Ochako Uraraka
Following his list of chores, the clothes should be done washing by now. Izuku pulled them out of the washer and into a basket, carrying them outside. As he aired out the laundry on the balcony, a sudden commotion caught his attention from below.
"Thank you very much for using our service today!"
A pair of movers stood in front of a moving truck, conversing with a girl with short brown hair. She blushed as she bowed in front of them, expressing her thanks for their help. Izuku silently observed their friendly interactions.
Come to think of it, the landlord did say that there was someone moving in this week.
We should be careful, and not let them find out that we're magicians.
He turned away and went back inside.
"Well, the laundry is done," Izuku informed the remaining familiars, who hovered about in the air idly. Now seemed like a good time to begin his morning practice. He raised his arms, preparing to power up. "Everyone, will you join me in training—?"
"I'm back~!" They turned to see the brunette from earlier standing in front of their doorway, humming cheerfully as she took off her shoes. "Is anyone home—?"
She raised her head and finally noticed Izuku's frozen appearance. Their eyes met and they awkwardly stared at each other for a few seconds before she finally came to her senses.
"S-sorry! I got the wrong rooooooom!" she wailed apologetically before slamming the door shut.
This isn't good. She might have seen the demons.
Izuku blinked a few times and ran towards the door. He yanked it open, calling out, "Wait. Stop right there—"
Deku made it outside just in time to watch her run into the door next to his place face-first. He awkwardly watched her slide to the ground, taken back by surprise. What was he supposed to do in this kind of situation...?
He walked over and checked her face. She was knocked out cold, the beginnings of a bruise blooming on her forehead. Izuku looked at her unconscious appearance for a while, before finally deciding to pick her up and carrying her back into his place.
Well, if I don't confirm whether she had seen the demons or not, bad things will happen . . . I think.
She finally came to as he was bandaging her face.
"Ah, I see that you have finally awakened," Izuku noted, sitting back.
She suddenly jumped up and hurriedly scooted backwards until she hit the wall, brown eyes wide open in fear, stammering, "W-w-w-what in the world is going on here? Where am I? Who are you?"
"Um," Deku blinked at her, "Please calm down. I can explain. My name is Izuku Midoriya..."
Once he had finished, she immediately bowed down in front of him, feeling mortified. "M-My sincerest apologies for disturbing you! You even went as far as taking care of me after I knocked myself out with the door earlier..."
She raised her head, beaming cheerfully, "I'm your new next-door neighbor, Ochako Uraraka!"
The brunette lowered her chocolate eyes, feeling embarrassed. "I'm really sorry, I'll come over again later to give you the Hikkoshi-soba."
"Um, rather than that," Izuku began carefully, watching her reaction attentively, "Earlier, did you see anything strange...?"
He trailed off as he watched his teacher's familiars float around her head. Ochako didn't seem to have noticed or seen them, but maybe it was only a matter of time before she ran out screaming again. They'd be digging his grave if they stayed here any longer.
"A-Actually—!" He jumped up hurriedly, "I don't mind going to your place to go get it. As in, right now!"
He helped the surprised brunette up and dragged her outside. The girl went along with his sudden enthusiasm, befuddled. "Ah, do you like soba that much—?"
"Please watch your step..."
She unlocked the door to her place and brought them to the kitchen, rummaging around a few boxes before she found it. She handed it over with an embarrassed smile. "Here's your soba."
The girl fretfully surveyed the room full of boxes and half-unpacked items thrown here and there. "Sorry about the mess, I haven't gotten the chance to clean yet."
"It's fine. You've just moved in after all." Izuku stated, looking around the place disinterestedly. It didn't look all that different from his place. At least she hadn't seen any of the demons...
"You know, from now on I'll be attending UA high school, and even though today isn't the entrance ceremony, I decided to wear my uniform to celebrate." She examined her clothes, swallowing hard. "I'll have to do my best from now on—"
The brunette turned red and clutched her noisy stomach. "Ah, come to think of it, what should I do for lunch?"
She turned and began to rummage in one of the boxes. "I've got to go buy food—"
"I'll make it," Izuku offered.
"Eh?" Brown eyes looked at him incredulously. "Are you sure?"
"It's fine. I'll make soba and come back with it, so please wait here."
"Ah, okay..."
The girl watched him leave, uneasily wondering how it was going to turn out...
"A-Amazing! Did you really make this?" she exclaimed in pleasant surprise. The brunette hadn't exactly known what to expect from her new neighbor, but it certainly wasn't this: soba noodles in a light warm broth, topped with shrimp tempura, kamaboko, and sliced scallions.
