead a jam out if you'd like)
chapter 3
"her gift is being so pretty, and kind, and talented, and—oof!"
"no clue. I've had these since birth, or so I've been told. all i know is what padre santiago told me, which isn't much to begin with." i shrugged, telling the kids all i have been told every single time i had asked in the past. they seemed upset at my answer however, possibly thinking i was lying and wanting to know more.
i sighed and looked to mirabel, suggesting with my eyes if she could switch the topic back to her familia. her eyebrows raised at my request but she knew i needed the shift in attention. "uhh! didnt you guys want to learn about la familia madrigal? where did we leave off?"
"oh! i remember! who's the sister and who's the cousin?"
"there are so many people!"
"How do you keep them all straight?"
mire looked over at me as i had learned about the familia super quickly on who was who when i was younger but i can understand the curiosity. i tilted my head towards los niños to get her to continue. she raised her hands in defense to the questions, and started for the madrigal family mural on the wall behind us.
'okay, okay, okay, okay.
so many kids in our house
so let's turn the sound up
you know why? i think its time for a grandkid round-up!'
everyone around joined in
'grandkid round-up!'
'cousin dolores
can hear a pin drop
camilo shapeshifts
antonio gets his gift today'
she turned to see her sisters and motioned towards both of them. one tall and carrying hundreds of clay bricks on a platte of wood, the other is being adored by alma. i stood back and watched her with a smile, amazed by how talented she is.
'my older sisters'
'isabela and luisa'
until i got a nudge from dolores, a teasing smile on her face as she watched me admire her younger cousin. i rolled my eyes and pointed them up at mariano guzman, her crush that stood up on a balcony. she flushed back at me and left, causing me to laugh.
'one strong, one graceful
perfect in everyway'
those around us joined in for a unaminous 'isabela' as she spins, the floor turns into rows of flowers.
'grows a flower and the crowd goes wild'
the townspeople sang along once again 'isabela'
'shes a perfect golden child'
i nudged her 'luisa, luisa'
said sister grabbed the floor beneth us, and it turned out to be a bridge as she walked over to the river 'and luisa's super strong'
'the beauty and the brawn' luisa placed the bridge down
abuela yelled out "let's get ready!"
miss super strength replied, "Coming, abuela!"
the kids and i watched as mirabel jumped onto the raised edge of the bridge, her hands holding opposite ends of her skirt as she danced carefully. 'thats life in the family madrigal'
'now you know the family madrigal' she lost her balance slightly and i rushed to grab her waist to keep her steady. i looked up as she looked down, my ears and her cheeks turning red. i chuckled and let her go once she was steady. she continued with a giggle and bounce in her step, 'where all the people are fantastical and magical'
we followed as she walked back down the path towards her casa, before she turned to the kids, saluting as she said, "thats who we are in the family madrigal. adios!"
she turned back around to continue with her day but got stopped by another kid. did i mention more kids joined in while she was singing? "oh!"
"but whats your gift?" an accordion was thrown her way, which she luckly caught. the band nearby started playing again to encourge her. her eyes shifted to mine to show slight fear. i pointed my thumb, head, and eyes towards la casita. mira followed my notion and nodded. 'well i gotta go, the life of a madrigal'
i started heading towards her home as she tried to escape the curious townspeople. 'but now you all know the family madrigal'
she threw the accordion back towards the people who originally threw it at her. i watched her jump from hiding spot to hiding spot, trying to doge the attention of anyone and everyone. 'i never meant this to get autobiographical, so just to review the family madrigal. lets go!'
she ran around re-introducing her family as i got closer and closer to her home and the niños kept asking her about her power. 'but what about mirabel?
'it starts with abuela and then tía pepa she handles the weather'
'but what about mirabel?'
'my mom julieta can make you feel better with just one arepa' she hopes onto a moving cart filled with hay, only for them to follow her lead and hop in as well.
'but what about mirabel?'
'my dad agustín, well he's accident-prone but he means well' she pointed to her padre as he tried to slice a bit of wood but ended up hitting a bee hive behind him with his axe. 'but what about mirabel?'
she ran past people playing games that involved festive poppers, 'hey you said you wanna know what everyone does, i got sisters and cousins and--'
'mirabel' i passed by camilo as he shapeshifts between himself and two other people as i made my journey. 'my primo camilo won't stop until he makes you smile today'
'my cousin dolores can hear this whole chorus a mile away!'
