I know the fandom is dying but i'll be quick with this one. the last of its breed.
it also switches from teo's pov to mira's and back to teo's so you can see how she feels.
(alert me of any mistakes! spelling errors both english and spanish; grammar errors; confusing plot; inconsistency; too many of the same word/phrase in one area; plot moving too fast; alert me of any mistakes!)
chapter 4
"you like prima mira!"
i followed Mirabel into her bustling home, filled with townspeople moving furniture around— which i had to grab her before she ran into anyone— and setting up decorations. Luisa walks by carrying heavy barrels before being called for and rolling them elsewhere to move the piano upstairs. la casita created a staircase leading up to Camilo and the new blank magical gift-giving door.
i heard muttering as Pepa paced by the newly made staircase, with her husband Felix trying to calm her down. her nervousness caused the air around her to spin and create a wild wind. the sky around us changed from the bright blue into deep navy as her emotions turned dark. "my baby's night has to be perfect, and its not perfect. and people are going to be coming. and nothing's ready."
Felix walked behind her, gesturing towards a pillar wrapped in vines of flowers, yet because of the harsh winds that were pulling about, petals were forcefully detached and joined the air. "you're tornado-ing the flowers! the flowers!"
"did someone say, flowers?" a voice came from above the stairs, as isabela appeared and beckoned two vines to carry her down like a swing. everyone who was in the vicinity clapped and cheered for her as she descended with grace and (clearly practiced) perfection before landing onto the last step of the staircase, a spotlight of sun following and flowers growing as she passed. Mira stood beside me unimpressed.
Isa smiled and waved off any and all compliments, "please, dont clap." She handed the nervous-wreck of a mother a magically-made bouquet, getting a gentle 'thank you' in return. "Oh, its nothing."
i continued to make my way to the kitchen, but mira stayed behind to chat with her hermana. she ended up getting hair slapped by her older sister, her face now being covered in flowers. I shook my head at their sibling dynamic, her spitting the plants away from her. I watched as they interacted but not fully hearing the conversation, but i know Isa must have said something to get mirabel flushed in her cheeks.
Both started heading my way, Isabela giving me a dirty look as she goes to help and Mirabel turned only to run into a pillar. I chuckled and walked to her. She backed away, looking annoyed and in pain. Giving her a gentle smile, I placed one hand on her cheek, turning her to face me. my thumb wiped away the small tear that was created while my other hand picked out a petal which had stayed stuck in her hair. Once i flicked the plant residue of her, I placed my hands on her elbows, slowly sliding them down to her hands. My eyes stayed on hers as i watched blood flush her entirely. I stopped at her hands, gripping them slightly before taking the basket from her and winking, walking towards the kitchen.
"Hola señora, this is a package from señor García for Toni's ceremony tonight." Juileta, Mirabel's mother, was moving a heavy pot from the counter to the stove. She jumped lightly at my voice, not expecting me at this certain moment. She noticed the basket i was carrying and gestured for the counter. mira and i were always in here chatting and juileta knew this as it was her domain. it was one of the three most known spots to find us. "i was wondering when i'd see you today, chico."
i chuckled with her, "you knew i would always stop by at least once today, señora." as soon as the basket was out of my hands, Mira walked through the door looking dazed and confused. The older woman noticed her daughter's state, "woah."
Juileta dusted her hands onto her apron before walking over to Mira, placing her hands on her shoulders. I smirked, crossed my arms on my chest and leaned back onto the counter edge. "mi vida, you okay?" When she didn't answer, i walked over and made sure our eyes locked, my hazel meeting her caramel, winking before I walked away and out of the house.
"mi vida, are you okay?" Her voice was muffled to me as all i could hear was his laugh. His stupid, annoying, cute, contagious laugh. His eyes are engraved into my mind, those eyes. They weren't exactly brown, not really blue, but also not green. His eyes were unlike any i have ever seen, so entirely unique. I watched them as he passed by me and out the door. plus, with what isa had said made me angry enough to lose sight of the stupid pillar. I sighed before a sudden force on my shoulders which knocked me out my trance.
My vision and hearing regained to finally acknowledge my worried mother. I smiled and pushed down the topic of what i was doing and waved at her, "hey mama."
