Your eyes slowly opened as you reached your hand up, combing your fingers through your messy hair. You looked at the clock before deciding to get up and make some breakfast. 7:28
Joy would be here today, and her flight gets in around 10:30. It's going to be the first time you've seen her since last month when you were house searching with her. You slowly smile at the thought before walking towards the bathroom, showering, washing your face and brushing your teeth. You looked at yourself in the mirror and grabbed your hair straightener, plugging it into the wall. As you waited for it to heat up, you checked your phone and let out a laugh as you saw the text message from Joy.
Joy: You better be ready to organize stuff when I get there. No stalling the unpacking today!
Y/N: I already unpacked two boxes of clothes yesterday, I'm not as lazy as you make me sound. 🙄
You set your phone down before starting to style your hair and playing music. Once your hair was fully straightened, you immediately got dressed into a pair of gray sweatpants and a plain white t-shirt before walking to the kitchen. You grabbed the pancake mix and started to add the ingredients along with water into a bowl and started stirring to form the batter. You arched a brow as your eye caught sight of the girl from last night leaving your hot neighbor's house, her legs wobbling and her shirt wrinkled, riding up her side as she didn't have time to get dressed properly. She stumbled into an Uber and you watched as the neighbor closed his front door and he ran his fingers through his hair before walking back inside.
You're a little player, aren't you? Didn't even make her breakfast, I bet.
You smiled widely as you waited by the gate in the airport. You looked up, double checking the gate number as you bit your lower lip, patiently waiting for your friend's plane.
Gate 7A.
You looked around as your teeth continued tearing into your lower lip. You tucked your car keys into the pockets of your sweatpants. You smiled widely as you saw people starting to come out of the gate, standing onto your tippy toes to look for Joy. Your eyebrows furrowed as you saw the last few people stepping into the airport, looking jet lagged and eager to get out of the airport. You tilted your head to the side before pulling your phone out. You started typing a text message on your phone to send to Joy before you noticed a pair of red high heels in front of you.
"Wow, Y/N. I came to see you and help you settle in your home and this is how you react???" A small smile spread across your face as you slowly looked up at the girl in front of you, slightly taller than you. She stood in front of you in a long sleeve gray sweater. Her pale, smooth skin without makeup on while her hair was a mess. You smiled widely as you watched her hand move away from the handle of her luggage as she grabbed you and pulled you into a tight hug.
Your arms immediately wrapped around her petite frame as you let out an excited noise. You heard her laughing as she then pulled away from the hug, her hand gently patting your head.
"Alright, we have a busy schedule today," she said clasping her hands together and interlocking her fingers together for a moment as she spoke. "We have to unpack your boxes, move around any furniture that may have been put in the wrong spot, and then once we're finished, you can tell me about that hot neighbor of yours." She said with a smirk. As you were about to object, she grabbed her luggage with one hand before grabbing your hand with the other as both of you walked towards the escalator of the airport to head to your car.
You unlocked the car and put her luggage into the back before driving to your neighborhood. You watched as Joy eagerly started talking.
"So... we have some time to kill in the car. Tell me about your neighbor. First, is your neighbor a girl or a boy?" she asked as her eyebrows lifted, a small smirk evident on her face. You rolled your eyes at her words before you gripped your hands more tightly on the steering wheel.
"My neighbor is a boy and I haven't really learned what his name is." You responded before taking a left on the freeway exit.
"Please tell me you've at least met one of your neighbors." She said with a slight hint of worry in her eyes. "You're living alone. No boyfriend, no dog or cat, and your mom isn't living with you anymore to help you. You need to be safe and social, okay?"
"Speaking of moms, you sound just like mine right about now." You replied with a smirk. You watched as she kept her serious face, arching an eyebrow. You scoffed before rolling your eyes. "Yes, I met one of my neighbors yesterday. His name is Namjoon and he's living with his wife and seemed pretty nice."
"Good. I'm adding that onto our list for the day. We're going to plan a party at your house. It'll be next weekend." She said as she clapped her hands together for a moment before pulling her phone out, most likely looking at party supplies.
You let out a groan as both of you started dragging the tiny sofa to its proper position in front of the tv. You sat down on the wooden floor, wiping the sweat from your forehead as you let out a relieved sigh.
"Okay, all of the hard furniture is moved. Now it's time to either decorate or unpack boxes. Which do you want to do?" Joy asked as she looked in your direction, breathing heavily from moving the couch.
"Neither. Let me take a nap." You said before curling up into a comfortable position on the floor, letting out a tired sigh. You watched as she walked over to you, her hands gripping onto your arms and looking you in the eye.
"Okay... if you want to nap then I'll start telling your neighbors about the party this weekend. Which house did you say the hot neighbor lived in again? Oh, yeah it's the one right there." She said, pointing in the direction of his home. You widened your eyes as you gripped onto her ankles, tripping her so she landed on the floor next to you.
"I can't invite him!"
"Why not?"
"Because..." you mumbled before looking down at the ground. "It's a long story." You watched as she arched an eyebrow, her eyes narrowing as she then laid on her side, resting her head on her arm as she propped it up against the floor.
"I'm listening." She said with pursed lips. You gulped out of nervousness, feeling your face becoming a bright red color.
"So, during my first night here, I accidentally-sort of w-watched my n-neighbor having sex with a girl through my bedroom window," You started before you continued. "and I watched it happen again last night... while, uh, t-touching my... um..."
"YOU WHAT?!" she exclaimed, her eyes nearly bulging out of her head as she looked at you with a shocked expression. After a few moments, she took a deep breath and started talking again. "Wow, and I thought I was kinky." She slyly teased, a smirk spreading across her face.
She sensed your facial expressions turning confused before she sighed.
"Honey, what you did is a kink. It's called voyeurism. It's when you touch yourself while watching other people have sex or let other people watch you have sex." She replied with a slight playful tone in her voice.
"But I didn't get his permission to watch." You mumbled under your breath. You watched as she let out a laugh, shaking her head.
"When you watched, was it the same girl both times?"
"In that case, you have two options. One: you don't get caught or two: you invite him to your party, seduce him, then tell him about your little kink and see if he'll play along with it." She said with a smirk on her face. "You never know, maybe he's into the same voyeurism things you're into."
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