Wade and Ember Dance....
It was a Friday evening and Ember had just gotten back from her glassmaking internship and was ready for the weekend. She walked into her and Wade's apartment and placed her back down as she went to sit on the couch in the living room relaxing.
''Ember your back!''
She turned and smiled seeing her water boyfriend Wade come in only he was wearing a red shirt this time different from his usual.
''Yep, I am.'' She stood up and ran over hugging her boyfriend who hugged her back.
At one point they didn't think they could touch for fear of their flame and water evaporating but with a bit of trust and a test they were able to touch each other, and they couldn't have been happier.
''So, you ready for tonight?'' He asked grinning.
''Um our date night yeah like I forgot.'' She teased.
''And its my turn to pick and I got one I think you're going to enjoy.'' He said her in his arms and kissed her lips as she returns it happily.
Ever since they shared their first kiss they just couldn't stop making out and she loved how cold Wade could get.
''Oh? Tell me.'' She tried.
''No, you'll have to wait, but it's something we both wanted to do.'' He said sitting down with her in lap facing him.
''Now I can't wait.'' She smiled at him placing her hands on his cheeks as he sighs happily.
Later the couple left the apartment as Ember locked the door and Wade took her hand. They walked for a bit until they came to a restaurant and went in.
''Hey Mark!'' Wade said loudly smiling at the host.
''Hey Wade!'' He called coming over to them. ''Date night?''
''Yes.'' Ember said as she held Wade's hand.
''Follow me this way.'' The host said.
Wade let Ember go ahead and he smiled watching her backside as he blushed. She was the most beautiful girl in here, he followed as they got seated in the corner and handed the menus.
''Nice place, how did you find this?'' She asked.
''Well, my job as an inspector lets me go all over the place and Gale knows that we are new to this area and let me do most of the inspections.'' Wade said.
''Even though you're head supervisor?'' Asked Ember leaning on her elbows.
''Yeah, it gives me a chance to scope out places for us to go.'' He said lacing their fingers together.
His water boiled a bit and they smiled at each other. ''You're amazing Wade, and I love you.'' Ember said.
''I love you too Ember. So how is the internship coming?'' He asked.
''Not bad, learning somethings I never knew at least I am not dealing with customers.'' She smiled.
They laughed as the waiter came and got their food. Ember looked around and smiled. ''This is so nice.''
''I picked it out with you in mind.'' He said kissing the top of her hand.
She smiles and leans in as they shared a kiss and pulled away as they continued to hold her hand.
Shortly their food came, and they started eating. ''So, I was thinking next month of going to visit my parents.'' Ember said.
''That sounds like a great idea.'' Wade said.
''Yep, and you're coming with.'' Ember said.
''You want me to go with you?'' He asked surprised.
''Well yeah, you are my boyfriend, and it would do good to get away from here for the weekend.'' She smiled.
He smiles. ''Fair enough.''
They finished eating and then paid for the bill and left the restaurant as they started walking. ''So, where are we going?'' Ember asked.
''You'll see.'' Wade said as they walked.
Shortly they came to a small area in a big walking park, and they went to a place where other couples were talking and dancing.
Ember was shocked. ''Dancing?''
Wade put his arm around her back shaking a bit from the warm contact. ''Yep, last time we danced it was cut short and now that you don't have to worry about your dad, or the shop and we can touch each other.'' He said.
She smiled at him as he pulls her to the rest and they lace their fingers together while her other hand goes on his shoulder, and he held her waist as they slow dance.
It was just them everyone else was gone as they danced and stared into each other's eyes and Ember lays her head on his shoulder as he holds her close and then close to the end he dipped her, and she cups his cheek, and they share a passionate kiss. Enjoying their evening.
Here we go...
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