Watching with Blind Eyes
Slender P.O.V
I watched her until she fell asleep, though it was in darkness so she could feel a little more at ease, thinking I had left her. She sat there a moment, her face still with a little bit of the red tint human’s called a ‘blush’. I listened to her thoughts. At first she sat blankly, not thinking anything. Then her face contorted with pain and sadness, tears once again falling from her eyes.
“I don’t want to be his!
I can’t!
What does it even mean?
To belong to Slenderman?
Am I a slave?
A snack?
Maybe I’m nothing but a possession, a prize to boost his ego?!
How many more of me, us, we possessions does he have!”
Panicked thoughts such as these entered her head as she lay back down, her much smaller body shaking almost violently. I wanted to do something for her, but if I appeared before her now, I believe I would simply make matters worse. I looked into her memories, trying to find a familiar source of comfort for the girl. A doll about the size of one of my hands (about half a meter) appeared frequently, and I looked around the room to see if she still had it.
Finding it on a high shelf, I picked it up and slowly brought it over to the weeping girl, as not to scare her. I placed it behind her and rubbed it ever so gently against her back, making it just noticeable. She must have noticed as she spun around to face me, well the invisible me, and her precious doll. She snatched it up before even thinking about how it got there and muffled her face into it’s head, crying and mumbling the same thoughts as earlier. After she had calmed down a little she fell asleep, still letting a few tears escape her (e/c) eyes.
Deciding that it was ok to reappear, I took a step towards her, thinking about our earlier encounter. This child, this small insignificant human, had not said a single word to protect herself, except after she trusted me to not harm her family. Why? It was so strange. All humans I had come across either begged for their own lives to be spared or screamed in terror, hoping to alert someone else to save them. Yet she looked at me, even in the height of fear and begged for no harm to fall upon her family.
I reached my hand out and stroked her hair. It was soft and, damn human word’s, what was it… ah yes, fluffy. Her hair was soft and fluffy. I enjoyed the way it felt across my hand. I… dare I say it… Like this human. She interests me. She was wrong on all accounts before. She is no slave, I shall not eat or kill her, and a Prize! Well, we all know a prize must first be won. And trust me…
I plan on winning.
Your P.O.V
I woke with a start, remembering all at once the event’s of the previous night. I shuddered and, with great fear, I looked down at my wrist, only to find the mark still planted on my skin. A black circle with a black X through it. A began to sob again, staring at the mark, knowing that my fate was sealed. Then the unexpected happened. The mark turned a blue almost as dark as the black. I quickly shot up, examining the mark. Curiosity took over as I stared at the mark, it then turned a very dark purple.
Was it magic? I looked it over. I mean, it changed colour so it must be right?! I grew increasingly excited by my discovery. Oh! It's changing again! The mark turned orange this time. My favorite colour. I nearly screemed my head off from excitement. (Sorry if this isn't your favorite colour. Just pretend that you're really excited about it changing colour) I smiled like a pedophile at a Wiggles concert over my new descovery.
Maybe it changes according to my mood? I thought. That would be cool. I wonder what would happen if my mum saw this. She would likely have a fit. I shrugged it if and got back to admiring the mark. It wasn't that bad, I guess. Maybe Slender won't be that bad. I hope so. Little did you know that a certain Slendy had been watching you the whole time, and he was quite amused by your fascination at such a mundane thing. He chuckled to himself.
Let the game begin... ♡
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