It was a rarity these days for Carrot to leave Blue alone for long. He didn't want Blue disappearing again and frankly whenever Blue WAS alone, he was always acting weird when Carrot came back. Carrot believed that it had something to do with the Error doll. Was it some sort of weird mind control thingy or did it have a tracker in it? He didn't know, but he couldn't get near it to find out. Blue was VERY defensive about the doll. He had gotten ahold of it once. It was on the table behind Blue while he was washing the dishes and Carrot came in to see the doll unattended. He shuffled in and picked up the creepy toy, examining it closer. If he hadn't known any better, he would have thought it looked like Blue but Error-like. But he did not. Still, he didn't like the thing and was tempted to turn on the burner and 'accidentally' destroy it. "PAPY, CAN YOU PUT THAT DOWN? I DON'T WANT IT BREAKING ON ACCIDENT OR SOMETHING.." Carrot grinned at Blue casually and put it down. "sure thing, bud." It was almost as if Blue had read his thoughts.
("HE WAS GOING TO BREAK THE SEAL.") "H-HE WA-S G-OING T-O BRE-AK TH-THE SE-AL." Blue had went up to his room for the night. "I KNOW... LUCKILY YOU WARNED ME BEFORE THAT COULD HAPPEN, BLUEBERROR. THANK YOU." Blue smiled thankfully at the doll, ever unmoving. ("OF COURSE! ERROR GAVE YOU THIS SECOND CHANCE! NOT MANY GET THAT..") "O-OF COU-RSE! ER-RO-R GA-VE Y-OU THI-S SEC-OND CHA-NCE! N-NOT MAN-NY GE-ET TH-A-AT..." Blue had to agree. "SPEAKING OF ERROR, I WONDER IF HE'S COMING OVER TONIGHT?" A light blush dusted his and the doll's cheeks. ("I HOPE SO! HE NEEDS TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TODAY.") "I H-HO-O-OPE SO! HE N-EE-DS TO KN-OW WH-AT H-APPE-NED TO-D-AY." Blue nodded, looking into his lap. "TRUE.." The doll, despite being unable to move, seemed to panic. ("AH! DON'T BE SAD! MAYBE YOU CAN SCORE SOME BEDTIME KISSES TOO!") "A-H! DON-T BE SA-AD! MAY-BE Y-O-U CA-N SC-ORE S-SOME BED-TIME KI-SS-ES TO-O!" Blue blushed yet again. "YOU THINK..? BUT WHAT ABOUT HIS PHOBIA?"
("doesn't hurt to ask what?") "doesn-t hu-rt to a-ask wh-at?"
Blue jumped and turned to the sound of Error's voice. The glitched glanced between him and the doll. ("talking to blueberror?") "ta-lk-ing t-o blue-berr-or?" Blue nodded. "MY BROTHER TRIED TO DESTROY HIM TODAY... HE WARNED ME BEFORE ANYTHING BAD COULD HAPPEN THOUGH. I FIGURED HE WOULDN'T REACT WELL TO BLUEBERROR, BUT I DIDN'T THINK ABOUT THEM TRYING TO GET RID OF HIM.." Error frowned. ("you know what happens if they destroy it, right?") "yo-u kn-ow wha-t ha-pp-ens if t-hey des-troy it, r-right?" Error asked. Blue once again looked down, nodding. Error sighed, and lifted Blue's chin with his pointer and thumb. ("don't worry about it. that won't happen... and if it did... at least you'd have eternity with me~") "d-on-t wo-rr-y abou-t it. th-at w-on-t hap-pen... and i-f it di-id... at lea-st you-d ha-ve eter-nity wi-th me~" Blue blushed times ten as Error brushed his teeth against Blue's in a whisper of a kiss. He could hear Blueberror cheering Error on. ("good night, my sweet blueberry..") "g-oo-d ni-ght, my sw-ee-t bl-ue-be-rry.." Error purred into his mates 'ear' as he stayed with him until he fell asleep. ("take good care of him, blueberror.") "t-ake g-ood c-are of hi-m, blue-berr-or." Error told the doll, even though only Blue could hear it respond.
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