Chapter ten
~a/n uh I don't know the trick to get rid of the voice in my head or my anxiety to stop telling me I'm useless and unloved so I'm just going to skip that part but all you need to know is that Lotor thought Keith the trick... I wish Lotor could teach me the trick.~
"It worked" Keith gasped and smiled. Lotor broke the cage Keith was in with his bare hands. He looked at Lotor astonished. How did he...
"Keep practising that everyday and I promise you you'll practically never feel nervous again." Lotor stared at Keith and Keith looked away.
"Why do you look away every time I look at you?" Lotor asked. He looked genuinely concerned and Keith wasn't sure what to say.
"I don't really like eye contact" said Keith, keeping his head lowered. Lotor lifted up Keith's chin between his index finger and thumb and smiled reassuringly.
"Your anxiety decreased your confidence levels as well I presume" Lotor questioned. He was right then again Keith never really had much confidence in himself, he always put on
a show but deep down he knew that he was worthless.
"Undress" Lotor ordered. Keith stared at him wide eyed. Lotor raised an eyebrow.
"Undress yourself or else I'll do it for you" Keith gulped and took off his jacket, then his shirt, shoes and so on until he was completely naked.
"Hands by your sides" Keith put his hands by his sides. Lotor got up and walked around him staring at every birthmark, crevice and inch ;)( Mia
I'm sorry I had to make that joke)
"Your exquisite. Keith I have met many men and women and none of them have the same body as you. Everyone
is different and perfect in their own way. Everyone is beautiful but even then it's not what's on the outside that counts right? As I said I know everything about you Keith and on the inside your damaged, broken to pieces but we can mend you and make you more beautiful then ever and then you will truly be beautiful. Some people may have the best of bodies but they may be incredibly vain. Keith I see a goodness in your heart that you're to afraid to let out, that you're too afraid to get broken but let me tell you once you share that goodness, everyone will think your beautiful. Now let out that goodness and you will learn confidence. If you break I'll help you fix it." Keith was frozen in place. What do you say to all of that. Lotor basically just called him beautiful. Keith blushed and started putting back on his clothes. He probably turned into a tomato.
"Now come, Keith we have a lot of work to do" Keith walked with Lotor into a different room with a huge map and chairs.
" This is where I last saw Zarkon" Lotor pointed at the Clare in.... Ireland?
"We're in Ireland?" Asked Keith.
"Yes. Currently we're in county Laois. Have you been here before?"
"Yeah my dad used to bring me. His great grandfather was Irish and he lived the culture and the landscapes. I still remember climbing one of the mountains in the Burren."
"An bhfuil tú ag caint gaeilge?" Asked Lotor in Irish.
"Tá agus bhí mé ag caint francais freisin"
"Tá an gaeilge an-mhaith"
"Thanks" Lotor smiled and started thinking of a plan he wrote with a pencil on a piece of paper and
Started underlining important details. He looked beautiful when he was focused... well he looked beautiful anyways but still.
"Like the view?" Keith immediately blushed and turned away. Lotor chuckled and continued writing. He had a plan.
~a/n translation
"Do you speak Irish?"
"I do and I speak french as well"
"Your irish is very good"
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