(Young) Sendak
When the bottle stopped, it was pointing to Sendak. You couldn't believe your luck; you got your crush on your first spin. You saw Blaytz whisper something to Sendak, something that made him flustered.
"Come on, Y/n." Sendak said as you both stood up, walking over to the closet.
"Have fun!" Blaytz called out, winking at Sendak.
You didn't know what was going on between the two of them, but you didn't think about it too much. Sendak let you walk into the closet before following you, closing the door behind him. As soon as he closed the door, Shiro set the timer for seven minutes. The closet didn't have a light, but a little light creeped into the small room from under the door.
"Sooo." You said awkwardly, too nervous to say anything else.
Sendak rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, unsure of what to say. He really liked you, but he also respected you. You wished that you could think of something to say, but your mind was completely blank.
"I don't know how much time we have in here, but there's something that I need to tell you. I love you, Y/n; a lot. I would like to court you, but only if you want me to." Sendak said with emotion, finding your hands with his and holding them.
"You- you do?" You asked in shock, your heart beating faster.
"Yes, I do." Sendak said in an assuring tone.
"Yes! I would love that!" You said happily, hugging him.
Sendak's heart lept with joy; you said yes, he was going to get to court you. He leaned down enough so that he could nuzzle you, the little bit of light helping him see. You were thankful that it was dark enough so that he wouldn't be able to see your blush. Unfortunately, before you could kiss him, you heard the timer ring seconds before the door opened.
"Times up, lovebirds~." Ezor said, smirking when she saw Sendak nuzzling you.
Both you and Sendak blushed heavily while Ezor skipped back to where everyone was sitting. Sendak held one of your hands with one of his, leading you back to the group. As you both sat next to each, Ezor spun the bottle next. You were so happy that Sendak was officially courting you.
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