You're staring at your ceiling as you glance over at the clock.
1:43 PM on a Saturday.
Normally, you and Jimin would be out on a date, watching TV in bed while you drink hot chocolate, or Jimin and you would be testing out a new kink together.
Now, you're just alone.
You roll onto your side for a moment before you let out a soft sigh. Sitting up in your bed, you slowly find the motivation to get out of bed. Ambling your way towards the kitchen, you start preparing a snack for yourself: some chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. Sighing, you turn to grab a spoon before something catches your eye.
Jimin's curtains are still open.
You gulp and quickly shake your head, trying to resist opening your window and calling out to him. Aggressively digging your spoon into the ice cream, you begin to stuff a large mouthful into your face, letting out a soft moan.
Ice cream can heal any type of hurt.
As you begin chewing the pieces of cookie dough, movement in Jimin's window catches your eye. Taking a deep breath, you fail at resisting to look, consequently turning your head towards the window.
He's in his living room, pushing his couch out of the way. You watch as he turns his TV on, a song playing from the speakers. You narrow your eyes, trying to get a view of the song playing on his TV.
Alec Benjamin, one of Jimin's favorite artists. You two used to play his songs in his car whenever he'd drive you anywhere. Alec Benjamin's song called "Let Me Down Slowly" was playing.
Drifting your attention to Jimin, you watch as he clears space in his living room, his back facing the window as he dances along to the music. His body is moving slowly, his toes perfectly pointed, his body easily flexible. His movements reflect the heartbreak that you assume he's feeling from what happened between you two a week ago.
Jimin's body slowly moves to the floor as he begins dancing on the floor gracefully, his arms moving as if he was a swan.
Unable to continue watching, you turn around and make your way towards your bedroom once more. Plopping onto your bed, you begin to lie back in bed, turning on the TV in your bedroom that you only used whenever Jimin was there.
Usually, you don't feel the need to lie in bed all day. However, this isn't a normal day. It's the first day you haven't had work since the breakup. Last weekend, your mom allowed you to stay at her house for the weekend to avoid Jimin. He still tried to call regardless. Your mom allowed you to vent and rant to your heart's desire. Last weekend was easier on you. But seeing Jimin this weekend? Not easy. Not easy at all.
You give in to the urge to watch Disney movies like The Lizzie McGuire Movie, Camp Rock, The Hannah Montana Movie, and many more.
In the middle of The Goofy Movie, your phone goes off.
Please don't be Jimin. I know I'll cave if it's Jimin.
Bringing your phone directly in front of your face, you let out a sigh of relief upon seeing Joy's name flashing on your screen.
"Hello?" you ask before stuffing another spoonful of ice cream into your mouth. Your voice comes out filled with misery, causing Joy to remain silent for a few seconds.
"He broke up with you, didn't he?" she questions before you hear the ruffling of a jacket in the background along with some zippers being zipped. "I'm gonna come over there and kick his dumb, pretty boy a-"
"Joy, I broke up with him." You quietly say before stuffing some more ice cream into your mouth, making sure to lick the melted parts off of your spoon. The other side of the line grows quiet, no more shuffling or zippers being zipped. No more noise. Just Joy's breathing. Pulling the spoon out of your mouth with a pop, you furrow your eyebrows at Joy's silence. "Joy?"
"Sorry," she immediately responds before you hear the sound of her sighing on the other side of the line. "You broke up with him? I take it that all of his surprises were getting to be a little much." She states, knowing every detail of the dinner with his parents.
"Not just that," you start before sitting up in your bed. Moving the bowl to your nightstand, you sit in Criss-Cross applesauce on your bed as you slump over. Combing your fingers through your hair, you shut your eyes tightly as you try to find a way to describe how you're feeling. "He's moving too fast and he keeps... he keeps putting me before himself. As admirable and sweet as that is, he's losing himself for me. He doesn't dance anymore, he doesn't hang out with his friends as often, he barely sees his family, he's not... he's not Jimin." You let out a frustrated groan as you face palm yourself.
"Huh." Is the only word that escapes Joy's mouth over the phone. You can't see her face, causing you to grow nervous at her opinion. "That's the first time you've ever done something like that." She states. Unfortunately, you're still unable to sense her tone. You've never heard this tone from her before.
