Blueberror wasn't going to let Error do it all alone. Error instructed him on how to make some of the parts. The string was extremely different to what Error typically used. A 'sealing' string that he'd 'borrowed' from a specific au which he refused to name. *cough* Yarntale *cough*. Anyways, it wasn't so much a sealing string more at it was intention string. This string was how the monsters of yarntale came into being, a human having wanted to bring diversity to their world and hand crafted every monster. Unfortunately they were poorly received and war broke out, resulting in the sewn species being sealed underground. He was using this intention string to recraft and seal Blueberror now. With those intentions being poured into the string, the moment the doll was completed to Blueberror's appearance and said Sans touched it, he would be sealed away once more into the doll until the doll was destroyed again. ("remember to pour sealing intentions into what your sewning.") "r-eme-mber t-o pou-r se-ali-ng inte-enti-ons in-to w-hat you-r se-wn-ing." Error reminded Blueberror who nodded. "I A-AM!" He replied with a smile. ("I WANNA BE BLUEBERRY AGAIN!") "I-I WA-NN-A BE BLU-EBE-RRY AG-AI-N!" Error smiled and patted his head. ("i want you to be blueberry too.") "i-i wa-nt yo-u t-o b-be b-lu-ebe-rr-y t-oo."
Dream and Stretch watched on, uncertain at first, but the two were actually very close. Error making small gestures to comfort Blueberror and Blueberror making small gestures back so the original glitch wouldn't crash. They found it oddly endearing... even though Error was the enemy..? Dream didn't know anymore. Error was a lot different then he was used to. The glitch ways seemed insane and bad in every way, goading Ink into battle and killing without mercy, but now he wasn't threatening at all. He seemed rather nervous and jittery actually. He didn't seem eager for a fight nor did he actually want to hurt anyone. It was confusing to Dream. Stretch didn't know Error that well, he only knew he was one of the 'bad guys'. He destroyed aus from what he heard and yet there hadn't been a single threat from the glitch. After Blueberror's encouraging words, they'd went straight to work using some weird iridescent string to put the doll together.
It had a body now, black with magenta and blue arms and legs. "it's almost done?" Stretch asked hopefully. Error tutted, wagging a finger at him. ("you can't rush this, it has to be the exact likeness to him, clothes and all.") "y-ou ca-n-t ru-sh thi-s, it h-as t-to be t-the exa-ct like-ness t-to h-him, clo-thes an-d al-l." Blueberror pointed at its head. ("I STILL NEED A FACE.") "I ST-ILL N-EE-D A FA-CE." Dream looked at Blueberror, than at the faceless doll, than at Error. "stars, eyes, and all?" Error nodded. ("stars, eyes, and all.") "s-tar-s, ey-es, an-d a-ll." They looked back at Blueberror. "that's a lot of little pieces, are you sure you can do it?" Stretch asked. Error scoffed, but Blueberror spoke first. ("OF COURSE HE CAN! HE DID IT BEFORE!") "O-OF COU-RSE HE C-AN! H-E DI-D IT BE-FOR-E!" They looked at one another as Error pressed a quick kiss to Blueberror's cheek, making the smaller glitch blush. ("i will have it done by tomorrow afternoon.") "i-i wi-ll ha-ve it do-ne b-y tom-or-row aft-ern-oon." Error decided to say, focusing on cutting out said smaller pieces while Blueberror started on his clothes.
2 chapters left
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