i'm listening to the SIX soundtrack, for the first time in a while actually
it's 1 am on the second day out of 2020 and i am extremely lonely,, cons of staying up way past the time any sane person would be awake
yes i found a random tag on the internet and did it for fun. i'm hella lame and hella bored, what did you expect XD
1. addiction? fluff and angst. fluff and angst.
also well-done kids' shows and cartoons, because they make me feel more things than real life ever will :')
2. best friends? welllll
@Swearingparrot this buddy 🖤
DreaminqOutLoud this gay idiot ✨
august-springfield this turtle 🏳️🌈
SencenGirl123 this angel ❤️
and some other people i can't tag because they're not on the website but THEM I LOVE THEM VV MUCH EVEN WHEN THEY BULLY ME
3. birthday? haha not telling
4. current mood? i have an unnecessary amount of energy right now for no reason other than my mind hates me ahahahaha
5. fav animal(s)? penguins, frogs, and rats, in no particular order. also puppies. don't talk to me if you don't think they are the cutest things on earth and we don't deserve to exist on the same planet as them
6. fav cartoon? oh my god so many don't make me choose
currently i'm obsessed with she-ra and the princesses of power and the owl house, and the dragon prince is an absolute legend. atla too of course
basically if it's atla or has gay it's my(notable) favorite 👀
7. fav color? aquamarine, with turquoise as a close second ofc :')
8. favorite movies? i prefer to watch a show/series, but any disney/pixar prob?
9. favorite food? lasagna :D
10. girls i trust? pretty much all the people i trust completely don't identify as girls sooooo-
11. guys i trust? see above, but also my dad
12. fav tv shows? i just like animated shows that manage to retain a child-like outlook on realistic and complex concepts and situations okay let me BE dijdosksoeb
13. insecurities? i have a bad habit of getting anxious that i'm being annoying when i get too excited, and especially when i get, well, anxious, lmao. i overthink a lot too, to the point where it can become detrimental to my relationships. despite the fact that i trust people quite easy(i mean not every single person i meet or befriend, but fairly so), i get so insecure over little things that it comes across like i don't trust anyone, even people really close to me. and wow that got deep moving on
14. lame joke? i'm awful at jokes, i'll just go google a random dad joke
"why don't eggs tell jokes?"
"they'd crack each other up!" i the only one who finds deliberate jokes so... not funny? unintentional humorous situations and being able to think quickly and be witty on your feet is much funnier to me fuuddjjdjd
15. last hugged? i hugged my mom :3
for someone who's big on hugs and in general being physically affectionate, i really don't hug my family as much as i should oof
16. fav hobby? i write and read. also i art. and sing and play ukulele sometimes. it's hard to pick my favorite, but writing is most rewarding when it comes to feedback and art is most rewarding when i get a finished product that i'm happy with. either of those, if you FORCED me to choose
17. last person i texted? if messaging counts, then i messaged my friend Slinkizy on discord a few hours ago about something we've been kind of working on, but if specifically texting, then i texted an irl friend about a show about an hour ago XD
18. Random fact? i found this song a bit ago called City of Angels by Em Beihold and it's so beautiful, definitely reccomend. oh and, i love cold weather and wind despite living in a place where it rarely goes below 40 ;-;
19. relationship status? taken? which still feels weird to say lmao
20. children? ;-;
21. someone i miss? not to get super personal, but i miss some toxic friends that have either left me or i left them. it's wrong and i know that(they literally destroyed my mental health which made me pick up some not so great coping mechanisms), but the good times we have are what always come to the forefront of my mind no matter how awful they were to me. and it makes me angry, never getting closure or even a simple "hey, i'm alive". recently been thinking about reconnecting with some, which... i'm very aware is not a good idea but ukskspajsodnsineidnfjfjdne i can't help but miss them :/ also some of my irl friends who i haven't seen in person in a year
22. something i hate? people who act like i or anyone else owe them friendship or trust. also snow, i really can't stand snow
23. something i love? my friends, with all of my heart, hugs, and gay/non-het relationships and characters(and non-cis too!!) in children's media! it makes my heart happy to see them being normalized, albeit very slowly :3
24. something i want? i want to travel, meet friends that i haven't yet gotten the chance to, and figure out what my passion is
25. last person i called? a family member who i love dearly
26. last person you slept with? ew
27. where you from? uhhh... i was born in the united states :D love it here... haha... ha
28. what you look for in a significant other? mutual respect, of each other as separate people outside of our relationship. as a friend of mine so wisely put once, "love, before anything else, is an emotional bond, not a platonic or romantic one". not to say that i have any experience in the field of rOmAnCe, but an emotional connection is something i and i think most people desperately need to form a long lasting relationship, platonic, romantic, or anything else.
29. morning routine? wake up, check my phone, brush my teeth, eat if i'm hungry, and that's pretty much it lol
30. how much do you weigh? i weigh a hundred something, idk the exact number since it's been over a year since i last saw, but the real question here is why this question is here fidjdiskz
31. how tall are you? 5'5"!! pretty average if you ask me, but tall in comparison to people that i know XD
i guess since this is a tag, i should tag people, so...
aaaaaand that's about it, i'm gonna go attempt to be healthy and sleep(it won't work, but you know,,, A for effort right?)
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