Thanks for this -_-
Got tagged so I guess I'm doing this—
1. Do you care about what others think of you? Depends on who they are. If you're close to me, yell at me and I will c r y. If you're a random stranger on the internet... stop judging people and get a hobby :DD
2. Middle name? I don't have one so hA.
3. Fav sport? Does walking count? No? I guess volleyball.
4. Best friend? My best friend irl who's name I won't speaketh. Still don't know why he's putting up with me but I'm eternally grateful XD
5. Someone you couldn't live without? Literally everyone close to me. I'm too sensitive. Loss hurts.
6. Favorite nicknames? Ummmmm... Twily or Tee, one given to me by a close friend and the other... pretty much all my friends call me that <33
7. Are you more cute or sexy? I—
Neither lolol my days of being cute are long gone
8. Preferred pronouns? She/her, please and thank you :)
9. Have you ever been asked out? hA.
10. Do you believe in true love/soulmates? True love, yes, soulmates, depends on your definition. I don't believe people are brought onto this earth and just have that special person designed for them, but I DO think that certain people are....just perfect for you. You just click.
11. Top three pet peeves? When people over complicate things, scraping noises, and um.... snow :DDD
12. Do you consider yourself an emotional person? Too emotional, I'd say.
13. Words you say often? Nothing I say a lot irl, but I do keyboard smash a lot. Idkdkspsowoaoal I hate it but i can't stop—
14. Picture of yourself? You're kidding, right? I n. Y o u r. D r e a m s.
15. Fav pic of another person? *casually inserts picture of an adorable dog*
16. Favorite hobby? Reading, writing, drawing. All of the aboveeee
17. Role model? My English teacher from last year. She was great at writing, and great in general. Love you Mrs. L <3
18. Who is the best person you know personally? Ummmmmm pretty much all of my friends. They're all amazing. Except you Krackle for tagging me >:(((((
19. Crush? None atm. I'm FREEEEEE
20. HECC I know like 2.345 people so I'll just tag them—
Tagged by kackle-
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