"Yes," answered Izuku honestly. "I only have confidence in my cooking skills."
While dealing with other people, it's important to be polite, he reminded himself.
"Thank you for the food!" She started digging in, feeling tears welling up at the sudden burst of flavor on her tongue. "I-It's delicious..."
Izuku looked up from his share and stared at the girl as tears rolled down her face. The brunette noticed, feeling abashed as she reached for a napkin.
"Ah, I'm sorry. Tears just came to my eyes..." She wiped her face.
"It's just that this is my first time living alone . . . and I'm worried about whether I'll be able to handle it well or not. To be honest, I thought that there would be no one I could ask for help from..."
The girl took a deep breath and began, "I know that I have to do everything by myself, and I thought that I wouldn't have anyone to help me..." She looked at the boy sitting across from her, and smiled at him. "But thankfully, it turns out that I have a kind neighbor."
The brunette extended her hand out to him. "You can call me Ochako."
Izuku looked at the hand for a few seconds before reaching out to clasp it with his own.
"Ah! That's right!" Ochako seemed to remember something and stood up. "Could you do me a favor and come with me?"
"It was really pretty when I saw it from the moving truck. I'm not really sure where the road is though, so can you help me find it?"
She's interesting, Izuku thought as he helped her determine where the place was and guided her there. There hasn't been anyone who had accepted him this way before...
A person who smiles and laughs this widely...
"-kun, look! We're here!" Ochako ran ahead. "Aren't they beautiful?"
"Sakura trees!" She laughed happily and twirled amongst the falling petals. He took a seat on a nearby bench and watched her dance. Eventually, she tired herself out and sat down beside him.
"You know, Izuku-kun, you have a great name!"
"You think so?" he questioned her. "My relatives said it was ironic."
"The last character of my name can be read as Deku, or useless."
"Deku, huh." She leaned back and thought about it. "Well, I think that 'Deku' sounds pretty cute to me. Has a 'you can do it' vibe to it!"
"Really?" He thought about that. That was a nice thought...
"Here, this is for you!" Ochako suddenly plucked something from his hair and placed it into his hand. "Because it's so pretty!"
Another falling blossom caught her attention. "Actually, that one is pretty too!"
She jumped off the bench to try and catch it. It slipped through her fingers and fell to the ground. That didn't stop her from picking it up though. Izuku looked at the flower in his hand.
"Pretty..." he murmured quietly.
"You know, Deku-kun," She called out, "I'm really glad! I was wondering how living alone would turn out, but I've managed to make a great friend!"
"Ah..." That caught his attention. "F . . . Friend?"
"Eh?!" Ochako turned back, her face paling in panic, "Oh no, I'm sorry, was that too much? Is it too soon to call us friends?"
"No..." he answered her slowly, "I think . . . I . . . I'm 'happy'."
The brunette brightened up. "T-Then let's go for a run!"
She grabbed his hand and dragged him along, racing along the falling, dancing petals. Izuku watched her skip happily ahead of him, grinning and laughing as she picked up the pace. His face didn't change one bit, but there was a noticeable shine in his eyes...
To my 'emotionless' self . . .
He reveled in the warmth of her hand, unconsciously tightening his grip-
I've managed to make a friend.
Izuku gasped as he was knocked to the ground, air forced out of his lungs. His teacher watched him with a dark expression. He thundered, "Didn't I say not to forget the code?"
"Yes..." Deku answered him weakly.
"I also said not to have excessive contact with ordinary people, didn't I?"
"Yes, Sensei . . ."
"Don't meet with that girl ever again."
His dull green eyes widened. No...
"You know that we magicians don't form relationships with normal people," Toshinori stared pointedly at his student, "Especially you."
The blond turned and addressed his demon familiars, "Everyone, be on the lookout to make sure that Deku doesn't go out to meet her. Understand?"
Ochako poured herself a fresh cup of tea, sitting in her bed and thinking about her day.
About the boy next door, his stoic attitude, his strange dull yet attentive green eyes...
Deku-kun is an interesting guy, she thought as she sipped her tea. If we become closer friends, I wonder if I'll be able to see more of his expressions...
It'd be bad if the restraints got worse, Izuku thought as he read his book, under close watch from his teacher's familiars. At this rate, he might not help me become a magician . . .
It might not be a good idea to anger Sensei by going against him. I should act like an adult for now...
He stood up and walked over to the trash bin, reaching into his pocket to pull out Ochako's wilted gift.