"I know... I usually get dumped." You state before shrugging your shoulders as your fingertips begin fiddling with your blanket as you stare over at the paused movie on your TV. She softly laughs before you hear her soft voice on the other end.
"I'm proud of you," she states before you softly smile despite the heartbreak. "But I can hear the pain in your voice, so I'll be at your place in 10." You softly nod your head before hanging up the phone. Leaning back on your bed, you press play on the movie and continue stuffing your face with ice cream.
The front door to your home opens, revealing Joy with a bunch of your favorite foods from two different restaurants in the bag. You're still lying in bed, watching the news as you let out a soft sigh and nuzzle yourself into the sheets as you let your head rest on the pillow.
"Y/N?" You hear from the living room. Still refusing to get up, you cover your head with the blanket.
Joy makes it to your bedroom, shaking her head as she scolds you. She immediately starts grabbing the empty bowl of ice cream along with the many empty water bottles lying on your bedside table.
Upon making it back into your room, she plops herself onto your bed and opens the bag.
"Y/N, c'mon, I brought all of your favorite foods." She states while opening the takeout bag, the smell spreading throughout your room. "See? Smells good, doesn't it?" she asks while taking out one of the trays filled with food as she waves it in front of your head that's hidden under the blanket layers. You peek your head out, inhaling the scent of the food, licking your lips as she lets out a soft laugh.
Throwing the covers off of your body, you reach out for the tray and grab the fork in her hand, starting to dig your utensil into the food. She reaches into the bag to grab her own portion of food as she starts to eat with you.
"Sorry it took so long to get here," she states before stuffing her face with food. "I had to wait on the phone for both restaurants to take my order for all of this food." You nod your head and close your eyes, allowing the comfort food to spread a happy feeling throughout your body.
"It's okay," you state before shrugging. She glances over at your window in your bedroom that's covered by the curtains. Furrowing her eyebrows, she starts to shake her head.
"Y/N," she states before setting her tray down, starting to walk towards the window. "You haven't even had any sunlight all day? It's already 7 at night..." she scolds before her voice drifts off. She moves the curtains to the side and glances out of the window for a moment.
"No!" you state before starting to shift in your bed, attempting to get her to stop messing with the closed curtains.
You're too late.
Joy is already looking out your window and she gets a view of Jimin. He's sitting on his couch, head in his hands as he cries into them. Her shoulders slump as she sees the man upset. During all the times she's met him, he was always smiling because he had you in his life.
She swallows, nodding her head as she immediately begins covering the curtains again. You pause your movements as you see her closing the curtains again.
"Now I know why those were closed..." she drifts off before she gets onto your bed with you, starting to eat with you once more. "It sucks that this didn't work out... I had a good feeling about Jimin dating you." She states before she shakes her head, reaching over to grab some sauce for her meal.
"You did?"
"Yeah, and you know I never get a good feeling about most of the people you date." She states before letting out a pathetic attempt of a laugh to try to lighten the mood. You shrug your shoulders and take another fork-full of the food into your mouth. She glances over at you for a moment before letting out another sigh. "We should put a funny movie or cartoon on." Reaching over, she takes the remote into her hand and begins to flip through channels while your mind drifts off to Jimin.
It's going to take a while for me to laugh.
I hope he's not hurting too badly.
Double update today because I'm having a good day today and I want all of you to have the comfort of Joy (and I want you all to have a good day too).
Today was really helpful for my anxiety. I finally got out of the house today since quarantine started (yes, I managed to stay in my home from March 22 alllll the way to the end of June) and I had a really good time getting food today. I think driving, listening to music, seeing my friend and getting some fresh air (in my car, I'm too scared to dine inside a restaurant) helped a lot.
I hope you are all doing okay. I'm gonna remind all of you not to let yourselves get emotionally exhausted. If you're stressed, your depression is getting worse, you're anxious, or any other emotion that isn't a good one, talk to someone.
For the second time today, I love you (and yes, I'm going to say this every time I post even if I post more than once in a single day because it's true and I'm thankful for you always).
Kim 💗
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