"oi vey, what was that? are you okay? quieres agua?" she turned to grab me a cup but i quickly declined it. Instead, i walked over to the basket and started unloading it, casita used the tiles of the counter-top to move the items towards where they are needed. "you know you dont have to overdo it."
"i know, mama. I just want to do my part like the rest of the family." I struggled slightly with a few heavy tiles but continued nonetheless; until my father jumped in beside me, his face and hands swollen from bee stings. "She's right, amor."
"Eesh!" I cringed and backed away from him a bit, but he kept speaking. "First gift ceremony since yours. A lot of emotions."
he was trying to empathize with me but it wasnt going to well. I turned to my mom, "bee stings!"
after i had left the girl with her mother, i aimed to go back to the church but once i stuck my hands in the safety of my pockets, i felt the threads and items i had 'borrowed' earlier today. i spun on my heels and started towards the upstairs. i knocked on the only non-glowing door, so toni could let me in although the door is never locked.
we had made a secret knock pattern to inform the other of our presence. this always came in handy when he needed a breather from his family and how to tell who was knocking. i was sure Dolores knew, but she never made an effort to try.
i heard his soft voice allowing me to enter, and once i had, he was nowhere in sight. i silently chuckled and quickly turned to act curious of his hiding spot -- even though i knew where they all were. "oh, thats weird. i though toni was in here. i swear i heard his voice just now."
i scratched my head lightly as i fake searched the nursery room for him. i heard his breathy giggle from under mirabel's bed, but pretended to have not and went to the bedside dresser by it. "oh well. guess i must have imagined it."
i pulled out the top drawer and pulled the balls of colorful threads out from my pocket and into the open space. i carefully pulled out the pretty beaded necklace, making sure there was no tangles, a placed it with the other jewelry i had gotten her (along with the few rings i had sneaked as well). i took a look around her side of the room, amazed at all the customization's she had done, though the reason for it was depressing.
i turned to a shelf where many picture frames sat, facing the middle of the room. my eyes took in as much of the still captured memories as i could. seeing funny and cute moments she has seen with her family. pictures of the group after big events, and even some small ones.
but what really caught my attention was the picture of me, smiling wide with a missing front tooth holding a thumbs up, and mirabel clutching my side. her glasses were askew as she cried into my arm, small hands gripping tightly around my arm and hand, as if i would get into more danger if she let go. i smiled softly at the memory.
we were ten and very curious kids. i had convinced her to go into the woods with me, to go explore. it took a bad turn when we got scared by a little squirrel, but it was running from its predator that had looked at us for a millisecond and continued on, but by then we had already bolted away. i made sure she was ahead of me at all times to keep an eye on her, but the second i looked back to make sure we weren't being chased, i tripped over a root and collided harshly with the ground, a rock making its appearance at my mouth. hearing the thump i had created, mira turned back for me, tears rushing down her face.
i quickly got up and re-assured her that i was okay and that we needed to hurry. we ran back to her place, and since we had been gone without a trace, adults started to worry. the town started a search party that really only lasted ten minutes before we came running back. mirabel was screaming and crying for help, but i was laughing at the adrenaline rush, having not felt any pain yet, and holding up my bloody front tooth that was knocked out of me from a rock.
i was lucky her mom found us first and quickly healed me with some pre-made juice. it didn't replace the tooth but the scratch on my hands, knees, and lip had disappeared without a trace. the town found the adventure very funny and abuela even agreed, for the most part. padre Santiago had brought the idea of a photo to the others, which looking back on it, was a great idea.
i must have stared at the photo for too long as toni had crawled out of his hiding spot to see why i had gone quiet, but whatever he noticed was not kept hidden as his big gasp grabbed my attention. "you like prima mira!"
(alert me of any mistakes! spelling errors both english and spanish; grammar errors; confusing plot; inconsistency; too many of the same word/phrase in one area; plot moving too fast; alert me of any mistakes!)
if i get five or more votes, i will tell you guys what isa said to mira if you also comment that you want to know.
also what do you guys think of the length of the chapters? its almost 2k words each and we're only like ten maybe 12 minutes into the hour and a half movie. and ill be skipping bits and pieces so im guessing maybe 15/20 chapters? maybe less.
tell me if i should make them longer or keep it. i need others input cuz im indecisive. please and thank you
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