Chapter seven
"Lance, you're going to have to get up eventually" Shiro stated. He felt horrible, but Lance couldn't stay on the ground forever.
Lance didn't reply, instead he chose to continue crying. This was breaking Shiro's heart. He couldn't handle seeing Lance cry. When Lance cried his lip quivered and he always let out a heart wrenching sob that tore everyone around him to pieces.
Shiro knelt down beside Lance and rubbed his back. There was however, another reason as to why Shiro was upset. Of course the fact that Keith was dead didn't really help but Shiro had feelings for Lance and seeing him like this..... he just wanted him to be happy.
"It'll be ok. You're going to be ok. Everything's going to be ok. I promise you."
"No it isn't, he's dead. Shiro you don't understand." Lance mumbled, wiping his eyes before crying some more.
"Try me. He was my friend too."
"Shiro I loved Keith. More then friends. I really truly loved him but I was too stupid to say anything. I was scared he'd reject me and then I wouldn't even be able to talk to him. When I'm around girls I'm super smooth but Keith. He's the only one who actually makes me happy, makes me feel warm and loved, makes me feel like... myself. I don't have to worry about being a certain type of person around him. Keith was the only one who made my life worth living. Now that he's gone I'm not sure I want to go on anymore."
Shiro didn't know what to say. I mean what could you say. The man who you loved, loved somebody else. All he could do was be there for him.
"Lance I know how you're feeling trust me. Something similar to that happened to me a long time ago and I haven't felt the same since. Is there anything I can do?"
"No I just... I want to cry."
"Okay. Lance you know you can talk to me right? If you ever need anything."
"Yeah I know"
"I'm only a call away." Shiro got up but stopped before heading out the door.
I probably shouldn't leave him alone.
"Hey Lance?"
" Do you want to... I don't know watch a movie?"
"Ok" Lance said, but his head was still in his hands and he showed no signs of moving.
" You know you have to actually see the movie if you want to watch it right?
"Hmmmm" Shiro sighed and sat down beside Lance. He didn't know what to do . He was upset too. He felt like Keith going missing was his fault but he wasn't sure why.
"Maybe he's not dead" Shiro stated, suddenly. He might just be missing or injured. He did jump out of a plane but maybe just maybe, he was only injured.
"Shiro he jumped out of a plane. There is no way he could have survived that. God... it's all my fault " Shiro felt a pang in his chest when Lance said those words. His voice broke and Shiro just wanted him to be happy again.
"Lance it's not yo-"
"Yes it is. I'm the one who made him kill himself. I put him in a situation where he felt uncomfortable, really uncomfortable and I knew he was uncomfortable but I didn't do anything. I saw him run to the bathroom but I chose to stay and not go after him. Shiro it's my fault he's dead and there's nothing I can do to bring him back. I'll never be able to live knowing that he's dead and it's all my fault."
Shiro didn't know what to say. Yes it wasn't right what Lance had done but how was he supposed to know Keith felt uncomfortable in that situation. When Lance saw Keith running to the bathroom, Shiro remembered that Hunk had called Lance back so he couldn't have gone anyways.
"It's not you-"
"Don't you dare say that. I know it's my fault no matter what you say. I could have gone after him but I didn't. I could have stopped pushing him but I didn't. All those days in the garrison when I saw him by himself. I could have talked to him. He was alone Shiro. Once you left he didn't speak at all. Everyone would shove him around or just ignore him altogether. Imagine living like that, with nobody to talk to. That's why he left y'know. We pushed him over the edge. We didn't even try talk to him. He probably heard us talking about him behind his back but... we didn't stop. I was the only one who tried to talk to him but he shunned me saying that I could talk to him when I became stronger. That's why we're always fighting. I wanted to be stronger. However... we did talk once. Properly. I told him things I hadn't told anyone else and he did the same. I really... I really felt a connection but now... it's gone "Tears rolled down Lance's cheek as he remembered everything that had happened. Neither of them would admit it but they were close. Shiro had a sudden urge to hug Lance and tell him that "it's not your fault" and "it's going to be ok". Before Shiro could act on that urge Lance piped up.
"Shiro could you please leave me for a bit. I want to be alone. I swear I won't do anything".
Shiro reluctantly got up and walked out murmuring a good bye.
"Is he ok" asked Allura when Shiro was outside the room "
"...I'll keep an eye on him"
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