Two Glitches
They brought Blueberror back to the Swap house via shortcut. He was right about monsters fearing him so it was their best bet. So now Blueberror sat of the couch kicking his feet and using his strings to knit, nobody had any idea how he got the needles, a scarf for nobody in particular. He'd probably give it to one of the Papyrus in the Omega Timeline. Ink had left at this point, not wanting to see Error be the good guy. Dream watched Blueberror with slight fascination. He wondered if Blueberry retained what Blueberror knew? Stretch was starfishing on the floor, tired after pacing the living room for quite some time. Waiting for Error was harder than they realized. They were bored and didn't want to see their friend and brother like this longer than they had to. ("HE'LL BE HERE.") "H-E-LL BE HE-RE." Blueberror reassured them time and time again. ("HE'S A BUSY SANS.") "HE-S A BUS-Y SA-NS." Finally, around the time Blueberry went to bed, the door upstairs creaked open.
Blueberror looked up eagerly while Dream and Stretch had gotten bored and hungry and decided to make something. ("blueberry..?") "bl-ueb-err-y..?"
("NOPE!") "NO-PE!" Blueberror replied as Error hesitated at the top of the steps, looking around for Stretch. Upon seeing and hearing Blueberror though, caution was thrown to the wind. He teleported down and in front of Blueberror, a sad look crossing his features. ("they got to the doll... huh..") "th-ey go-t to t-he do-ll... h-huh.." Blueberror tilted his head. ("DOLL?") "D-OLL?" Error sat next to Blueberror and brushed his phalanges across Blueberror's cheek, pulling way before he crashed. ("the sealing doll, remember? so you could have a normal life with your friends and family.") "th-e sea-ling dol-l, re-mem-ber? so y-ou cou-ld ha-ve a nor-mal li-fe wi-th you-r fri-ends a-nd fam-ily." Blueberror didn't remember but, ("THAT SOUNDS WONDERFUL!!! DID IT WORK?!") "TH-AT SOU-NDS WON-DER-FUL!!! DI-D IT WO-RK?!" Error chuckled despite himself. ("yeah... for a little while.") "y-eah... fo-r a li-tt-le whi-le." Blueberror pressed a quick kiss to Error's teeth, happy that they'd tried at least. ("I WAS BLUEBERRY FOR A LITTLE WHILE, YAY!!") "I WA-S BLU-EBER-RY FO-R A LI-TTL-E WHI-L-E, Y-AY!!" Blueberror cheered, making Error laugh again. It was hard to be down around the little guy. "do..." Another voice cut in, making Error tense. "do you think you could do it again?"
Error looked at Dream and Stretch who had heard them in the kitchen and came to check it out. Error shot up and backed away before the words could register. (you're... asking me for help..?") "y-ou-re... ask-ing m-me fo-r hel-p..?" Dream nodded, stepping out slowly with Stretch right behind him. "i want my bro back. it's my fault the doll was destroyed. i should have trusted him.." Stretch looked down regretfully. ("IT'S OK BROTHER! I'M SURE BLUEBERRY WOULD FORGIVE YOU!") "IT-S O-OK B-ROT-HER! I-M SUR-E BLU-EBER-RY WO-ULD FOR-GIV-E YOU!" Blueberror reassured, to which Stretch seemed grateful. ("is there anything left of the doll? i could repair it and have blueberry back by tonight.") "is th-ere any-thi-ng le-ft of th-e do-ll? i cou-ld re-pai-r it an-d ha-ve b-lue-ber-ry ba-ck by to-nig-ht." Dream rubbed the back of his skull. "there's... nothing left." Error groaned in annoyance. ("do you have any idea how long that will take to replicate?! there is no garentee i could do it again! the first doll was a prototype!") "d-do yo-u hav-e an-y id-ea ho-w lo-ng th-at wi-ll ta-ke t-to re-pli-cate?! th-ere is n-no gar-ent-ee i cou-ld d-o it ag-ain! th-e fir-st dol-l wa-s a pro-toty-pe!" Error hissed, glitching heavily in distress. ("IF ANYONE CAN DO IT THOUGH... IT'S YOU.") "IF ANY-ONE C-AN DO I-T THO-UGH... IT-S Y-OU." Blueberror had the upmost confidence, as per usual.
3 chapters left
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