Tears and More Tears
So i know i said this book was on Hiatus but I am feeling a little depressed lately so I decided that I should write. I don't feel that great but I should be fine after exams are up. ALSO Voltron season 8 has killed me...there is just a hole in my heart now because of it lol this book should still be around but Voltron has said it's final swan dance. TT_TT I hope this ends up good it was made from my depression also it is all of them BTW~ Yoru
This Oneshot may cause triggers please do not read if you suffer from certain things... I can relate
1st POV
As of late I have been seeing less and less of everyone in Voltron. we have been away from earth for a year now. You could say I am just homesick but lately I feel like I am becoming forgotten and irrelevant. I go to My beloved friends but they seem to notice me not. It is like I do not exist whatsoever. Please someone save me from this. I trudge myself off to bed and smile sadly as i pass by Keith. The boy I room next to. I sat in my dark room contemplating if i will ever be seen, if I will ever be loved, and if I will ever have happiness. Because as of now it hurts so much.
3rd POV
Y/n had been out of it lately according to the others. They had been staying away from everyone lately. They all thought that they just needed space. So everyone left them alone. That so called morning in space had Y/n just as dejected as any other. Shiro had enough of not seeing them. Out of worry he went to check on them. He knocked on the door and waited for it to open. the door opened and out came a disheveled Y/n all tired and groggy looking. Shiro looked into their eyes and his eyes widened. It looked like they had been crying..for a while now. He grabbed their hand and pulled them to the lounge area where everyone else was. he sat them down next to Keith. Keith looked at them for a second them noticed little dots on their arm. His eyes widened. he grabbed their arm. To which Y/n tried to pull their arm away from him. Keith had a strong grip and pulled up the sleeve they had on. Keith felt tears well up in his eyes. why didn't you say anything. he said angrily. There on Y/n's arm were needle marks. "Lance go check their room for any drugs." Keith said harshly. Lance nodded and ran off to Y/n's room. He came back a few minutes layer holding a box not a small one a big one about the size a large sheet cake. In that box contained hundreds of doses of some drug. "Pidge you think you can scan this to find out it's contents Shiro said sadly." Pidge nodded and took the box. Keith pulled Y/n into a hug and buried his face into her neck. "Why didn't you tell anyone about this." Lance joined into the hug and so did Shiro and Hunk. "You gotta tell us shit like this." Lance said dejectedly. You nodded and smiled sadly. Though they noticed you it still hurt like hell whenever you saw them. For some reason every time you saw them you wanted let your tears fall. You wanted to break down and tell them everything but there was something holding you back from doing so. It was the stress of everyone in the air, the fact that they left you lonely and unhappy. Pidge found out the drug you were shooting into yourself but that didn't stop your depressive ways from continuing. In fact it made it worse. Instead of needles you went to knives and swords. you sliced your arms up so bad that many times you ended up in the healing pod but still the scars remained. You realized that why this was happening was because you felt you were good enough anymore, felt as if everything you did was worthless and pointless. It hurt so much as well. Eventually everyone in the castle couldn't take it anymore. It was first Lance. He came to your room and handed you a card with a single word on it. "Trying." It read in his nice handwriting. you looked on the back and it read go towards the place that we first met to the place that brought us together. Lance smiled kissed you and left. you stood there shocked and thought. You nodded and headed off towards the foyer of the castle. There you saw Hunk with another card that read "Your". there was another note on the back. Hunk smiled and hugged you kissed your head then went on his way. The note said go to the place I make the most things go towards the place that makes us win. You were reminded of the many times Pidge would stay up in her hangar making things. You went to the Green lion's hangar and saw Pidge there holding a another card. It read "Best". She came up to you and hugged you tightly. You smiled at her and watched as she left. go to the place where I stay the most, You went towards the training room but no one was there so you went towards the main deck. Shiro was there and was holding a card as well. IT read the word "and". Shiro came closer kissed your cheek then left. you flipped the card over and it read go to the place where we hang out the most and talk. you went towards the lounge and felt a hand grab you into their strong grip. It was Keith. He gave you a card as well and turned you around and kissed your neck. he smiled at you and left as well. his card read "Failing." You felt your cheeks blush after all these skinship feels you cried. you flipped it over to see another source for direction. go toward the place where we once were frozen in time. you went to the Healing pod room and saw Allura there with a card as well. she had a sad smile on her face and handed you the card. It read "Is". you looked at Allura who just engulfed you in a hug. She left you alone soon after to read the directions on the back. Go towards the place where you spent the most time for we will be there by your side. You went towards your room to see Coran who had a card as well. It read "Okay" . Coran hugged you and smiled. He went on his way and looked back at you sadly. You flipped the card over and pulled the rest of the cards out of your pocket. Now put together all the cards you got in order of meeting when your done come find us we will be reading. You began putting each card in order of who you met first. The words spelled out a sentence of great meaning to you at least. "Trying Your Best and Failing Is Okay." You began feeling your tears come to you face and begin rolling down your face. more and more kept coming, You ran out of your room and towards the library. Sure enough everyone was there reading. When you came in you felt 7 pairs of arms begin latching onto you." Y/n we love you so much please tell us when you are hurting because we will always be here" Keith said. You felt your eyes well up again and begin pouring out tons of water. You spoke softly. "It hurts so much...I wanted to prove that I could be apart of the team but as i kept trying the more it felt like i was being pushed away so i tried to leave not only this world but this group of people. Iy felt like everything i did was not enough and would never be enough. It hurt so badly i wanted to end it all." You said dropping to the floor in tears. you were soon picked up by hunk who had you on his back. he took you to the kitchen and everyone followed. "He took out a sweet and smiled eat this and remember no matter how far apart we seem your tears and more tears will never stop us from loving you." everyone then hugged you tightly.
***************************************************************************************Well i hoped you guys liked that even though this book should be on Hiatus. I am sorry if it doesn't make sense i've been in a whack mood. forgive me. well until next time guys ~Yoru
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