Chapter four
~ a/n okay so I've decided that all alteans will be able to shapeshift which is kinda staying true to the cartoon... kind of I mean they can change a bit but in this story they'll be able to change completely anyways I don't want to ruin anything so my other note will be at the end of the chapter.~
Keith looked around. They were at an airport. Somehow Allura managed to get her own private jet. She's a princess on earth too it seems.
Keith hopped on the plane and grabbed the seat at the very back of the plane. He liked it there because he felt uncomfortable in the front seats. He felt like everyone was watching him. Keith sat down and immediately took out his knife and held it. The fact that he got this knife from his father made him feel safe not to mention it would be pretty easy to kill someone with it so that would also make him feel safe.
Keith watched as Lance got on. Lance sat in the very front and Keith immediately knew why. The hot flight attendant. There was two of them in fact so Lance must have been in his element.
Keith frowned he had always liked Lance but he never realised exactly how much he liked Lance.
" this isn't normal" muttered Keith under his own breath.
" Hey! Keith, my paladude come here" yelled Lance. Keith internally groaned. Lance was going to make him try to flirt with one of the women.
Keith reluctantly got up from his seat and walked over towards Lance.
"- and I said you'll never get away from me and guess what..." the two women were staring in awe at Lances story.
" they didn't" the two women screamed. Lance smiled at them and turned to Keith then back to the two women.
"This is my buddy, Keith. He's a bit shy but I can assure you he's worth it, I can only imagine what he's like in bed."
Keith froze... did Lance actually just say that? That can't be right. He obviously heard wrong.
" and he trains everyday day ladies so he's pretty fit, what do you say? Obviously I'm a lot better but he's not to shabby."
The woman on the right bit her lip and smiled at Keith. She walked over and whispered something in his ear. Keith's eyes widened and he turned completely red. She started trying to drag him away but Keith wouldn't budge... at all... he was literally frozen.
"Excuse me ladies, do you have a moment i'd like to talk to Keith " the women nodded and walked away.
"Dude what is wrong with you, they were all over you, why won't you move?" Asked Lance all at once.
Hunk heard all this commotion and looked over at Lance and Keith.
" oh no" said Hunk.
Keith was still frozen. He was shocked. Did Lance think about him that way? That couldn't be right. Lance loved women too much and Lance was... well Lance. Lance was perfect everyone loved him, everyone got on with him and Keith was... Keith. He was a loner, he could barely remember what it was like to feel loved and on top of that ... he had horrible hair.
Even if Lance was bi, Keith would still have no chances with him. Lance was way out of his league besides who would love Keith.
Keith walked away in the middleof Lances questions. He ran to the bathroom.
" Hey Keith! Where are you going?"
Lance was confused. Keith seemed off. What was wrong with him? He was himself a few minutes ago.
" Lance I need to talk to you" Hunk took Lance to the side.
" Keith's been going through some things and well... they're very private and ... he's going to have to tell you himself but can you do me one favour?Please don't force Keith to go out with women like that. It makes him extremely uncomfortable" Hunk didn't feel right telling Lance everything so he only told him part of the truth. Keith would have to come out eventually. What Keith didn't know was that Lance felt the exact same but Lance was better at hiding it. Hunk kind of wanted to tell Lance so that his ship would sail but he thought he'd let things naturally take its course.
Keith sat down on the toilet and cried. He couldn't remember the last time he broke down like this. He hated crying in public, now as soon as he would go out of the bathroom, everyone would know he had been crying which coincidentally made him cry more.
Keith tried to stop himself from crying. He even put a wet cloth underneath his eye to get rid of the redness and puffiness but the tears just kept coming. Keith had just given up when he heard a knock on the door.
" just a minute " Keith did everything in his power to stop his voice from breaking. Luckily it worked and he actually sounded normal.
"Please it's an emergency" yelled the person outside of the door.
It was... Lance. Keith hesitantly opened the door and averted his face so that Lance wouldn't see him. He tried to rush past but Lance grabbed him and pushed him back into the bathroom.
"We need to talk... Keith I .., I love you... more than a friend..." Lance gulped waiting for Keith's reply.
" What... you... you love me?"
" yes... please tell me you love me back. I really don't want to be friend zoned god knows it's happened enough." Keith smiled and practically jumped on top of Lance.
" I love you so much" cried Keith. He was so happy. That was the first time anyone had said they loved him. Lance smiled and kissed Keith.
Keith was internally dying. This was his first kiss and it was with Lance. That was a dream come true. Keith kissed back or at least tried.
Lance put his hands through Keith's hair and pulled gently while simultaneously biting Keith's lip.
Keith moaned and Lance smiled into the kiss.
" hey buddy you in there?" Keith stopped... his heart rate sped up. Why was Lances voice coming from outside the bathroom?
" what a shame I was quite enjoying that" said the man who was currently holding Keith.
" I suppose you want to know who I really am." The Lance before Keith changed dramatically. His skin turned purple, his hair grew longer and turned white it was... Lotor? Keith panicked but before he could do anything Lotor gad already knocked him out.
" out the window we go" said Lotor while unlocking the door. He jumped out before Lance could see them leave.
~a/n half alteans also have the ability to shapeshift :) anyways Lotor's other power is .... strength.
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