I don't need this anymore, do I...?
Just as he was about to let it fall, a voice came unbidden to his head.
'I'm your new next-door neighbor, Ochako Uraraka!'
'I-It's delicious!"
'"Deku" sounds more similar to "you can do it"!'
'I've managed to make a great friend!'
He stood there for a while, recalling the time he spent with her. Finally, he made a decision.
The priorities the demons imposed on me probably aren't any higher than this...
"Hey guys..." He turned to their expectant, hungry gazes.
"Shall we make dinner?"
There should be a convenience store somewhere nearby, right?
Ochako thought to herself as she locked her door from outside. She shivered, feeling a slight chill in the air. I wonder why I'm hungry at this time of night...
She turned and was about to walk past Izuku's place when the door suddenly opened right in front of her. Their eyes met, and this time he grabbed her hand and dragged her along with him.
"Eh?! What's going on?" she cried out in confusion as they hurried down the stairs, "Deku-kun?"
They raced through the streets, their destination unknown to her. He ignored her cries, "Wait! Izuku-kuuuun!"
Sensei's orders are absolute. But leaving things as they are, without saying anything...
For some reason, that feels . . . 𝖂𝖗𝖔𝖓𝖌.
They finally arrived at the cherry orchard, sakura petals fluttering down all around them as they stopped to catch their breaths.
"Hah, hah . . . W-what's going on Deku-kun?" Ochako looked up and noticed there was a cut on his face. "A-Are you okay?!"
"It's just a scratch," he answered her calmly, wiping at his cheek with the back of his hand carelessly.
"Are you sure? Did you wash it?"
"Forget about that," Izuku cut her off. He looked straight into her confused brown eyes. "Ochako Uraraka, I brought you here to say good-bye."
"Ah..." She looked taken back. The brunette hadn't expected that from him. "That can't be..."
Ochako swallowed roughly and asked, "Are you going somewhere far away?"
"No, I'm not going anywhere."
"Then why?"
"I'll get straight to the point." He took a step back from her. "It's because you and I . . . live in different worlds."
"W-What do you mean . . . ?"
Izuku looked down. He didn't answer her question.
"I-Is it because of something you can't say . . . ?"
He nodded. There was a strange silence between them.
"I see..." Ochako finally spoke up. She didn't look at him, fiddling with her hands. "But, thanks for coming out to meet me and to say goodbye. If I didn't hear anything from you, I'd probably get depressed by thinking about all the ways I screwed up."
She turned, still not looking at him. "You know, tomorrow is UA High School's entrance ceremony..."
The brunette took a few steps forward, sounding cheerful, "So don't worry about me! I'm going to do my best to make new friends! I'm definitely not going to be lonely!"
Her footsteps slowed down, and she came to a stop, trembling. Was she . . . sniffling?
"Ochako . . . san?" Izuku reached out and grabbed her shoulder, turning her around to see tears falling down her round cheeks. This time, it wasn't his food that made her cry. It was him.
"Ochako-san?" He pulled back, unsure how to comfort her.
"Deku-kun . . . I'm sorry, but I actually hate it," she sobbed, completely heartbroken from his unexpected news. "Even if I make new friends at school, I hate that I can't meet you again...
"I-I don't want to say goodbye to you..." she rubbed fiercely at her eyes, blubbering, "I-I was so happy that you were so kind to me. It's all thanks to you that I got to know a place I'm not familiar with. I thought that it was true that there are people who are warm and kind..."
"Saying that we're friends . . . and hearing that you were happy about that, it made me really happy." Ochako took a deep breath, looking determined. "That's why Izuku-kun . . . you're someone important to me!"
Dull emeralds widened. He clutched the front of his shirt, dazed.
"Someone . . . Important to you...?" He mumbled softly.
"That's right!" she nodded encouragingly. "So please don't say goodbye to me..."
"I . . . I-"
He swallowed.
Raising a bloody hand to his face . . .
"I'm sad."
A knife slipped from his hands, landing on the wooden floor with a clank.
"It's painful . . . hah . . . It hurts . . . hah . . . I . . . I can't breathe!"
"Hah . . . I . . . hah . . . Father . . ."
Clenching a bloody shirt between his hands, shaking the stiff body over and over—
Did you like him . . . ?
Please find someone important to you . . .
"Ah..." He raised his hand to feel tears sliding down his face in astonishment. Tears?
"Ochako-san . . . you have . . . become someone important to me as well..."