'look it's mr. mariano hey you can marry my sister if you wanna but between you and me she's kind of a prima donna oh i've said too much and thank you but i've really gotta go!'
she caught up to me, walking backwards as she keeps directing the niños to anything but herself but they were stubbornly curious. 'my family's amazing'
'and im in my family so'
'mirabel!' they were really pushing for an answer, but she shrugged and jumped a bit as her back ran into my front, my hands catching onto her hips to hold her still. 'well...oh!'
"mirabel! what are you doing?" her abuela stood, wide eyes filled with confusion, at the open door of the casita de madrigals. Mira and i turned around to face the elder women, her cold eyes stared down at my hands that had stayed put upon her granddaughter. i quickly pulled them off as they returned back to my side and blood creeped up my face to my ears. Alma's eyes adjusted to mira and while i let out a stress filled sigh.
Alma never really liked me, saying i was a bad influence on her granddaughter, which was true to be fair. but since ive never been caught, she just seems paranoid of me, as if i would drag mirabel into my kind of fun.
yet it feels like she is hiding something from me but i have no clue what it could be.
"uh, they were just asking about the family and..." mira starts to explain to her grandmother but gets cut off by a little girl who pointed at her and shouted, "she was about to tell us about her super awesome gift!"
I cringed inwards and sneaked a peek at her face, as it fell slightly but before i could say anything to help, dolores who obviously heard the commotion joined in on the conversation. "oh, mirabel didnt get one."
she squeaked as her and alma walked away to continue getting la casa ready for the gift ceremony tonight. mira slowly turned around to face the kids who looked shocked and were standing in disbelief at the news. "you didnt get a gift?"
i finally decided to butt in and help comfort my best friend, so while i wrapped my arm around her i spoke to los niños. "she did get one. her gift is being so pretty, and kind, and talented, and—oof!"
she elbowed me in my side, effectively cutting me off. i turned to her with a teasing smirk to see how flushed she was at my compliments. "shut it mateo!"
i laughed and continued to whisper nice things in her ear as i stayed glued to her side no matter how much she struggled against my hold. I knew she was okay with it by her flushed face and smile on her lips. the kids just watched us interact not knowing the truth behind mirabel having a gift or not. until José García, a man with a local delivery service in the town, called out to mirabel. "mirabel! delivery!"
she turned to the man at the sound of her name, my presence now being forgotten, i sighed. I wrapped my arms around her waist, placed a soft kiss on her exposed shoulder, before releasing her and stepping back. i watched her neck and ears turn red at my gesture but kept her attention towards the older man, as he handed her a basket filled with party items.
"i gave you the special since you're the only madrigal kid with no gift. i call it the 'not special, special' since, uh, you have no gift." he really shoved it in her face. i grimanced and returned to being right behind her. i glared at him while she held onto a fake grin. "thanks."
he walked back to his wagon that was filled with large supplies that was being pulled by a currently idle donkey, before he turned back around for some final words that really put the nail deeper into her gift-less coffin. "oh, and tell antonio good luck. the last gift ceremony was a bummer. last one being yours that-that did not work."
i went to move in front of her but she side-stepped before i could move, making me grab her hips again before i bump into her. mira just nodded at him with the same pained smile, "uh-huh."
he nodded and made his way to the sentient house, as Luisa grabbed the left behind wagon and lifting it into the air. i walk to the front of the girl and grabbed the weaved basket out of her hands, but i knew she was going to take it back at some point. one of the kids that had watched the whole ordeal spoke up, "if i was you,i'd be really sad."
but mirabel smiled at her and placed her hands on her hips, "well, my little friend, i am not. Because the truth is, gift or no gift," she reached back over to take the basket from me, "i am just as special as the rest of my family."
We looked at the casita as Isabela covers the walls with beautifully colorful flowers, Luisa is carrying the wagon filled with celebratory supplies for tonight, and pepa is setting up an ideal weather condition around the house. "Who wants more pink?"
"All right, guys, where do i put the wagon?"
the little girl pulled at mira's skirt lightly, "maybe your gift is being in denial."
i chuckled and reached for the basket again, but she shook her head at me. I knew she wanted the to help her family, and she didnt need me to assist her. i knew she likes to be independent and didn't need to lean on me for certain things, especially when it came to her family.
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