Chanyeol bombed himself into the pool with a loud laugh and Baekhyun followed suit. Giggling, Baekhyun swam over to Chanyeol and grabbed his foot, pulling Chanyeol towards himself. Chanyeol struggled against him but stopped when he got close enough to Bakehyun. Picking up the smaller, Chanyeol laughs loudly as Bakehyun hollers in resistance only to be through to the others side of the pool. The two carry on like this for a while but quickly stop when they hear footsteps approaching him.
"Hey, have you seen Sehun?" A recognisable voice asks and Baekhyun turns to see Luhan.
A smile on his face, Baekhyun swam over to the side of the pool where Luhan was at and replied, "I haven't, sorry." Noticing the slight frown on Luhan's lips, he asked, "what's wrong?"
Luhan let out a sigh and ran his fingers through his dark locks, "he kinda ran off earlier..."
Chanyeol groaned and asked, "Jongin, right?"
Luhan just nodded and Baekhyun gave them both a confused look, "wait, what's happened?"
Chanyeol ran his fingers through his own hair and replied, "Jongin keeps teasing Sehun because he thinks he's straight but Jongin thinks differently. But I guess Sehun did have a one night stand with Kai's best friend..."
Baekhyun gave Chanyeol wide eyes but decided not to press on it and then turned back to Luhan, "we haven't seen him but...he might want some alone time, if you know what I mean."
"I thought we wouldn't get any alone time during this holiday," Tao sighed happily as he clinked his glass with Kris's, "it's nice."
The two had rented a 'romantic dine for two' instead of going to the Italian buffet they had planned. There were other couples surrounding them, everyone at tables covered with dark red cloth. The pair had ordered red wine and streaks for their lunch and would probably just get something small for dinner.
"Yeah, you're right," Kris smiled over at his boyfriend and took Tao's hand into his own. "You suit your new hair."
Tao grinned. He had been a brunette for a few months but he decided to switch it up by going bleach blonde. Usually Kris wasn't too fussed when he got a new hair colour so it was nice to finally hear a compliment from him.
"Two steaks?" A waiter asked in English and Kris nodded.
After they had finished their meal, Kris reached into his pocket to get something but Tao was already getting up to leave. Sighing, he put the box back in his pocket and told himself, 'another time.'
"-and then the milk went all over her, soaking her from head to toe!" Yixing laughed followed by laughs from Sehun and Junmyeon.
"No way!" Junmyeon laughed loudly and put down his glass, "what did the boss say?"
"He fired her and said she'd make a good milk women!" Yixing laughed again and began cutting some of his fish.
"That's brilliant!" Sehun laughed.
Junmyeon and Yixing gave each other a look and they both knew that Sehun was feeling better. Junmyeon smiled at him and asked, "is that pasta any good?"
"Bloody amazing!" Sehun retorted making the other two laugh again. "The whole idea of having buffets instead of restaurants is genius! It's means you can just eat whatever you like and nobody will judge you for your combinations!"
Junmyeon chuckled at that as he eyed up Sehun's strange pasta and fried chicken combination, "whatever you say, Sehun!"
"Sehun?" A soft voice spoke and he instantly recognised it as Jongin's, "can we talk?"
Yixing and Junmyeon just started at one another wide eyed and gulped as Sehun rolled his eyes at the voice.
"I'm eating," Sehun replied blankly, not bothering to turn around to face him.
"Please," Jongin sighed as he wiped his now sweaty hands on the sides of shorts, "I'm really sorry man-"
Before he could say another word, Yixing was pulling out the seat next to him, which also happened to be the seat next to Sehun, and ordered him to sit. Jongin could only nod as he sat down beside the Chinese male.
"Now," Yixing spoke in a soft but firm tone, "before one word is said, just know that Junmyeon and I won't be leaving until you make up."
Sehun faced him with eyes the size of dinner plates, "but-"
"Yixing is right," Junmyeon rubbed Sehun's shoulder from his side and added, "we want you to be friends again, okay?"
Sehun and Jongin nodded in unison and faced eachother once again. Sehun's stare was cold and harsh while Jongin's eyes were ones of a terrified puppy.
"Why?" Is all Sehun said, "I told you time and time again that I'm going through a rough patch with my sexuality! I don't need your 'joking' comments every two minutes reminding me."
Jongin fiddled with his nails, unable to make eye contact, "I just- Sehun you know I'd never do anything to hurt you! You and Chanyeol are my best friends. I'm so sorry. I didn't think you'd get so annoyed."
"I'm more hurt than anything," Sehun took a quick swig of his water, "it's not fair. Just because your life is going well on track doesn't mean that others are. And you know better."
Jongin ran a shaky hand through his dark locks before leaning back on the back of the chair, "I know, I know. I really am sorry, Sehun. You know that I'd never do anything intentionally to ruin our friendship."
Yixing and Junmyeon watched from the side lines. They both knew that they were finally getting somewhere and when Sehun nodded, they smiled brightly.
"Alright," Sehun stared into Jongin's eyes, "lets just put this behind us, alright? It never happened..."
Jongin gave him his happiest smile and practically ran around the table, hugging him tightly, "thank you, Sehunnie!"
"People are staring, asshole," Sehun joked and the two gunned at one another like usual.
Yixing looked at Junmyeon from across the table, giving him a high five and wink, "our work here is done. Now how about we go in the pool?"
I hope you all enjoyed reading this! Sorry if it seemed a bit of a filler but there is some important shit in here!
SNAPCHAT - Abbie_daz
INSTAGRAM - Abbie_Dalziel
See you next time! 👋🏻
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