"Eh?" She looked at him hopefully. Had her words gotten through him? "Izuku-kun—"
"I'm sad..." He lifted his head to look at her, tears falling freely, "I have to . . . 𝔎𝔦𝔩𝔩 𝔜𝔬𝔲."
Izuku raised his other hand and black tendrils exploded out of his arm to wrap around her.
"Kyaaa!" Ochako screamed as they tightened their hold on her. The brunette tried to rip them off of herself, to no avail. She turned to the boy, who had somehow formed a lance out of the same black vines.
But what scared her the most was the smile on his face. She didn't know how to explain it, but it gave her an undeniable, chilling feeling: twitchy, jumpy, turning up and down, twisting back and forth. His lips slid over his teeth, flashing and hiding, as if they couldn't stay still and decide on which place to take.
He looked like he was trying to smile.
"What is this, Deku-kun?!" she cried out anxiously. This wasn't the sweet boy she knew, the nice next door neighbor she had just met. "Why are you doing this?!"
"I hate it..." he warbled, slowly making his way towards the girl, "I wanted to talk more with you . . . I wanted to 𝔅𝔈 with you..."
"But I—" he lunged at her, weapon angled at her heart, "—I WANT TO LIVE EVEN MORE."
Goodbye, Ochako Uraraka.
She watched wide-eyed in despair, frozen in place, utterly helpless to do anything but as he got closer and closer and CLOSER—
Out of nowhere, a giant bird swooped in and snapped him up, sharp teeth along its beak cutting through the black tendrils that had held her in place and into Izuku's body, spurting blood into the air. The two skidded across the road and stopped around ten feet away.
"Why are you such a pain?"
Ochako was startled to hear a sudden voice behind her. She turned to see a skeletal-looking man standing hunched behind her, with wild, long blond mane and sunken light blue eyes set into a gaunt face.
"S-Sensei . . ." Izuku gargled as he raised his head to greet his teacher.
"I told you, didn't I? Not to meet her?" He shook his head and sighed, before barking out: "Nighteye!"
The bird took one last savage bite of the boy before releasing him onto the ground. He fell with a sickening crunch.
"Ugh..." Izuku groaned upon the rough landing.
"Izuku-kun!" Ochako cried out, attracting the blond's attention. He looked at her for a moment before sighing once more, turning back to his student.
"I understand that killing the one who is important to you . . . is how you regain your emotions temporarily, but don't target civilians. The clean up and the paperwork is always a pain..."
He walked over to the girl, who was still frozen in place, overwhelmed by this sudden turn of events.
"It's such a misfortune, miss. You were very lucky I got here on time."
"Eh?" She looked fearfully at the hand lowering down in front of her face. What was he going to do to her?
"But this is really goodbye."
Ochako trembled. "St-"
"Stop it, Sensei—" Izuku cried out, watching as his teacher silently chanted his spell. "D-Don't erase her memories-!"
"Oi." The blond turned to glare at his student as the magic took ahold of her body, "Don't get carried away, Deku."
Her body fell to the ground, completely knocked out. Izuku watched her, his hope gone just like that.
"So, Ochako-san isn't here anymore?" He whispered, sounding defeated. His master gave him a grim look.
"That's right."
The next morning, Izuku swept the area around the entrance, following his list of chores as per usual.
The room next door opened, and Ochako stepped out, dressed in her UA high school uniform.
"Ah, good morning," he greeted her.
"What's with those wounds, Izuku-kun?!"
"G-Good morning," she responded politely, giving him a small nod before heading out. He watched her go.
"They're gone for sure," Izuku turned to see his teacher standing behind him, who had also stepped out to see their neighbor off, "All her memories regarding magic, that is. With that, goes her memories of you as well..."
Izuku leaned against the railing, staring up at the sky. "You know, Sensei, for some reason I'm confident. If I can't be friends with Ochako-san..."
I don't want to die!
I don't want to die not feeling anything—!
"Don't think of useless things." The blond advised his student. "It's enough as long as you train and focus on becoming a magician."
"Sensei, why did you take me in as your student?" Izuku faced his teacher questioningly, "I don't have any material possessions, nor outstanding traits, and if it were up to me, I wouldn't have taken on a disciple like myself."
"It's nice to see you know that," Toshinori replied, stuck between irritated and amused. "Well, it's fine. As long as you keep your promise."
He turned and headed back inside, quoting, "'And I will pass on the strongest magic to you.'"
"I'm glad that you remember," Deku answered faintly, following him into their home. "I'll use that power to live a life of emotions, and think of many sad things, and for that reason..."
The door slammed shut.
[Ochako Uraraka - End ]
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