The game begins
You pushed your coffee table out of the way and put an empty soda bottle in the center of your living room floor as you got things ready. It was game night and you had invited a few friends over to your place, including your crush. Everyone agreed that seven minutes in heaven would be the game to be played, so you had to get everything ready since everyone was coming to your house/apartment. You ran to your front door when you heard a knock/the doorbell ring, opening it and seeing all six of your friends.
"Come in, it's great to see you all!" You said happily, inviting them all in.
"It's great to see you too, Y/n." Matt said as he walked in, everyone else following as they stepped inside.
You waited for everyone to come inside before closing your front door. They all took their shoes off before following you to your living room. You had a few snacks and drinks set out, as well as your kitchen timer.
"Remind me of the goal of this game?" Sendak asked as everyone sat in a circle in the middle of your living room.
"Okay, so when someone spins the bottle and the bottle lands on another person they have to go in the closet." Matt explained, causing Shiro to facepalm.
"Well, what happens when the two people are in the closet?" Lotor asked Matt with curiosity.
"You know, the usual talking or making out." Matt replied, wiggling his eyebrows.
"Ooo, sounds fun!" Ezor said with excitement, ready to get the game started.
"Who should go first?" Blaytz asked, wondering who would get the first spin.
"Well, Y/n was kind enough to invite us into her home, so she should go first." Shiro announced, smiling at you.
"I agree." Sven added, smiling kindly at you.
You blushed lightly as you reached for the bottle, giving it a good spin. As the bottle spun you felt a rush of nervousness and anticipation wash over you. After a few moments the bottle slowed to a stop. When the bottle stopped, it was pointing to……..
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